What Was Your Very First Tarot Deck You Got?


My first deck was a OSHO Dzen Tarot. This deck presents me my girlfriend. Before that I never interested Tarot. I used to Astrology and Runes. We both liked to read OSHO books and this deck was very interesting for me and good helped me investigate myself. But this deck in my opinion not very good for predictions and I bought Rayder Tarot. And last summer I bought the deck "Ramses: Tarot of Eternity". And now I am often using this deck for my predictions.


My first deck was given by a colleague, she said she didn't need it and that I can have it :) I simply asked her what was that :D :D It was the original RWS .. funny thing is that I never bothered doing readings with it, that wasn't when my interest developed, it simply became "a cool thing to have and keep"; i just didn't know what tarot was and never had a reading done before. Now, I'm really grateful she gave to me, i simply love being connected to the cards!


RWS. I was fasinated by the whole Tarot concept. It was over 20 years ago and I just bought a deck. Didn't know any better, but never was sorry.
It has served me well, I hope I have served it as well as it has done me.


The first thing connected with Tarot I got was a book. In it it had the Marseille (spelling?) deck and I simply could not connect with the images. So a year or so later I went and bought the Cosmic Tarot. Now 10 years on, I've started a collection and for my self I use the Merlin, but the main one I use to do readings for others is still the Cosmic Tarot.