The reading Event


Essentially, I believe that most people will only relate to and utilise that which has personal meaning.... metaphorically speaking, their personal map. Yet.... our personal maps are so very similar. For each and everyone of us they show the known territory, the paths well-travelled, the peripherally penetrated areas, the no-go zones.

The ancients knew this far better than us. Their stories, tales and myths so graphically delineated these areas, illuminating the safe paths and dangerous shadows. I could wax lyrical about such wisdom... about stories as medicine.... and how modern thinking has caused it to become obscured and skewed, but I won’t because we here are on the same wavelength.

What these wise ancients did not do was to offer advice..... how they would have chuckled and scoffed at our modern obsession with quick fixes and easy answers! The ancients understood - in the deepest, most essential sense - the concept of solve et coagula.... long before the culture that evolved the language of the term.

And this is why the notion of tarot reading as an advice-giving session is an anathema to me.

And it is also why, in the event of the sittee being silent, I would honour their decision and maintain the silence. In the event of the sittee erecting a barrier, I would be content to know that the tarot images will have penetrated.... maybe not as far as the sittee’s conscious awareness..... maybe the sittee will have to travel other roads before returning to this deep place. It is not my role to hurry that process.


I’m most grateful to everyone for pursuing these issues... and my apologies for the delay in replying.

I’ve long been puzzled why there has been so little discussion here about the actual reading process and Event. And - as some are aware - I’ve long been troubled by the issue of the reader’s role and responsibility.

Of course these are extremely threatening issues.

We will happily discuss tarot theory... many will willingly post the results of readings... but few seem willing to broach the intensely personal process of how we read in a face to face scenario. Asked why we read, the majority speak in personal terms.... some effusive and vague... some guarded... most stressing altruistic motives.

This reticence means we are not only denying ourselves the opportunity of learning from each other, we may also be short-changing the sittee. In extreme circumstances, some readers may unwittingly be causing possible harm - as Umbrae so graphically illustrated.

In acknowledgement of this reticence my original post was made in the form of a personal statement.... and in so doing exposed my reading style, process and beliefs to scrutiny.

I challenge others to do the same.


oooh! Aoife throws down the gauntlet! (I'll pick it up after I've read for people in person for thirty years...)

So more, you want more about predictiveness?

As I said, I think you will find it difficult to avoid making predictions. This is because anything you isolate as a condition, or a problem, or an issue, or a conflict, for today, is only such an issue/problem/conflict etc., inasmuchas it has consequences for tomorrow...and is a result of the past.

For example. Lets say I pull for you the Two of swords. Over discussion, this card becomes a clear statement to both of us, that you have your shoe-laces untied. That is not a prediction, that is only a statement of your present, lamentable condition of having untied shoe-laces.

However, irrepressibly latent within this lamentable condition, is a shared, even if unspoken, future vision of you tripping, and falling on the sidewalk... (and the vision of you falling over your groceries, means I will see you spilling your milk, the spillt milk of course, predicts cats, cats predict dogs, dogs predict dog fights, dog fights predict irate owners... irate owners predict charming hubby to the rescue, who will tie your shoes.)

(And how did you come to this lamentable state? Not tying your shoe-laces? You have been distracted... you haven't slept, or... your back hurts and you can't reach your shoe laces. ?)

What you see in any moment of time, is of course, a snap shot of a life in motion.

As I am fond of saying... only the past and the future exist. When you trail your hand through the water in a moving boat, you beome aware that everything behind your hand is past, and everything in front is future. But where is the present? Since your hand is constantly moving -- the present is... nowhere.... There has never been a still moment to consist of the "present" - by the time you finish saying "pre-" and have moved on to "-sent" -- that first syllable is already past...


So many directions to go with this discussion, Aoife.

There are certainly many reasons for a person to seek out a Tarot reading.

Certainly there are those who have said..."I always thought it would be fun to see what it's like."

Some tell me they are afraid of what they might hear.

Some clearly are looking for some guidance either, in general, or about a particular issue in their lives, or about their life in general and where they are going with it.

Many think it is about predictions and divination and, in fact, expect that.

When I mention that I read (especially to people I have know through my professional a speech/language pathologist)they think I'm into some kind of witchcraft and are stunned that I take the Tarot seriously.

Not much surprises me about attitudes and beliefs people hold so what people expect from a Tarot reading are as diverse.

Let me use an analogy. In my profession during the last 30 years, I have had to counsel many people regarding disabilities they have or that family members have. Some of these disabilities have existed since birth. Some are due to sudden trauma...a brain injury, a stroke. Anything that affects cognition, speech and/or language.

