2 of Wands as a couple


I get this card frequently when I am asking about the person with whom I have a relationship. The trouble is I find it difficult interpreting this card.

I use the Rider Waite deck most of the time and it seems to me there's an air of sadness about the card, reinforced by Rider's interpretation. It looks like a powerful man still can't be satisfied with what he has. I am not sure that applies to my relationship at all.

I know it is also seen as neutrality or passivity - somebody caught between something. Maybe this card is asking me to be more active with the other person? I don't know....

Does anybody interpret this as being the card of a couple? Rider Waite is not appropriate for this interpretation but I did a reading last year when the relationship was just taking on a hint of development. The pack was the Avalon tarot, I believe - it's in my home country and I don't live there and so I have forgotten the tarot's proper name. It is a little 'manga'/animation' in its style.

The 2 of Wands showed Arthur and Guinevere, a couple. Do you think I should be thinking more of that interpretation rather than sadness/indifference or whatever?


Decisions about the relationship or decisions about making a deeper commitment
He might be thinking about asking you to marry him :)


I have always seen this card as the card of a leader, a person who has chosen to do their own thing.


I feel like there is cause I will read it in terms of a relationship or a partnership because it is a 2 and can indicate a union of some sort. But I see the 2 Wands union as more platonic and strictly business rather than romantic. Because there are many other cards for that.
For a couple it could be that their relationship is more business, or that they are more wrapped up in their work than eachother.


I've had this card come up when each of the parties is tentative about taking the lead with the other, so they both sort of stand around waiting for their partner to make the plans and decide what to do.

I don't know if that would fit your situation...but it is another way to look at this card.


Oh that's a good one Starry, I'd never have thought of that.



aware7 said:
The 2 of Wands showed Arthur and Guinevere, a couple. Do you think I should be thinking more of that interpretation rather than sadness/indifference or whatever?
Arthur and Guinevere were not, originally, a bad couple or a bad idea. In the original story, they have a successful marriage for a long time before they run into trouble with Lancelot. The thing to remember with the A & G's relationship is that they did love each other and did respect each other, and were good at being King and Queen of Camelot. They decided to marry (to take up that Wand, as it were) not out of love or passion, however, but out of shared ambitions and higher goals. They made a commitment to each other because they wanted something great and glorious, and they knew it could not happen without each other.

Did you ever see the movie or musical "Camelot"? I think it's presents this idea very well. Arthur tells Guinevere his dreams for his Kingdom, a place where people think of right and justice and there is peace and prosperity. And she is captured by that idea of a glorious, wonderful Kingdom. And she WANT to help Arthur create that. And he knows that with her at his side, he can do it. And without he, he may not be able to do it. So they marry for the ideal.

This is commitment to a passionate idea, a choice made for some great ambition. That is not a bad basis for an excellent partnership. But it does mean that the ideal, Camelot as it were, comes first. The partnership is created to serve that ideal. That's very different from a partnership created out of pure love where there is no other aim than to be with each other.

It's like marrying someone who plans to be a doctor, and you and the person both know that both of you will be putting time and effort and sacrifice into getting this person through medical school, helping them build a practice, connecting with other physicians, etc. It is going to be a joint project for both of you to make this person's future a success for both your sakes. Now compare that to marrying someone who has no plans for the future, no prospects, but you both love each other to death so what else matters?

If the 2/Wands is coming up a lot with this question regarding this person, then you're being asked to make a decision. You need to decide not only to commit to this person, but to their future--to create a joint future as it were. This is not about just loving the person. It's about wanting the same future that they want. It's about committing to the creation and dream of Camelot--no matter what needs to be sacrificed in order to achieve it.


I would say that you're maturing as a couple, simply put.


All your answers have really helped me!

I found the 2 of Wands to be difficult to understand before I started this thead. Now I see how different my interpretation can be. Thank You!


I had two relationship which were very much characterized by 2 of wands, this card was always coming up.

In both cases it was showing

1)some kind of power battle between me and the other - where I felt mostly overpowered by the other in regards to ideas, convictions and it was the same for the other. I was also strong, so that the other person felt that I was being the stubborn one. So, some kind of clash of personal convictions.

Numer two is about joining, coupling, yes - but I see joining mostly in the cup's card (2 of cups), where maybe because of the water element we are open and receptive to the other and also reaching out. Water can merge into the other and vice versa.

But in the rest of the two's my experience is mostly in DUALITY, not so much in melting and merging.

I remember clearly that I got 2 of pentacles for my feelings towards this person - and I was literaly juggling my feelings, going from loving to hating the person, liking and enjoying him, to disliking and being pissed off at him. There were opposite characteristics, some attracted me, some were putting me off. And I couldn't reconcile them, I was going from "oh, he is so great! to "jeez, what a jerk". Up and down.

As for the 2 of wands, it is, in my experience, about DUALITY of spirit, force, strength, conviction, even philosohical, ethical point of view. For me it meant that although yes, there was an attraction, there was a meeting, connecting, responding to each other, certain affinity - we had disagreements regarding our points of view about life, development, inner growth etc, all connected to the spirit as wands represent.

All this lead to power struggle where we wanted to convince each other to accept the other's point of view or at least understand it.

2)as it is said of 2 of wands - deciding but not going for it yet. There was a relation, connection, even a nice one, there was even sexual tension - but we never went for it. It remained a tension, balancing of energies, up and down, going here and there, being pulled toward each other but not materializing anything. So I see 2 of wands in relationship questions as a presence of two spirits, two individuals, both strong, both attracted but who remain at this point, like on a swing, but nobody jumps, although the energy is clear. But the decision to move from this swinging has not arrived yet.