What did the Tarot bring to you ?


Tarot is helping me to see patterns in my life I would find difficult to see otherwise.

It has given me joy in the form of many beautiful decks.

It has helped me to meditate, and helped me discover spiritual paths that have given much depth to my life.

Not least of all, tarot brought me to this forum :)


Tarot has given me a means for self exploration.



Tarot is bringing to me the rest 95% of Life invisible to ordinary eye. :) And Joy.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts :) I expect my learning of Tarot to be as interesting as yours.


It helped me take conscious control of my life...

by helping to build the bridge and open the line of communication to the unconscious. I'm eternally grateful.


It's a good question. I think I was this way anyway, Tarot just helps me make sense of it.



Tarot has brought me a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. It's helped clarify so many things for so many people.


It has helped me help my friends with problems I could never have been able to help them with on my own. It helps me relieve my empathy pains. There is so much more, but I think those are the most important or "frequent" ones.

I hope you enjoy learning Tarot.


For me, it has opened my eyes to the worlds of possibility beyond the ordinary and everyday, and shown me that this world and the universe in which it revolves are truly beautiful. It has opened spiritual doorways that I never knew existed before, or that I had long believed to be forever closed to me.



Two of Cups said:
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb

I love your signature :)