9 of Pentacles rx or ill dignified as Body Image/Self image issues?


The RWS 9 of Pentacles woman has her own interests (falconry for one, maybe gardening for another) so she doesn't have to constantly need company to keep her occupied. Like the snail in the picture, she's self-contained. She has her own home and all she needs to get through life without asking anyone for anything. A partner would be icing on the cake but isn't necessary for her to be happy.

I see reversals as blockages and almost opposite meanings to the upright which would mean she's not able to be happy with doing things all by herself. She needs somebody else to share with---which all of us do, in some respects, but she really can't just be content to live a single life. She feels she's just GOT to find a partner and that's always hovering in the back of her mind, even when she's doing other things.

As what not to do, the meaning would be to remember the paradox----when you're searching for love from outside yourself, it will elude you. When you learn to love yourself enough not to seek someone to love, your lover will come to you.

I'm not saying you're the reverse of the 9 of Pentacles woman. I'm just seeing that the cards are reminding you not to flip over and become that reversed 9 of Pentacles. :)

Ruby Jewel

Hi AT-ers,

I constantly keep getting this card in various positions but mostly the How To, be it in love readings or self fulfilment readings. I wondered if since upright, this woman seems to be at ease and comfortable in her environment (let's not go to that place where some argue that she is a kept woman and actually feels stifled, and her comfort is somewhat staged), would it mean "not loving your body/body image or self image issues"?

Also, what other cards would you associate with body image issues?

Simply put, she lacks self-awareness and faith in herself. It is a message that you need to cultivate self-esteem and learn to believe in yourself without affirmation from anyone. Look in the mirror every morning and say "You are beautiful. I love you." ....... and believe it.

Girl Archer

Simply put, she lacks self-awareness and faith in herself. It is a message that you need to cultivate self-esteem and learn to believe in yourself without affirmation from anyone. Look in the mirror every morning and say "You are beautiful. I love you." ....... and believe it.

That is simply lovely, thanks I will definitely try that out Ruby Jewel!

The RWS 9 of Pentacles woman has her own interests (falconry for one, maybe gardening for another) so she doesn't have to constantly need company to keep her occupied. Like the snail in the picture, she's self-contained. She has her own home and all she needs to get through life without asking anyone for anything. A partner would be icing on the cake but isn't necessary for her to be happy.

I see reversals as blockages and almost opposite meanings to the upright which would mean she's not able to be happy with doing things all by herself. She needs somebody else to share with---which all of us do, in some respects, but she really can't just be content to live a single life. She feels she's just GOT to find a partner and that's always hovering in the back of her mind, even when she's doing other things.

As what not to do, the meaning would be to remember the paradox----when you're searching for love from outside yourself, it will elude you. When you learn to love yourself enough not to seek someone to love, your lover will come to you.

I'm not saying you're the reverse of the 9 of Pentacles woman. I'm just seeing that the cards are reminding you not to flip over and become that reversed 9 of Pentacles. :)

Fantastic points as always Grizabella! :thumbsup: Guess I hadn't really thought of it that way. However, would you see this as body image issues as well? If not, what cards do you suppose suggest body image or self image issues?


Reversed 9 of Pents can be about drinking too much or weight gain.

The star reversed can also indicate both of that, plus sexual body image problems.

Girl Archer

Reversed 9 of Pents can be about drinking too much or weight gain.

The star reversed can also indicate both of that, plus sexual body image problems.

Oh thanks Laurelle! How does Star relate to sexual body image problems? I thought that might be more up Strength's alley!


Sure, I could see reversed 9 of Pentacles as negative body image. The reversed Queen of any suit, but especially the reversed Queen of Pentacles, could indicate that as well.

The reversed 9 of Pentacles woman would be suffering from extremely low self image and self esteem. If one of the Queens appeared in the same spread, it could indicate that they're self-conscious and lacking in whatever suit the Queen(s) that show up indicate. For instance, if the Queen of Cups came up, the sitter would be feeling they lacked empathy or the ability to express love. If the reversed Queen of Wands and reversed Queen of Swords both showed up, it could indicate that they don't feel witty and creative enough to be worthy of someone's love. Etcetera. :)

Girl Archer

Sure, I could see reversed 9 of Pentacles as negative body image. The reversed Queen of any suit, but especially the reversed Queen of Pentacles, could indicate that as well.

The reversed 9 of Pentacles woman would be suffering from extremely low self image and self esteem. If one of the Queens appeared in the same spread, it could indicate that they're self-conscious and lacking in whatever suit the Queen(s) that show up indicate. For instance, if the Queen of Cups came up, the sitter would be feeling they lacked empathy or the ability to express love. If the reversed Queen of Wands and reversed Queen of Swords both showed up, it could indicate that they don't feel witty and creative enough to be worthy of someone's love. Etcetera. :)

that last bit was so true for me up until a few days, and I used to feel like that A LOT in high school. Especially about not being witty enough to captivate :grin: But now, I don't care. I mean, I have come to embrace that we can't all be Lizzie Bennett, each of us has our own unique brand of charm. Right? Thanks again for your awesome inputs, Grizabella :) Hope you're well.


You're very welcome, Girl Archer. :)