what cards are your LEAST favorite to see?

autumn star

I don't have a least favourite card, but the 5 of Swords always turns out to have a very bad manifestation for me - worse than the Tower or 10 of Swords.

It always seem to represent a very painful situation - one in which there is hurt on all sides of the situation, and a no win situation (in my life anyway). It has often shown up when people are talking about me behind my back too.

The 10 of Swords has shown up at times of painful endings - like when I was sad to leave my old job the 10 of Swords would often come up in my readings ~ it has always represented endings in my life - things can't really get worse from there, so that's kind of the relief that comes with this card.

The Tower has often shown up when things happen unexpectedly that shake things up - I got the Tower card one day when the lead person who I work with was away - and without her being there as the leader/boss (+ a whole lot of unexpected occurance during the day) the whole day just fell apart and was completely disastorous. It has always represented a sudden change that can't be expected it might not be a good change, but it's not something that is neccessarily hurtful.

But, when the 5 of Swords shows up - I know that things are really bad :(. It always represents a really painful situation in my life - one where other peoples feelings are hurt too. Efforts to make things better could be futile - a situation where no body wins or comes out on top, and also a situation when I feel I can't trust the other people involved.

That's just my experience so far with these cards anyway.


I dug this thread out because I am trying to find out an inner depth meaning of the Tower - as much as I detest it. It cropped up last year allot and it has vexxed me on and off as to it's meaning.

I suppose really the 10 of swords is pretty lethal to me because it always means underhanded tactics, vicious unfounded rumours/gossip/lies.

Really loathe seeing the 5 of pentacles because that always means loss of money in some form or another.

Interesting to note that some of you view the Wheel of Fortune as something bad whereas I see it in a positive sense. I have had this come up all of the back end of last year with The World. Maybe I read the cards wrong and with rose tinted specs on I don't know!


Court cards. Any court card. Doesn't matter which court card. They are without a doubt the bane of my Tarot existence. Every time I pull one, my mouth twitches at the corner in annoyance because I know I'll be doing intuitive cartwheels trying to figure out what the blippety it's supposed to mean. Typically for me, the meaning of a court only becomes clear near the end of reading, once I've made sense of the rest of the cards.

Courts, GRRRR!!! >_<


When I draw a court card, my first reaction is "Oh #&@#%^, a court card!" Then I recall the elemental association, and that helps. For example, the Knight of Cups is Air of Water, which suggests water vapor, clouds, the interplay between intellect and emotion, etc. The images don't seem to help very much.


LRichard said:
When I draw a court card, my first reaction is "Oh #&@#%^, a court card!" Then I recall the elemental association, and that helps. For example, the Knight of Cups is Air of Water, which suggests water vapor, clouds, the interplay between intellect and emotion, etc. The images don't seem to help very much.
I know the elemental associations too, but my problem is mostly in trying to figure out whether a court card represents a person or an energy in any given reading. Drives me crazy.

The Tarot of the Elves has very elementally evocative court cards, especially the Knight of Cups.

Srill drives me crazy when I pull those courts.

GRRRR!! >_<


I'm still amazed - i don't have trouble with court cards, never did as a beginner, and can't imagine why people do. Why don't the same people have trouble with the Majors, or the pips, I keep thinking.

But this is about cards that are your least favourite to see. I don't have any least favourites. Even those cards that indicate trouble, I'm happy to see them because they give me warning, they tell me it's time for me to re-evaluate the course I'm on and perhaps handle my life and decision-making differently. So they're actually my best friends, helping keep everything smooth and boring <grin>.

Le Fanu

nisaba said:
I'm still amazed - i don't have trouble with court cards, never did as a beginner, and can't imagine why people do. Why don't the same people have trouble with the Majors, or the pips, I keep thinking.
Because Court Cards are so static and seated and stiff. they never do anything apart from - er - sit statically and stiffly. And hold an attribute. And because in a future position it's so unexciting to get them. "There's going to be a person in the future." OK, right... or "There's going to be an aspect of you in the future" :D

I can and do read them - I have to choose a deck in which I feel they are vivid - the Victorian Romantic, Thoth etc. Oh but those hateful ones which are just on thrones. And even worse; SIDEWAYS! IN PROFILE! So you get a lifeless card halved.

Honestly, people have messed around with the tarot deck so much over the centuries - with Transformation and Materialisms etc - you'd think the Courts would have been done away with by now.

Oh but I don't mind them really. What I don't like seeing is Judgement or Temperance.


enchanted spirit

10 of Swords, always that 10 of Swords!


I don't mind cards like the devil or the tower or even the 10 of swords. For me it is the 5 of cups. I struggle with the pages as well. off and on i have struggled with certain majors the hierophant most of all