The Wild Unknown Tarot: study group & discussion


*Raises hand*

I'd love to hear opinions on the black triangular corners on some of the cards (the corners that look like the flaps that photographs would fit into if they were in an album). I can't seem to figure out the connection among the cards that have these, so I think it would be an interesting discussion to hear various views on what these corners mean and/or how the cards that have them are interconnected.

I'll start a thread although I have to say that those black corners have me baffled too.


Book or deck alone?


All Wild Unknown fans out there: would you recommend the book or can I pass and learn more from the posts in the Study Group? I think I read the book is not that useful but I cannot find any thread about it.



To me, the book is completely unnecessary - but it is very enjoyable. The author doesn't explain a thing about her artwork at all - which is a pity because I'd love to hear about her choices of imagery. My opinion ? If you can comfortably afford it, get the book... but you certainly don't "need" it; I was able to pick up the deck and go right from the start.



Thank you Michael/Calcifer! I love the way the book looks but as you so nicely put it, I can't really "comfortably afford it".


Oh dear oh dear oh dear! That's it, I did it. I bought the deck.
I broke my promise to myself not to buy anymore decks this year, I feel guilty to spend money on tarot given my financial situation and yet and yet, I watch images online and the messages just flow. Anyway, what is done is done.

I haven't been that nervous about receiving a new deck for ages. This one really matters for me, what if we don't click?
What if I am not enough into shamanism and miss the point that is so obvious to others? I mean, I have a Greenwood and I am unable to read with it, never even really tried since the cards do not speak to me without the companion book...

Rose Lalonde

Oh dear oh dear oh dear! That's it, I did it. I bought the deck.
I broke my promise to myself not to buy anymore decks this year, I feel guilty to spend money on tarot given my financial situation and yet and yet, I watch images online and the messages just flow. Anyway, what is done is done.

I haven't been that nervous about receiving a new deck for ages. This one really matters for me, what if we don't click?
What if I am not enough into shamanism and miss the point that is so obvious to others? I mean, I have a Greenwood and I am unable to read with it, never even really tried since the cards do not speak to me without the companion book...

Kissa, Congrats on taking the plunge. Despite the very short time I've had this deck compared to my old standbys, the first image that comes to mind for a card is often the one from Wild Unknown. Its directness got under my skin. (And I liked it even better in person; for one thing the silky-matte card stock is my favorite of any tarot I've owned.) I hope it's the same for you! Let us know how it goes if you get a chance. :)


Kissa I'm sure you'll love it and if you don't you won't have any trouble selling or trading it..

I'm not 'into Shamanism' at all and this deck is 'the one' for me :).


I'm not into Shamanism either, Kissa, and I love this deck. It's very intuitive -- the images virtually "speak" to you. It's my favorite deck ever (and the card stock is luscious too!).


New Deck Interview

Woohoo, thank you all for the support :)

I did a couple of one-card readings this week to tame the deck and today, I got the urge to have a longer conversation with it. I had gathered enough courage obviously, so I did the New Deck Interview. (see attachment)

1. What will you teach me? --> XII the hanged man
2. What do I need to do? --> VII the chariot
3. What will our relationship be? --> VIII justice

Yep. I know. I swear the deck has been well shuffled, in fact that is what I have done the most with it until now, I like the feel of the cards! I went through the deck after I had drawn these 3 majors to check and there were no cards following each other either (like VII and VIII), so really, even if it looks weird, I have to assume the deck was well shuffled.

Now I read your comments about these three different cards and there is not much I can add, really but I will if something comes to my mind when I record the reading.

-How I interpret the cards-

The Wild Unknown Tarot, as I suspected, is like nothing I had seen before, it stands out and XII the hanged man means the deck urges me to look at tarot in a brand new way. I am a bit shy about writing what I feel since it is just stuff going up inside me as I look at the card but here we go: the bat's red eyes somehow tell me to trust my guts to look into the darkness (as I watch the card, my eyes go from his eyes first to the darkness on the top of the card). I don't find him frightening. It takes special eyes to see in the dark (though we know bats don't actually use their eyes in the dark but for humans, eyes represent the ability to see) so we need special skills to go to the dark side (by that I mean accepting oneself as we are, whole, with wonderful qualities and not so attractive traits).
And what I need to do, now. The hanged man being what the deck brings in, VII the chariot shows my part of the deal and if I can do my part of the deal, the deck will show all the potential of this hanged man. Chariot cards usually show movement associated with some kind frenzy, in some cards the chariot driver is clearly struggling, shouting, there is muscle force involved in addition to the skill of driving those horses. Well here, on the opposite I see total mastery and serenity. Like all the animals pictured in this deck, the power (I think Indians call it the "medicine") of the animal seems to go directly inside me, through my head or my heart, to my soul. I see the moon crescent on his forehead as a sign of being connected to one's intuitions, guts which makes sense since animals have to trust their senses 100% to survive. No time for analysis or planning and yet animals are all but irrational creatures. I was actually surprised to read some weeks ago about the intelligence of crows and how they learn from their mistakes but also how they logically make mistakes when the scientists change some parameter, the crow did the expected mistake that our oh-so-developed human brains had predicted because it was a logical mistake to do... Well, don't I get side-tracked here... Sun, Moon, pentacle for protection, it looks like all I have to do is do it ;) The card tells me to have stamina, confidence and mastery.
Our relationship will be like VIII justice. I see yin yang everywhere on this card. I listened to a guy explaining about Chinese wisdom on the radio and he put a whole new light on this symbol that I first discovered as a teenager (it was a sticker from a martial art club and it took me some digging to find out what it was really about, heh guys, we are talking pre-google civilization here...). Not only are these "opposite" connected like day and night, male and female etc. but they also carry within themselves each other, it is not yin or yang, it is yin and yang. Like the seed carries the whole tree and the tree carries the seed. Yang is present in yin even when we don't see it and vice versa.
If I was in a love relationship, I would like the justice card to picture it, really. I attach a cartoon about that, you will understand why I prefer justice to equality.
Also, I am cat person, basically any card with a cat on it immediately gets my interest soon followed by a disappointed shrug. This card didn't try to interpret cats, to make them appealing or interesting or symbolical to us readers, it just represent cats in a very normal position, thus no shrug from me ;) Nothing is happening in the card and yet so much is going on, the cats are really waiting to see my move, aren't they? Symmetry, the small black and white diamond that looks like a drop from the sword blade.

Well, what can I say... I am hooked on this deck. It crossed my mind I could actually regret not getting it earlier but then again, I trust Life. If I got it only now, it is because I wasn't ready for it before. And that would have been such a waste! ;)


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Oh, Kissa, what a beautiful reading! You received such clear answers from the deck, and I love your interpretations. Your post sent chills up my spine. I also adore your image of "equality vs justice" -- so true, so perfect. And what a great point about the bat's red eyes -- I actually hadn't considered that before.

If you're loving the deck now, you're going to love it even more as you continue to use it. I'm endlessly impressed with both its simplicity and depth.

Thanks for your message!