what cards are your LEAST favorite to see?


Moon ! I really hate the moon, every time I have had this card it has referred to not nice energies around me :(

Swords in general! 4 is ok, i find this is normally reminding me to meditate when its for me, but not keen on the rest mostly, 3 (big cringe), 7, 9 and 10 no thanks!

The Tower, been there done that dont want it again thanks.


I'm annoyed by some of the Swords cards, The Tower, Devil and so on, but that's because I don't like what they are saying (most of the time)...
but at least I know what they are saying!
Sometimes Temperance annoys me too – yes yes, I get the message, but maybe I don't want Temperance right now... ;)

But the cards that are my LEAST favorites are those that make me confused.

* The 2 and 3 of Wands – I have a really hard time telling them apart. On one card there's a person holding a wand and looking out to sea... and on the other... is a person holding a wand and... looking out to sea. Yeah. Great! What?

* The Hierophant – half the time I don't know what he wants to say.

* The courts, because, is this a person or not? Is it me or somebody else?
But especially the Queen of Cups – I just don't get her. I just don't. She feels wishy-washy and vague and I can't get a good grip on her. Annoying...

* The Lovers – it keeps popping up where the position doesn't fit, and I almost feel like I'm making up new meanings for it just to make the reading coherent... that card drives me nuts sometimes.

So basically, all the cards I find vague in some way, they are my least favorites.

(And a lot of the people in the RWS have weird anatomy and look constipated, with those frowns on their faces. But I'm learning to not let that bother me. ;) )


I have no least-favourite cards. I relate well to all of them, and read all of them.

In some decks, the creator of the deck themselves seems to have less of a handle on one card than other deck-creators do. I find that these cards become my least-favourite cards FOR THAT DECK, and for that deck only.


The Heirophant. It has not once come up for anything good for me. It always signifies oppressive authority and the conservative 'it can't be changed.'

The Star. I used to believe it was a good card until I noticed it was always coming up in spreads about the material side of life and it led me to realise that precious resources of mine were being wasted by others.
I've read some interpretations that focus on the Star as being linked to materialism, not high hopes or aspirations in the best sense. It has also been linked to imprisonment in old interpretations, luckily I haven't experienced that!

The Ace of Pentacles. Again an excessive focus on the material linked with others' actions. I used to be hopeful when I saw it in spreads about myself until it hit me that I was seen as the opportunity for quick gain.

The Ace of Cups. Never has anything positive for me. It signifies out of control situations.

The Knight of Cups. It's about an unrealistic view of a situation or unreliability, not love/peace/slow but steady progress.

The 4 of Swords. Never a positive recuperation or time out in my case but about illness and being left out.


The Lovers is at the top of my list. It only shows up once every blue moon, but I never can figure out what it is trying to say. Out of the whole deck, I'd say it's the card I relate to the least.

I also have a problem with the Kings. Sometimes, a king will speak loud and clear about what he is trying to say. Most of the time, I wind up wondering why they are different than the queens and just confusing myself.


LotusSong said:
I also have a problem with the Kings. Sometimes, a king will speak loud and clear about what he is trying to say. Most of the time, I wind up wondering why they are different than the queens and just confusing myself.

Queens are “one who develops and cares for.”
Kings are “one who has authority, makes decisions, or is a professional.”

from Barbara Moore Nov 2009


just the devil in the hanson-roberts deck scares the living daylight out of me.


chrissydogz said:
just the devil in the hanson-roberts deck scares the living daylight out of me.
the Devil in the Golden Botticelli scares the hell out of me in a much higher order of magnitude: there's nothing more horrifying than an image of the Devil that makes old ladies coo indulgently: "Oh, he's so-o-o cute." Cuteness in such an archetype is totally horrifying.


I'm aligned with LotusSong's confusion about Kings and Queens. I personally don't conceptualize Queens as inherently more "nurturing" (with the exception of the Queen of Cups), and this has never been reflective of my personal experience. The only time Kings and Queens surface is when I'm receiving a reminder that I have more authority in a situation than I originally suspected. But I still cannot separate their meaning.

Regarding cards I dislike, the Four of Cups irritates the hell out of me. It's my least favorite minor, because I consider apathy to be a loathsome trait. The imagery triggers associations with petulant, entitled people I've encountered throughout my life, who are so phenomenally spoiled that nothing ever pleases them. Either that, or it manifests an uncomfortable boredom. Even when it signifies emotional stability, it's not even the good kind of complacency -- it's always (from my perspective) peppered with malaise and vague discomfort.

I always groan whenever I see the Nine of Wands. For me, it usually means, "You've been undergoing an overwhelmingly stressful and lonely period, and you're going to continue being stressed and lonely for another chapter. Enjoy!"


Oh god. The one card that I DREAD and sometimes don't do my daily readings because I'm afraid of it turning up is The Tower. It freaks me out and every single time it pops up, I usually end up finding something out that completely messes my day up and I end up miserable. Hate this card. It's my personal card of disaster and crappy situations. D:

I also dislike: 5 of cups, 3/5/7/9/10 Swords

The High Priestess pisses me off. So does the hierophant.

Thats about it