The Grand Tableau; go on, sock it to me


jump in with both feet is the only real way i find, read all the methods and experiment, keep what sticks and let other things go! Then practice and journal and see what makes sense, and then one day you will wake up and realise your reading it without trying...

Enjoy the GT!

Also you can do it on something you know the answer to, so perhaps do it on the last year or month, so you know what happened and you see how it manifests in your GT


its really amazing watching so many new members on board...we are increasing in number yaayyy

Not to mention there are also some old ducks coming back to roost. :D


LOL - thanks Mona! :D

Making a slow comeback... three children puts time management in a new perspective for me! ;)


LOL - thanks Mona! :D

Making a slow comeback... three children puts time management in a new perspective for me! ;)

he cant stay away from all