What Happened to Natallee Holloway?


She is an pretty blonde 18 year old American girl who disappeared a week ago in Aruba. By all accounts she wasnt a "party" girl and was last seen leaving a club with 3 young men the night before she was supposed to return to the USA. She never showed up at the airport. She is gone without a trace. Her suitcase and documents were found in the hotel room packed and untouched. Nothing pertaining to her has been found and Aruba has launched a manhunt like nothing the island has seen. Today all non-essential civil servants were told to join the search. Her is a newslink on the latest reports:

I used a Morgan Greer tarot and asked what happened to Natalee the night she disappeared?

XV- The Devil
9 of wands
King of Cups
XVI-The Tower (rx)
5 of wands
X- The Wheel of Fortune

My cards and my rational mind say the same thing to me. Foul Play. That she didnt see the danger she was in and was with some men that never had her best interest in mind. In my part of the Caribbean we call them Sankies. These are the guys that hang around the tourist parts, looking for American /Canadian/Euro girls to pick up. The woman is expected to spend lots of money and have lots of sex. Sometime the arrangement is fine, like in the movie When Stella got her Groove Back. Sometime the woman is convinced he really cares for her. Then he starts getting her to spend more money because his mom is sick, his motorcycle is broken and it needs fixing, his cat died, you name it....Usually he has a couple of girlfriends and kids on the non tourist part of the island. Often drugs are involved. Sometimes the wives are involved. I think this girl got Sankied but didnt know what was happening, what the 'rules' are and something went very wrong. Maybe she didnt put out and there was a struggle and she got hurt and they panic. Maybe she started freaking out as many drunk American girls do and they panic. Or maybe they had her set up from the begining but I think now she is in the ocean. I never had a really good feeling about her story and these cards dont do anything to dispell my intuitions.



Just off my gut feeling, I think she's dead. That was my first impression. I also think she was raped, and I'm getting thhe impression that when her body was dumped, it fell, like it was dropped off of something.


Agreed. And that whatever happened was unexpected by those involved. As was commented, panic. The King of cups implies she was mislead and thought the men she was with were reliable.


All I can tell ya at this point is that just as I got to the cards you have posted, I got an eerie, chilling, ugly ooooh feeling.

I believe your right...


Sushi said:
Just off my gut feeling, I think she's dead. That was my first impression. I also think she was raped, and I'm getting thhe impression that when her body was dumped, it fell, like it was dropped off of something.

Hi Sushi!

May i ask how you got this conclusion? I don't know what spread is being used here...yet i wish to know what gave you the 'death' feeling.
Yes, i see the cards and they also give me a bad feeling...but the death thing made me curious ;)



Miss Yuko,
I just got the gut feeling that she was dead when I first saw the story on the news. So the initial notion that she died didnt really have anything to do with the cards at all. When I did see the cards, they definitely didn't contradict my feelings on it, but I wouldn't quite say I got that idea from the cards. The tower & the wheel seem to coincide with my impression of her tumbling when they dumped her body. As to how she died, I think they stabbed her. I also think that her killers have been arguing with each other and with the wheel at the end of this spread, I think that one of them may turn on the others.
I've written out more about what I think happened, but I am a little shy to post it. I am going to save it to a file on my computer and compare what I've written to what comes out of this later.


Gut feeling when reading this thread, yes she has passed away, and underlying card here is the Hermit, which I feel indicates she is lying somewhere, all alone :( Hopefully she will be found soon if that's the case.


miss_yuko said:
I don't know what spread is being used here..


Miss Yuko~
I did not use a spread. I just asked a question and laid out the first 3 cards then the next 3 at that point it seemed to be enough.

Please post your ideas at some point. This kind of thing is about as close to being "psychic" as I get. I generally dislike the use of that word, but I had a strong impression, alot of it based on my rational mind to be sure, but a compulsion to throw some cards. I almost regret doing it as I felt kind of sick in my stomach and body for hours after doing it. Odd but there it is.


Sadly I too have the same gut feeling and when I saw your cards, Yep got the chill. I hope she is found soon but I dont see her in the ocean I do see her lying in water perhaps a swampy area?? oh I hope her mortal body Is soon found to bring peace to those who have lost her. There is a great pain around this story, sadly.


Sushi said:
I've written out more about what I think happened, but I am a little shy to post it. I am going to save it to a file on my computer and compare what I've written to what comes out of this later.
I'd be interested in your other thoughts as well...

I've just now looked at the above link. (lots of times I don't go into such, because of the saddness I feel, and it sometimes makes me ill.)
And again, the chills.

I feel they will find the girl!
Today would be a good day to do so...