When I first started out in the 70's and prepared for sessions with families or clients, I often tried to rehearse what I wanted to get across. Well, that was my youth and inexperience that prompted "preparation" that most often went out the window with the script.

I had excellent training, so I learned as time went on to trust that I know what I need to know and that the process, the event would shape the outcome.

So, I have families that are in complete denial about the disability of a loved one....some are great "experts" who have researched the problem in depth and are really coming to me to tell me about how to deal with the disability of their child....

Some "yes" me to death and then just ignore everything we discussed.

Some never show for meetings.

Some argue with me about every topic that comes up and give me a lot of "yes, buts..."

I could go on...the list is long.

However, in many cases, my best work has happened when there is someone who comes to me for therapy or a family who comes regulary for counseling to understand the problem. They are obviously committed to

the process

the event.

Some, I know, are angry that I am the first one to tell them that their child has....

whatever the disability is...

and refuse to accept any kind of guidance that comes from professional experience...

That's ok. I nurture them, also. They need time to assimilate the "largness" of what they are dealing with...

But over time, they begin to see, to understand, to act and eventually to accept what can be done within realistic boundaries.

I have 30 years of stories and 30 years of experiences with families and children and during that time, there have been so many relationships I have had that have been
"successful" whether it began to happen immeditately or whether it took weeks, months and, in some cases, years, to achieve the growth and understanding that was possible.

So...with this huge preamble, Aoife,

I say...


It is about my clients. It is about what they want and what they need....both.... and sometimes I help them to sort that out, too.

It isn't about me or about how much knowledge I have about Asperger, or Down Syndrome, or Alzheimer's or stroke or stuttering, or language/learning disabilities or articulation disorders...although they do want someone who has the medical background, experience and certification.

At the end of the day, it begins with how well I have listened, how well I have understood where they are coming from, and, then,

How I can help them get where they want to go...or how I can help them understand that what they want may not be entirely realistic...

It's about finding ways together to answer the questions during the event at hand...

a first meeting with a parent

a first reading with a Tarot client.

The event shapes itself as we go along

I am never quite sure what will happen.

I can't know beforehand, nor do I want to know. I trust in myself. I trust that they genuinely want to help or understand or learn. Even if I find out differently as we go along...

But I don't know that until we


So..that is why I said, I operate much like you do...

When I read, it is not about is about the Querent, what they already know, what they wish to learn, what they are capable of learning.

My role to find a way




And trust that I have it within me to find what will best suit what the Querent needs and expects.

And yes, the best kind of result is when the Querent ( or my clients and families) leave feeling that they really do understand much already and that there are ways that they can act to bring about some of what will fulfill their hopes and expectations.

For some, they leave with a few "actions" or "awarenesses" that they will accomplish.

I love it when a sitter leaves and they have given me some immediate feedback to the effect that ...

"I knew that all along...I feel good about what I am doing."

That old story about the person walking along the beach, where hundreds of starfish have been land-bound and are dying. The figure is picking up one at a time and throwing them back into the water. As s(he) does, another person comes along and asks:

"Why are you bothering? Look how many there are. It doesn't matter. You can't save them all."

And the person answers as s(he) throws another into the water:

"It matters to this one."

So I don't know where the event will take us, but, I, too agree, it is about the querent. It is about the querent's gaining

Reinforcement for what they already know or are doing.

Another way of looking at an issue

Some knowledge about themselves that has been hovering below the radar and, finally, they are ready to examine their actions, ideas, or beliefs and act to change what will help them grow.

So...out come the decks...the pad of paper...

We shuffle, we talk, I listen, we discuss and

I never know where we will go until we are there.

If I'm going to read, I need to just do the best that I can
and know that the goodness and hope in each of us will reflect and grow.



Well Terri, that was epic and classic. Thank you.

What occurs to me is that there is a responsibility on the part of the sitter as well as the reader.

Tarot is entertaining. And some readers are entertaining.
Tarot is serious business. And some readers take their business seriously.

If the sitter just sits, well, they get what they get.
Eyes alight and a bit anxious some sitters are so adorable. I want to reach over and hug them and squeeze them and make a little pet of them.

Other sitters are like Sunday morning sufferers waiting for the Devil to find them and cart them off to Purgatory or some other godforsaken place I have yet to understand.

