When law of attraction/the secret/stones etc. doesn't work.


This is the truer version of the "Secret" to me.:thumbsup:
The "visualize and make it happen" version makes me wince.

I confess, I've never even read the book or any like them. :eek: It is no 'SECRET' at all, that's just a clever marketing ploy. It is merely one of the first steps on any spiritual path. It's about mastery of the self. The false path or mistake is to think that the riches and attainment sought are hedonistic or material ones.


Quote from William Hazlitt:

“A strong passion for any object will ensure success, for the desire of the end will point out the means”

That was written some time in the early 1800's, way before the Secret or such books.


I think I will respond to your post the same way in which I recently responded to my 15 yo step-daughter complaining and wondering "why did the universe" never let her family (mom and step-dad) enjoy having money.

I looked at her and laughed, and then I told her:
"honey, sooner or later you reach an age where you come to understand that the Universe ain't your Beaotch!"

she thought about that for a second and then laughed too.

The point being we all have a tendency (exacerbated by The Secret, Abraham-Hicks, and the like) to run around demanding things of "the universe" like petulant children. The Universe owes us nothing! We get what we get and we are rarely grateful for long, if ever. Yet, gratitude is the true key to happiness no matter what your station in life. And when you have and live with a grateful heart you will attract abundance to you. Few people "get" that abundance also has nothing to do with money or gaining more of it, abundance is about joy, comfort, grace, and connectedness. [off soapbox]

Perhaps, what would work for you is to stop trying so hard to "materialize" money and meditate on the true meaning of abundance and gratitude. I do agree with the poster who stated that the Power of Emotions work by A-H could help you in this task. I believe it is in this work that "they" talk a lot about being in the stream or working against the stream which may help you better pinpoint for yourself what you can do to attract what you truly need for your highest and best good.


"honey, sooner or later you reach an age where you come to understand that the Universe ain't your Beaotch!"

Priceless! I love it.

Perhaps, what would work for you is to stop trying so hard to "materialize" money and meditate on the true meaning of abundance and gratitude. I do agree with the poster who stated that the Power of Emotions work by A-H could help you in this task. I believe it is in this work that "they" talk a lot about being in the stream or working against the stream which may help you better pinpoint for yourself what you can do to attract what you truly need for your highest and best good.

Exactly - that feeling, knowing when we are in the flow of things. YES - learn that and everything else falls into place including how to get back into it when we take a detour occasionally.


It was called Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain and others. Nothing new. It amounts to autosuggestion. If you want to try it, it may work, but beware the consequences, such as a very high-priced item on your credit card statement.


What DOES work? I'm sorry I just not believing in "good luck" or anything like new age-y anymore :/

That's true, "good luck" and anything "like" "new age-y" don't work, and there is no reason they should. Like someone said here, rocks are rocks, and The Secret's sole purpose is to get money off you. But then... what did you really expect? That putting a paperweight on a cheque would somehow "magic" it? That wishing for a car would make it appear because a book told you so? That there were magical shortcuts cutting through years of study and all one needed was "positive thinking?"

People put time and effort into their spiritual development, and the universe is more complicated than wishing for a car and then getting it. Objectively, my own occult studies have done little (read: nothing) for my bank account, but that was hardly the point of them in the first place. Through exploration of "true" spirituality, you find out what is really important to you, what it is that is important for you to achieve, telling you what you need rather than what you want. Spirituality is not a shortcut for anything (in some ways it actually makes things harder). Spirituality is not owning a car, either. The Secret is nothing more than an automobile advertisement telling you that buying is the thing everyone should strive for, an ad for McDonald's on every page.

But then... you probably already knew that. Not to mention, I don't remember who said the bit about privileged societies, but the Secret is the ultimate example of this. I suppose that instead of food, merely copies of that horrible rag should be dumped on the starving children of Africa. It's their fault, after all, for not thinking positively enough.


Back in June, I wrote this on my blog when I drew "Believe" from the Sacred Journey Cards:

Do I believe in possibilities? Do I believe in the power of positive thinking? Absolutely. But what I don't believe is that I can manifest whatever I want with my mind. I don't think the world was put here just so I can magically produce what my ego thinks I need. The earth is full of animals, plants and minerals, and just because I am human doesn't mean my wants outweigh any others - the universe isn't obligated to give me what I demand. I am a part of the whole system, not god of it. The belief that I can create my reality is a half-truth; attitude and hard work can go a long way in making things possible, yet there is a web of balance that natural laws will not bend just for me.


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back in june, i wrote this on my blog when i drew "believe" from the sacred journey cards:

Do i believe in possibilities? Do i believe in the power of positive thinking? Absolutely. But what i don't believe is that i can manifest whatever i want with my mind. I don't think the world was put here just so i can magically produce what my ego thinks i need. The earth is full of animals, plants and minerals, and just because i am human doesn't mean my wants outweigh any others - the universe isn't obligated to give me what i demand. I am a part of the whole system, not god of it. The belief that i can create my reality is a half-truth; attitude and hard work can go a long way in making things possible, yet there is a web of balance that natural laws will not bend just for me.



I am a part of the whole system, not god of it. The belief that I can create my reality is a half-truth; attitude and hard work can go a long way in making things possible, yet there is a web of balance that natural laws will not bend just for me.

"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "

- Calvin Cooledge

The crowned one

"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "

- Calvin Cooledge

Yes, there is a Japanese words I do not recall that describes the indescribable aspect of brains and lack of recognition. Something we simply call "drive" when they succeed but statistically should not.........and luck...LUCK.

It is true, I have gone to university with some of the most skilled, and they have fallen off the face of the planet, other examples: I am shocked by their success.