Your Altar


After reading through this thread again, I realize that I really need to do as Tarotbear has: make myself a port-a-witch. I already have a couple bags with my portable soothsaying kit(s), but there are other witchy things that don't seem to have a home, or in some cases too many homes and they're not all together. It dawns on me that I have a couple small zippered briefcases either one of which might serve. In any case they're larger than the drawstring purses that I bought for the purpose many years ago, which turned out to be too short for some things. Right now the zippered cases are holding books. Books can go on the shelves!

I don't have an altar setup; too much clutter, let's face it. But those items I want to use, I take out and put where I'm able to for the purpose at hand, then pack them up again.


It's time to set up for my Autumnal Equinox Altar. I don't have much space to place a permanent altar space, but this lovely rectangular wooden tray that I've used.

I've painted it a dark green, but still need to seal(a nice wax coat, maybe) it before I use it again. I wanted to decorate it with some symbols and have been waiting for inspiration.....which struck me just this morning after reading this thread again. I have a picture saved on pinterest of symbols for earth, air, fire, water and spirit that I saved for a possible tattoo and they are perfect for this tray! A good project for me to work on today! :D

I'll finish this up and pics will appear here soon!

An idea for portable storage and transport of "witchy" items......a fishing tackle bag/box. Many sizes, shapes, and filled with little plastic boxes and trays for organization. They come in handy for other things, too. Art supplies, beading, tarot decks, cloths, and accessories. :D


I've always had a lot of small items that I've kept over the years which hold special meaning to me. When I started building my alter, these items were the first things I grabbed. Since then I've picked up more crystals/gems, pendants, statues that caught my eye. I told my mother once that my animal totem was a turtle, and while she was walking one day she found pieces of turtle shell that she brought back for me (Yay! for supportive parents!). Candles and what not migrate through, and there's always a living plant.

I've stuck my alter right in my living room for anybody who cares to see. It's an interesting conversation piece for those who care to ask. I keep my Tarot decks on or around it, and though my friends don't read, they love to grab a deck and look through it, or pick up a piece from the alter and carry it around while they visit. I'll loan out items if they want to take it with them. Needless to say, all items on my alter are infused with LOVE.


If you don't have a particular belief system, then I would recommend thinking about what images or objects give you a sense of peace, inner strength, purpose, or love. An altar can do a lot for you without having a religious connotation. On the other hand, if you're searching for a belief system because you feel a need to connect with the infinite in a structured way, there are some websites you can explore that offer information on various beliefs.

Two that immediately come to mind are:

My own beliefs combine elements of many different traditions (Christianity, Gnosticism, Buddhism, Sufism, Paganism), combined with my own experience and what makes sense to me. A big part of my personal path is to allow myself to be open to changing my mind, at all times, when something ceases to make sense to me, or when something new that I learn is, over time, helpful, enlightening, or simply makes a lot of sense. I simply think of it as my "path with no name." :) I'm sure it seems wishy-washy to some people, but it works for me.

Exactly what Nevada said :) And what you said, yourself, Millie.

A small wall cupboard, unobtrusive, with closing doors to keep it as your special sacred space, is a wonderful idea. I'm like you, and meditate, draw my channelled artworks, write, and flute in the lounge room. Our house has spare rooms, following the growing up of 3 beautiful daughters, but there is a distinct energy about the lounge room that dictates that it is my 'work' room... :)

I have little altar style vignettes all through the house. A few items, perched in little corners in balanced groupings, are all through the house, and each time they grab my attention it is good! :) But I do have one special altar that honours all those things that nurture my soul, all the things I love... That is just such a cabinet as you speak of, Millie... and well-selected, meaningful pieces, create quite a beautiful energy. :)


After reading this thread a few weeks ago, I was inspired to set my inside alter back up, was doing all my rituals outside this summer and lately its been rainy and dreary here. So I moved the dresser I use to a different location in my house and set it up. I have it decorated with things for the season and a picture of my Mom for remembrance. I took some pics and didnt realize till the next day that I can see my outside circle from my inside alter :)


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Lovely! And to have your special spaces lined up like that! Some things are just meant to be. :)


love it kduphily and your idea linnie and the 'cupboard away idea' of a sacred area :)

I have yet to build my own, but I hope to one day! :)


love it kduphily and your idea linnie and the 'cupboard away idea' of a sacred area :)

I have yet to build my own, but I hope to one day! :)

Hello Dan, kduphily and Morwenna :) I haven't taken a photo yet, as i'm just filling it up bit by bit, but I purchased one of those lovely old printers/typesetter's trays recently on ebay (from the US), and I've been busy filling all its little pigeonholes with some of my favourite stones and memorabilia which I relate to Spirit. It's only about 1/3 full, and I certainly won't fit all my stones in it, but it takes up just a smallish flat space of the wall, and has so much energy buzzing in it... I will post pics one of these days, of those vignette mini altars I mentioned previously :)

One other thing, Dan... for a really little altar that would still fit quite a number of special small scale pieces, you don't necessarily have to build a cupboard. Shops that sell Indian style home decor often have little arch-shaped (or rectangular) sets of drawers that have a bottom drawer, plus two cupboard doors that swing open to show another three or 5 drawers, all of which can house many small items.. These are light enough to just use normal picture mounting fixtures and hang them on the wall... :) Perhaps you've seen what I'm talking about... :) Something a bit like this sort of thing... > or This type, because it is less for display and more for easy access storage, can be used for 'working' tools that you'd like safe but handy, too, but they come in all cofigurations! :)


After reading this thread a few weeks ago, I was inspired to set my inside alter back up, was doing all my rituals outside this summer and lately its been rainy and dreary here. So I moved the dresser I use to a different location in my house and set it up. I have it decorated with things for the season and a picture of my Mom for remembrance. I took some pics and didn't realise till the next day that I can see my outside circle from my inside alter :)
It's lovely, kduphily! I love seeing what people select as very important items... there's so much interesting stuff in the world, and its lovely to see things that are familiar, as well as those I've never seen the like of before... which is why I really should post some pics! :)