For me, after having been reading "professionally for less than a year now! I'm seeing Tarot in a whole new way. The "books" don't appeal to me like they did before. I am interested in something far more important than what the published readers think cards mean. I want to know what the person who is so nervously waiting for me to say wants to hear.

Now understand, I'm not saying that I would say what they want to hear, it just diffuses the fear in them and allows me to really reach them.

The best readings I do are the ones where later I'm sitting there after they leave thinking "now where in the hell did that come from".

I've heard some readers talk about makin' 'em cry.
I ashamedly admit I've cried while reading for strangers. Now the reader is not supposed to cry. I'm a "professional" now. No Crying!!! Just sometimes I turn over the cards and while we are talking, well, grief is grief, mine or theirs, and I bring out the tissues, now more for me than for them. ;)

I get nervous beforea reading. Like a case of the jitters. And then the cards are in my hands and I'm shuffling and talking and suddenly an hour is gone and I'm looking up and we are finished.

The in between time is just so precious.

My own personal prayer is that I can continue to hold holy the truly awesome gift I've been given, which isn't about my skill as a reader, but is about the trust of strangers to tell them something that makes them understand about their own uniqueness and beauty. And the courage to say when what I'm looking at is senseless and ugly. (Happened only once so far, and I did what I thought I had to do....which was tell them to look out for the law...divine and local)


The reading process and event

I’ve long been puzzled why there has been so little discussion here about the actual reading process and Event. And - as some are aware - I’ve long been troubled by the issue of the reader’s role and responsibility.

Of course these are extremely threatening issues.

We will happily discuss tarot theory... many will willingly post the results of readings... but few seem willing to broach the intensely personal process of how we read in a face to face scenario. Asked why we read, the majority speak in personal terms.... some effusive and vague... some guarded... most stressing altruistic motives.

This reticence means we are not only denying ourselves the opportunity of learning from each other, we may also be short-changing the sittee. In extreme circumstances, some readers may unwittingly be causing possible harm - as Umbrae so graphically illustrated.

In acknowledgement of this reticence my original post was made in the form of a personal statement.... and in so doing exposed my reading style, process and beliefs to scrutiny.

I challenge others to do the same.

Greetings Aoife ~

I differ in that I think there has been considerable discussion around the process of reading. Some of this appears in different ways in different forums. Some of it has not been indexed yet. But some has.

For me, learning to read has been a process and the issues have changed over the comparatively short time I’ve been learning

I came across the Tarot one day 2½ years ago when I picked up a book which had fallen off a library shelf. I read the book on the week end and brought my first deck and book the following week. I found Aeclectic a few weeks later and was immediately attracted to reading. This are a few reasons for this. One learns to ride a bike by doing. You learn to read Tarot by doing (and other things as well). The other reason for I was drawn to reading is that I am intuitive and intensely sensitive. Unconsciously I was drawn to reading as a way of working productively with these qualities. I tell this story simply to illustrate that people are drawn to Tarot for different reasons and by way of different experiences which ususally impact on the way they read.

In the interests of brevity, where am I now with reading 2½ years down the track?

I am undertaking some personal reassessment and therefore am standing back from reading so much for others. I think the reader has an obligation to know herself first and that is why I am taking time out. Sometimes one simply needs to rest as well. I love reading and know I will return to it, possibly in real life face to face situations. I find reading quite exhilarating and uplifting but I simply know at present that I need to stand back. I also am learning the Marseille and the Ancient Egyptian in detail and these require quiet reflective work. The Marseille is a different reading experience. I think reading Tarot is a great privilege. There are obligations attached to it as well.

As you said, the reading is for the Querent and everything is based on that. I love it when there is dialogue between Reader and Querent at Aeclectic. Obviously in on-line readings, dialogue will occur differently but it is wonderful when it does. I try to know myself and my own issues and to keep them in the background. I try to attune to the Querent by reflection. Something does seem to happen in this attunement process.

I try to know my deck and my Tarot through regular study and practice and to bring this knowledge to the reading. I reflect on what I say and try to write as well and clearly as I can. I always seek and listen to feedback. I try to treat people with respect. As said earlier, online readings are different. I’ve done only a dozen face to face readings and they have been very much readings of engagement and discussion

Above all, I believe absolutely in the sacredness of the reading process. I know that others don’t, but I do. I hope to become a more developed soul so that my readings will be better and more useful to people. I think the prayer of St. Francis sums things up about the process: Let me be a channel of thy love……. Much of this, apart from the fact that I am standing aside a little at the moment I have said before in other posts, other Forums. And so have others.

