What deck are you using now? 2013


Still hanging with The Wild Unknown... with occasional forays into the Original Rider-Waite...



I just don't get as fantastic readings as I do with my RWS deck :3


CBD Marseille this month. I'm reading the Vianne Rocher trilogy of books by Joanne Harris - Chocolat (the 2000 film), The Lollipop Shoes, and Peaches For Monsieur le Curé.

Vianne reads Tarot using the Marseille deck, so I've been inspired.


Radiant Rider Waite and Bohemian Gothic 3rd Edition are singing to me right now. Such beauty!


Right now I'm busy playing with the El Gran Tarot Esoterico. It's kinda spooky, and kinda weird. All the people in it have big bags under their eyes. Strange.


I'm doing Greer's "21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card" and most readings with Black's Golden Tarot. I love it.

But I'm also getting acquainted on a regular basis with several other decks --especially Thoth, Shining Tribe, and Mary-El.

Comfort deck: Dreaming Way.


The mysterious Tyldwick Tarot paired with the lovely Antiquarian Lenormand.

Le Fanu

The Greenwood. Readings with it are very much tied in with my current reflections on the winter landscape, the leafless trees, the mossy roots of the nearby woods and the gnarled, hollow tree trunks where I think the hermit dwells...


Aquarian Tarot this week. I'm also using the Natalie Rose Lenormand.


Wicca Moon and Druid Animal Oracle.