LS - Manga Tarot


Here are a few preview cards (low res), in what would be possibly the definitve layout.

And following here a brief abstract from the booklet.


The deck’s structure
The deck has 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana, divided into 40 numbered cards and 16 Court cards. The Minor Arcana are divided into four suits: swords, pentacles, wands, and chalices.
Each card has two structural characteristics:
- a dominant color
- a glyph

The dominant color indicates a suit of the Minor Arcana and an aspect of human nature, of our surrounding world, or the how, “with what eyes” we view others, ourselves and things.
It therefore represents a card’s internal theme.
This brief summary can be of help:
Blue: swords, air, intellect.
Green: pentacles, earth, nature.
Red: wands, fire, personality.
Yellow: chalices, water, feelings.

Each glyph indicates a season: spring, summer, autumn, winter.
The four seasons refer to the temporal and cyclic element of the cards.
This brief summary can be of help:
Spring: birth, beginning, sunrise, adolescence.
Summer: growth, culmination, noon, maturity.
Autumn: decline, stagnation, sunset, old age.
Winter: death, minimum, night, silence.
Spring naturally follows winter.

Some cards are exceptions to this basic structure.
The Fool does not have a dominant color or a glyph (the Fool cannot be forced into a structure).
The Wheel contains all four glyphs, representing the cyclic passing of time.
The World does not have a dominant color because it represents completeness and therefore the sum of all four of the elements.
The Aces contain all four of the seasons (the Ace represents potential and the potential for the entire journey is therefore within each Ace).
The Tens contain three glyphs. Attention must be placed on the missing glyph before those that are present. In this sense the tens must be interpreted as the absence of the fourth glyph (for example: the absence of spring).

A final consideration regards the type of characters represented. The traditional iconography was inverted in this deck, representing as men those normally appearing as women and as women those who were depicted as men.
The names of the Court cards were therefore modified.
The Queen changes places with the King, whereas the Knight becomes the Princess and the Knave becomes the Prince.
This is also useful for making the internal relationships of the Court cards more obvious and intuitive: mother, father, daughter, son.




Although I am not a Manga person, I will add this one to my collection :)

BTW: why is the colour yellow used for cups and blue for swords?


Really very interesting, Riccardo! I had dismissed this deck when the 2006 decks were announced, based on the title (not a manga fan!), but now I'm not so sure ...


This looks like an absolutely gorgeous deck. I'm also usually not a "manga" person, but this deck looks so lush, and so well thought out after reading your post, that it'll probably find its way into my collection soon enough.

Thanks for the info and the scans! :)


Hi Ric,
I put this one on my wish-list the day I saw your original calendar. The larger format cards just blow me away. The flowers blooming after the Fool has past... what a superb touch! And so many careful details and thought.


All I Can Say Is WOW

What a wonderful deck! I am usually not a manga fan myself but I was suitably impressed. I really like the Princess of Swords among the 10 cards shown. Is she riding a whale or a dolphin? I suspect the dolphin (for intellect).

Yet another deck to add to my wish list.

Snowy Owl


Actually - in a very far far far transposition - she is riding "Moby-Dick"

December Fairy

Love them. Gorgeous.


Hi Ricardo

I said in your other thread announcing decks for 2006 that I was interested in this deck, for someone else who is very into Manga art. :shhh:

Any news when it will be out?


They look beautiful.

For an old fogie who feels a little out of it... what exactly is Manga anyway?