4 new Lo Scarabeo decks at Alida


There are now the next new LoS decks of this year available at Alida: The Circle of Life, the Pictorial Key, the Tarot of Pirates and the Tarot of Angels.


What do you think? I'm pretty sure I will get the Angels. It looks like a perfect comfort deck, maybe even a good deck to carry around when things are very stressful. And since it seems to be a RWS clone it should be easy to read.

The Pirates one looks like a lot of fun. I don't think I will buy it but I would love to see more pictures. You never know! :D

The Circle of Life doesn't do anything for me but the concept itself is interesting.

I'm unsure of whether or not I like the Pictorial Key. Being a digital RWS clone it should be easy to read but I have to see more cards to decide whether or not I like the art. The cards shown look a bit too artificial to me but I can also imagine that the digital art will bring the familiar cards to life. I will have to wait and see. ;) I like the backs though!


Thanks for posting this. I like the Pirate scans. They are more colorful than the few I'd seen before. This deck is the one I will probably get out of these new ones.

I like the gold and black borders of the Pictorial Key. I also like the backs, too.

Anyone who hasn't already seen the Golden Botticelli needs to click that picture at this same link.


I think "Tarot of Angels "is the best of them ( I love everything that has to do with Angels). I don't know if it's going to be easy to do readings with it though.
I have to admit I don't like digital art (that's why I didn't buy "Tarot of the Elves" ) but Pictorial Key seems nice. I would like to see more scans of it before I buy it also. I'm waiting for "Golden Botticelli" and I'm very anxious to have it in my hands! :)


I actually think the Circle of Life looks interesting. I'd have to have a bit more information on it before buying, but it looks interesting. And I love the Pirate deck!!


I really like the Pictorial Key, the art work looks real nice.


Curious about the circle deck...thanks for posting

I'll check back...am very interested in the Circle deck...there were earlier posts about the Botticelli (another thread), which might be in the States sometime soon. Perhaps for me, holiday presents by the end of the year!

Thanks for posting the alert.



Thanks Darla for posting the link. 4 more decks I'm gonna have to buy....



I like the Circle of Life, looks like an earthy deck as far as I can see...looking forward to seeing and hearing more about this one.
But the next Lo Scarabeo deck I am going to get will probably be the one simply called "Lo Scarabeo" :D


I like the Pictoral Key Tarot, I want to see more scans aswell.


I'm definately going to get the "Tarot of Pirates" deck when they finally sail over here to the new world, but I also like the look of the "Tarot of Angels" deck.

Pirates first though. Arrrr.