*Yawn* I love you, but you are so...boring.


I have a few decks that I like well enough, can read perfectly well with...but bore the hell out of me. Reading with them is mundane, but not totally unpleasant...like peeling potatoes. I'm not naming names, of course. They really are fine decks, lovely. Snore. Sometimes I feel like drawing moustaches on all the figures, just to liven things up a little.

I must not be alone here. Short of regifting them, any ideas?


Draw moustaches on them :laugh:


I really don't know what to suggest. I have a feeling I'd get bored using the Rider-Waite. All I know is that if I had that situation, I'd keep the cards, as when I get married, I'm wanting to put a tarot card in each guests place at the reception. Very sad, but there you go. ;)

Not that that will happen for a LONG time...


Have alook in the Creative exchange thread. There is a great idea in there on what to do. Apart from that i'd have to suggest just regifting them to someone less fortunate, or mabye put one or two in the Trading forum. There might one that someone is looking for and that way everyone wins.


Try guilding the decks - gold gouache paint (cheaper than actual guilding, and actually lasts longer) can really help boost a boring deck.

Le Fanu

Do what I did, hang onto them and twenty-odd years down the line you´ll suddenly find them absolutely scintillating, gripping, charming, exuberant...

Never under-estimate how much we change in our tastes (not that we become boring, heaven forbid; just minor shifts of taste...)

You´ll be surprised. And remember; one day, boring, the next, OOP and suddenly EVERYTHING changes...


I knew you guys could come to my rescue.

I've been tinkering around with the idea of trimming/gilding a deck or two, not even the boring ones, but that would be a good place to start.

Of course, if that fails, there's always moustaches. Honestly, the idea sent me into gales of giggles....the austere priestess's nose itching from her new bristly moustache...too much! Just thinking about it helps with the ennui...though I'm not sure how that's gonna affect my readings, haha.

Le Fanu, you hit my own personal style right on the head, there. That's what I'll likely wind up doing, because I know precisely what you mean. It happens with books, too. I can read a book, get halfway through it, put it aside due to lack of interest...but then "find" it again years later, and stun myself.

I think I'm just coping with a mild sense of deck-neglect guilt. Very mild.

Keep the ideas coming! Meanwhile, I might head to the nearest arts and crafts store, to see what I can find, for gilding and trimming. I sense a project coming on.


Le Fanu said:
You´ll be surprised. And remember; one day, boring, the next, OOP and suddenly EVERYTHING changes...

LOL How right! Let the most atrocious deck go out of print and suddenly it's the most desirable one in the world, commanding great big prices everywhere and with tons of people clamoring for it. :p


Lilija said:
I've been tinkering around with the idea of trimming/gilding a deck or two, not even the boring ones, but that would be a good place to start.
I've lurked into your profile... :D I trimmed Universal Fantasy and i must tell you i got all excited about it again! ;)
(Not that its boring, its a great deck, but those borders are... *yuck* :D)