Your charter is quite similar to a statement of ethics. Professional readers often have formal statements. People here, unless they are professional, probably don't. Many would have unwritten codes. Having a written statement makes things more concrete.

I'd like to make a comment on the "ego" issue which has come up a bit in this discussion. It's always a matter of judgment. Who are we to judge someone else's "ego"? Ego amongst other things includes a sense of self and the capacity to relate to reality. If someone with a healthy ego is paying attention to the Querent, it can enhance the reading. The very capacities that enhance the ego may also make the person a very good reader.

It is when a person lets values and judgment impact on the reading that we may get into trouble. There are some people whose values and judgments are clearly evident in these forums but they are excellent readers. Somehow they manage to put them aside when reading. I don't have problems with strong egos but I do have problems on occasion with values, judgments and sometimes even simple lack of good manners :).

I can't remember you commenting about these things before and it has been of great value. I regret that you don’t contribute more. I can remember some beautiful and powerful contributions from you but these stopped. There was undoubtedly good reason but you were missed.



elf said:
...Tarot is serious business. And some readers take their business seriously...For me, after having been reading "professionally for less than a year now! I'm seeing Tarot in a whole new way. The "books" don't appeal to me like they did before. I am interested in something far more important than what the published readers think cards mean. I want to know what the person who is so nervously waiting for me to say wants to hear.

Now understand, I'm not saying that I would say what they want to hear, it just diffuses the fear in them and allows me to really reach them.

The best readings I do are the ones where later I'm sitting there after they leave thinking "now where in the hell did that come from".
God you make me want to reach through the computer, grab you, hug you, and kiss you...

That's IT!!!

YOU understand the difference between reading Tarot, and the process, the event - you are qualified to answer, "Why do you read Tarot (for others)?"

YOU understand the dangers of egocentrics with a deck and a LWB, or a pseudo-intellectual approach that can be truly damaging to a sitter.

Once you 'hang it on the line', you can understand.'s an event. Nobody writes about that now do they, and publishing houses don't want to...want to see some rejection notices?


Aoife said:
My problem is that too often, the reader’s voice hinders this process.... all too often the reading is about the reader ‘s need to read and not the querent’s need to hear.

I think this is very true also. And can happen in any form of reading if the reading is more about the reader . Or the feedback the reader hopes to hear, the control the reader has the illusion they are having, or the ego enhancement this Event seems to be providing them with.

Reading can be a huge burden, and a great responsibility. In my own case, I try to remain the servant of the querent , but also of the oracle. It's my job to step aside, get out of the way for whatever comes through, and then to be responsible in its application. They aren't coming to hear me. ME is an obstacle.


Umm, thanks Umbrae.
I'm a bit overwhelmed by your praise, appreciative, but a bit overwhelmed.
I don't know what I understand, other than to say I really try to take each person on a journey with the cards.
A journey out of fear and some of their misconceptions or prejudices about what Tarot is and into the realm of their own lives and the kind of people they are and want to be.
Sometimes we each get a surprise.
Sometimes I just try to leave 'em smiling.

Checking in here on AT has grown me into a better reader. I don't know if I really know what you say I know, but I slept well after reading your post!

hugs right back at you,


Aoife said:
What these wise ancients did not do was to offer advice..... how they would have chuckled and scoffed at our modern obsession with quick fixes and easy answers! The ancients understood - in the deepest, most essential sense - the concept of solve et coagula.... long before the culture that evolved the language of the term.
Aoife said:
In acknowledgement of this reticence my original post was made in the form of a personal statement.... and in so doing exposed my reading style, process and beliefs to scrutiny.

I challenge others to do the same.

I cannot write a manifesto on reading the way you did, Aoife, I am not comfortable with that format for myself. My initial answer to your first post is the closest I can get to it. I’ll add that as I believe I have a responsibility as a reader, whatever my querent is looking for, I always try and act responsibly during a reading. By responsible, I mean truthful, non-directive and non-manipulative, but not vague or wishy-washy either. If the cards say - get off your backside and start walking, I say so.

That’s all the more important, in my view, when reading for our loved ones, friends or relatives. As I said before, during a reading, they are not our sister, our friend. They are another soul we try to reach. I might want my sister to leave her b&#/%d of a husband, but if I see in the cards that he can be of great help to her business, that she has the strength to deal with him, and there is still some love there, then that is what I must convey – however, I’ll try and do it as dialogue, as you do. Questions and answers. And a narrative that weaves its way all around the cards. At the end of the reading, I want to feel she is stronger in herself and better able to deal with some problems, because the reading has helped her sort them out.

