LS - Manga Tarot


This deck reminds me of OEL manga, its not really manga but it kinda looks like it.


Thanks for the preview, Riccardo! Until now, I really haven't cared for what I have seen of manga style decks. That said, the images you have shown here are tasteful and certainly provide the Tarot reader with plenty of food for thought when considering possible card interpretations. Great job!



It came to me, I saw it, and I'm vanquished!

Wowee, like it, like it, like it!

I'm pretending that I secretly ordered a custom tarot and this was made for me.

I know we sometimes get new-deck-enchantment like puppy dogs with springloaded delight, so let me just say I'm in puppy-dog-heaven.

Of course my caveats are generally about black borders--my first shuffle through, I had a small white nick on one of my cards, and I'm really careful about my decks. I know when I really like a deck, it will not matter about the borders or edges so much.

The majors have a gender switch so a standard High Priestess will have been switched with the High Priest/Pope--you'll find a manly sort on II and a womanly sort on V of the majors.

I like the Euro-Asian-Gender mixes on what could have been a 'standard' deck. I think of it as different, and far more my style than the Samurai. The Samurai has some pretty landscapes and a more naive--maybe in my eyes--less detailed and a breezy sketchiness. That's only my eyes.

I find the Manga Tarot more my style for coloring, detail and interesting characters.

Best regards and thanks! I couldn't wait and ordered from Alidastore.



December Fairy

Cerulean said:
Wowee, like it, like it, like it!

I'm pretending that I secretly ordered a custom tarot and this was made for me.

I know we sometimes get new-deck-enchantment like puppy dogs with springloaded delight, so let me just say I'm in puppy-dog-heaven.

Of course my caveats are generally about black borders--my first shuffle through, I had a small white nick on one of my cards, and I'm really careful about my decks. I know when I really like a deck, it will not matter about the borders or edges so much.

The majors have a gender switch so a standard High Priestess will have been switched with the High Priest/Pope--you'll find a manly sort on II and a womanly sort on V of the majors.

I like the Euro-Asian-Gender mixes on what could have been a 'standard' deck. I think of it as different, and far more my style than the Samurai. The Samurai has some pretty landscapes and a more naive--maybe in my eyes--less detailed and a breezy sketchiness. That's only my eyes.

I find the Manga Tarot more my style for coloring, detail and interesting characters.

Best regards and thanks! I couldn't wait and ordered from Alidastore.



I have them on pre-order with Amazon. But going to check Alidastore now. :D


This deck is another one for my wish list. I am wondering why my fav book stores still keep plenty of copies of the 2005 LS releases but no new ones (ok I ordered several copies of the Reflections, the 78 doors and the White cats for some trades but heck, I want to see new decks there!!!!).

I long to see the Samurai, the Manga, the Kamastura and the Afro-Brazilian there!!!


Some pleasant notes for seekers who are puzzling with this deck

I had a rather pleasant evening going through this deck and using the notes provided in the LWB in the front part--but not the meanings of the cards--I began trying to do a bit of deciphering.

I have a feeling that others will get to review the deck before I do, but I was so excited, I figured I would share my notes anyway.

One thing that would have been very frustrating if I had not the resources, would be trying to figure out the glyphs. There is one note of Justice having the Winter glyph, but I needed more information to enjoy the deck.

Based on the cards posted by Riccardo, I do offer these notes:

Card One posted: Fool. Note no glyph and absence of colors except mostly black and white.

Card Two posted: Empress. Glyph: Summer. Turquoise blue, swan image, yellow and red accents, also switch with Emperor.

Card Three posted: Priestess. Glyph: Autumn. White and blue, woman knee-high in water, sickle moon in reflection, book in pool, switch with High Priest.

Card Four posted: Death: Glyph: Winter. Black of night on vital red color. Hooded figure and seemingly female figure unhooded facing light in distance. May want to check other majors (Lovers?) to see if similar characters.

Card Five posted: Moon - Glyph: Spring. Blue on red. Dancing white bear with red-headed woman and three swans. Remember Empress is red-headed woman. Note woman is dipping foot in water as well as dancing with the bear.

Card Six posted: Six of Chalices. Glyph: Summer. Green on white. Growth, flwering, girl and young boy picking flowers in pastoral setting.

Card Seven posted: King of Chalices. Glyph: Winter. Blue lettering on yellow, he is sitting in water with foam about him. He is drinking water as well. Wavy grass at his feet seems to be waving in surf. Colors include green, yellow, white and blue.

Card Eight posted: Two of Pentacles. Glyph: Winter. Green on white calligraphy. The scene is blue and green. The woman is vaguely making a yin-yang symbol in the water and the tree nearby is bloom.

Ace of Wands: Glyphs: Red Spring symbol on yellow; Gold summer symbol on yellow; Green autumn symbol on yellow and blue winter symbol on yellow is at the bottom. The bamboo, flowering plant and waving red curtains are lovely.

Princess of Swords: Glyph: Spring. White on blue, switch with Prince, riding white whale and among clouds or foam. I would almost say "Air of water"?

The descriptions I wrote out coupled with the scans you see from R.Minetti's draws from the suggestion with the LWB to create journal notes of the deck pictures to help describe and suggest possibilities. I'd say this is a subtle, but pleasantly evocative deck for most readings.

Best regards,



This deck is so preeeeetty!!! XDDD

Odd, the symbols there represent the seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter), I wonder why... Manga means comic book, but Westerners lately take the word to mean Japanese comics.

I'm getting me one of these decks, heh heh.


Thanks for the info, Cerulean!

I have this deck on my wish list. It looks not too heavy, just fun. :)


I just read Solandia review on the deck.
It shouldn't be my place to comment...

but I hope my consideration is out of topic enough to be general and not specific.
And of course, my consideration is probably damaged by my strong bias against the RWS deck for beginners. :)

I wonder what should be considered as "beginner". We tend to imply (and therefore to cause) that a beginner is confortable with RWS imagery, meaning and approach.
While this may be true in English speaking countries, it still does not consider that a beginner may start without any previous knowledge of the RWS or of any Tarot at all. Actually the beginner should be a person approaching his very first deck.
Right know we do have two very different concepts under the same word:
- beginner = RWS person with little experience that exist anything more and that Tarot is wider, and deeper than it was 100 yeas ago.
- beginner = white-slate person that still has to make an approach to Tarot. That still has to learn/master the basics, but also the molteplicity of Tarot.

Actually, my purpose when designing the Manga was to provide a deck for "beginners". That was the reason why it was "manga",as it could relate to young people. And that's why I used glyphs and color codes that makes easer creating connections between cards... and why in the booklet I indulged into trying to show road to a journey in learning and not just a list of meaning.
But, of course, I don't have the faintest idea if I may have succeeded or not. ^_^

And obviously I remain in my powerful conviction that staring with the RWS does only bad to a Tarotist. It is like an overprotective mother that gives too much, and for too long. And only strong personalities manages to get through and find a path of their own.



I have it. I hate Manga on the whole, and I still like it :D