What's the postman bringing? - Part 9


[begin deep seductive voice] 2 Rotring Rapidograph ink pens [end deep seductive voice] *begin high pitched squeal* Are coming my way as of today!!!! :party:

Oh, I know, ink pens don't really belong here... but as they will join my current pens in my new [Tarot related] drawing project, I hope a smallish jump is allowed :)


I just ordered The Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore and it should arrive by Thursday!
So excited!


Il Meneghello's Classico Tarocco di Marsiglia

The reds and the blues! The quirks! I couldn't resist!


So excited!

I have an oracle deck and three tarot decks currently heading my way.

*The Kabbalah Deck
*Aquarian Tarot
*Robin Wood Tarot
*The Book of Thoth Etteilla... at least I think that's the one. I won't know until I finally get a good look at the cards!

They should be here in about two weeks! :D


A nice pair of Camoin-Jodorowsky Marseille decks.


The Daniloff 2010 Majors and 2012 Tarot Deck arrived today. They are gorgeous, almost too pretty to use! He is down to the last hundred of the tarot deck, in case you are considering it.


Just get the Golden Renaissance Tarot and it is beautiful! I love the gold leaf. And very reasonable too.


Ordered the Shadowscapes last night, should be here tomorrow! (LOVE Amazon Prime).


Just bought Joie de Vivre, The Paulina Tarot, and Fairy Lights!

My ISIS TdM came in from Japan and is wonderful!

Still waiting on CBD TdM and two bags from Baba...


What about the one the postman's not bringing? I tried for the Dusserre "Tarot divinatoire par le Dr. Papus" on ebay last week and was out-bid at €205!! {Retires muttering to sulk in the corner.)