I’m interested in what you wrote about the Ancients – re: story and advice. Like you I believe strongly in stories. They have a force of their own that reaches inside the person and will wind their way into many corners where we do not venture, as well as the open, public areas of our psyche. To the “medicine of stories” I will add the force and energy – the charge – of symbol. Its impact is very like stories, only probably more immediate. Who can see a man placed between two women, touching or being touched by both, without feeling the force of that scene?

Story and symbol touch us as no advice ever can. Advice is usually redundant, unless it is purely practical (“this is how to fill in your tax return” – now that’s the kind of advice I’m always happy to get). If someone needs advice on life issues which we all face – emotional, social - then they are not listening to their still inner voice; so all we can do, as readers, is try and help them access it by letting them feel the force of the symbol and of the story. I shall often show a card to the querent and ask them just to look at it. Some will comment, some will just let it impact them. Only they can do the real work.

tmgrl said:
Why are you bothering? Look how many there are. It doesn't matter. You can't save them all."

And the person answers as s(he) throws another into the water:

"It matters to this one."

This always is how I have approached the issue (I work in humanitarian aid). We can’t save everyone. Also, our best work is helping people to save themselves. For 5 years I visited people in prisons (political detainees, security detainees in civil wars; PoWs) who might have been tortured and who, in some countries, were always in danger of disappearing. Some had committed atrocities themselves (Rwanda). I had many one-to-one talks and every one of them was different. So despite ground rules, it was not possible, even if I had wished it, to say “this is how I’ll direct the private talk”. Because of the differences in our positions, I never ventured to offer advice. How could I presume? Listening and talking, that is what most of these detainees needed. Being spoken to as a human being in a humane fashion. Even, and especially, those who had crimes on their heads; and those who had been broken by torture.

In such a violent environment, there is a need for such things as stories. They would tell me their story. Then would ask me mine. Two people in a stinking cell, exchanging stories. It could be deep or light-hearted and generally was both. That exchange could lead them to all sorts of discoveries in themselves – and needless to say, in me. “Why did I leave my wife to come here?” “I killed innocent people, I know I did bad things” "When I leave, I want to do what you are doing". Anger and revolt, too, when there was injustice committed against them. That’s good – better than a broken spirit. I let the anger wash over me, I took it – because I was sometimes the only one they could express it to. If the detainee was held in isolation, then the responsibility was even stronger: I might be the only human being who will listen to them and talk to them (guards have orders not to speak when they bring food). Sometimes the only human being they will see for months on end, if the guards don’t come into the cell.

I have carried a lot of what I learnt in those years into my tarot reading. Of course, most people whom I read for are not living in such extreme circumstances. But people have their fears and issues, areas of burnout and pain, hopes and plans. Their anger and their joy is real, and will often break out past their constructed social face during a reading. Just as in those prison encounters, I have to take the anger, the hope, the joy, the sadness, the evasion. That's also my responsibility as reader. it's my business to try and shield myself while remaining open.

Some want to know they are going to be OK in the future. Just as some detainees wanted to know that they would be free and reunited with their wife (the fear that the wife would leave them while they are in prison always looms very large, especially if they are held far away from home), some querents want to know that things will be alright with their boyfriend, that they will not lose their house, that their mother won’t die. They want to know that their new business will thrive, that their film will be a success.

As you know, that’s also the lot of the reader- whether we call the art predictive or not, we sometimes see future events that are not happy; others that demand hard work for the hoped-for result. Sometimes we will see in the cards that a person is full of hope but does not have the willpower, knowledge or real commitment to pursue his/her ambitions. Or someone whom they love is sabotaging them. These things – events, surroundings, character - are not fixed in stone, but they are there in a reading –they exist in front of me. How do I deal with them?

I broach them, gently, by way of the dialogue if possible, and in any case, trying to establish that essential meeting between the souls as I wrote of before, which is a better dialogue than what can be conveyed by any words. I show the cards so that the querent may access the symbol and the story directly. I don’t say “don’t worry, it will probably not happen, you are the creator of your own future” or “well, you have to face it now, it will happen”. Either of these approaches, in my view, lack truth and integrity. What if a querent’s mother is dying of cancer? Can the daughter cure her mother? Then again, perhaps the daughter’s faith and positive attitude will play a role in the mother’s remission. Above all, I trust that I will be well guided and find the right words. I am not a font of wisdom, so I do my part in the encounter as humbly as I can.