The Transparent Tarot


I just had a chance to be awed by the slide show, since my employer has a block on that website! These are amazing, especially when you get to see them in order and layered.

One thing for you to check, since I'm painfully aware of details ;)

The XVI for the Tower card is in the 15th square along the bottom, which will cause trouble when you create your Devil card (unless of course, you've already changed it).

I am particularly amazed by how well the reversed card images work with the upright ones. It seems like you have thought of EVERYTHING!


Thanks everyone! :) it makes me very happy to know that the courts come across better now. I thought the original king and queen looked slightly sinister, so I'm pleased to have re-done them- something I don't think I've EVER done, now that I think about it...

Oh, yes, the numbering! it did go squiffy on a few cards, but I may have missed the Tower- I'd better check! Thanks AprilFool!

Love and Blessings,

Em x


I love the expression "squiffy" ! I must say I have never heard that before, but its meaning is crystal clear and very appropriate! :D


They're so beautiful and the concept is so amazing!

I still want one too.... Is there a waiting list somewhere??? :grin:



SunChariot said:
They're so beautiful and the concept is so amazing!

I still want one too.... Is there a waiting list somewhere??? :grin:


Thanks, Bar!

Yes, there is, and you're on it! :)


Em xx


Wow. I just read all 235 posts and watched both slideshows, and I'm stunned. These are just beautiful. The layering affect is so detailed and I adore it. Your work is lovely.

If there is still room on that pre-order list, please add me. I'm going to start saving up now just to be safe.


Sidhe-Ra said:
Thanks, Bar!

Yes, there is, and you're on it! :)


Em xx


I just love anything original and this is, it's just beautiful too



Thank you SunChariot and RaeBelle!

Raebelle, thank you so much, I have added you onto the list. :)

Many Blessings,

Em x


Not to sound repetitious...

But Yes, the Wands Court is *much* better now! Great job!

Did you get the viewer program?


I can't remember if I already asked or not, Em... but please add me to that list as well. :)