10 of wands and Strength in friendship reading


My first thought for the 10 of Wands for this outcome is that the "fire" of the wands or physical passions could become a burden. In other words, allowing a sexual encounter to occur with this friend, will forever change the relationship. The clarifier of Strength indicates to me the need to keep control of your passions. Once sex enters the equation, the "friendship" will be changed - perhaps for better, perhaps for worse. If the friendship is to be maintained, then the passions must be controlled.

We are both heterosexual women, so I don't see this happen. but i must tell you that I thought that if this was speaking about me and a guy, that would have been my interpretation of the reading LOL

I would say that you had better be prepared for a friendship which is not going to be light hearted and fun, but, some people may say, deeper, or others may say, one that can seem as hard going, depending upon your perspective to such things.

I like that!!

just keep practicing reading in pairs and listening to your intuition.

I will. Thanks :-D


The 10 of Wands to me says that you will create the most that you can together. Wands aer about creating and the 10`s are the most of the element it is possible to have. So you will create the deepest friendship together that you can have. Strength says there will be a deep and strong bond and connection between you.

So to me they are very good positive cards. A very strong and deep friendship.



Hi guys! some time has gone by and I can give you an update on this.

The 10 of wands deffinetly was talking about friendship = burden.

This girl has turned up to be nuts! Some events have unfolded recently that are indicating that she probably is... how can I say it.... practicing with dark energies (in a "bad witch" way). Plus, she has been insulting friends of mine with no reason, just to create chaos. Totally totally insane. Thus, I've felt her and our friendship a burden. She put me in an awful possition with people I love so I've decided to terminate our relationship.


Hi guys! some time has gone by and I can give you an update on this.

The 10 of wands deffinetly was talking about friendship = burden.

This girl has turned up to be nuts! Some events have unfolded recently that are indicating that she probably is... how can I say it.... practicing with dark energies (in a "bad witch" way). Plus, she has been insulting friends of mine with no reason, just to create chaos. Totally totally insane. Thus, I've felt her and our friendship a burden. She put me in an awful possition with people I love so I've decided to terminate our relationship.

That's too bad, Ilaris - sorry it didn't work out...and very interesting to see how it played out, in the end. I was reading this with some interest, as I just asked the same kind of question about a friend, and got the Ten of Wands as an outcome card as well. We seem to be having a distance right now between us, and with the 10 Wands coming up as a future card, I can see I will either have problems working it out, or else her friendship will be a difficult thing to maintain and carry. Hmm. Your Ten of Wands certainly gave you great difficulties, I can see that! But you seemed to have been able to handle the outcome, perhaps that was why Strength was there too. Better luck in future... ;)


we were writing at the same time.....


Another take...

It's always so great to read everyone's interpretations. My first thought was the kind of friendship where one person is going through a lot, and the other person really takes on the role of a true friend. In other words, lifts them up, helps them carry their burdens whether emotionally or morally, and is able to recognize the other person's inner strength even if at some moments they are the one carrying them through the turmoil. To me it read like you would be a very strong,committed, and dedicated friend. Hope that helps!


10 of wands clarified by the Strength (VIII).

Perhaps as time passes and the friendship's "honeymoon period" ends, you'll find that, in accordance with the 10, you'll be the one doing most of the ringing or texting to meet up, you'll be the one giving more lifts or paying for more than your share of lunch, etc. Strength indicates that you will reach a point where this is tiresome, and if you want to continue with the friendship, you will need to find your own inner strength.

However, don't drop them yet - this might be months or years in the future, and none of us are so rich-in-friends that we can throw away a promising friendship *before* the problems start.