What Deck Was Your First Deck?


My first tarot deck was Legend: Arthurian Tarot.


My first deck was the Universal Waite Tarot.


My first deck was Northern Shadows and I still use it the most.


AJ said:
My first tarot deck was the Druid Animal Oracle :)
I didn't know the difference between tarot deck and oracle until a few months later.

If I haven't already said so, welcome to AT ofbainbridge...you must be my neighbor to the north?

Hello Aj,
I also have the Druid Animal Oracle and really like it alot...at the time I had no idea the difference between a Tarot deck and an Oracle but you learn as you go -you know...

And yea aint the North country peachy? For all its bluster I can't seem to get it out of my blood...

Iri tacheia

My first decks were the Mythic Tarot and the Tarot of the Cat People (bought at the same time). I thought I'd use the Mythic deck more since I love Greek mythology. The deck didn't really click for me, though. I wasn't too fond of the art style and even the Greek connection couldn't get me past that. So I ended up using the Cat People deck more often.

Little Hare

Mine was;

*Mystic Megs... i have kept it out of sentimental value but couldn't read with due to pip cards and the book that came with it was atrocious