Ace of Cups


Insecurity. Passivity. Emotional over-reactions.Falling easily into vices & adictions.


Ace of Cups (negatives)

Reject. One way love. Unrequited love. False heart. Cheating heart. Infidelity. Unfaithful. Adultery. Threesome. Premature. Closure. Exclude. Withdrawing. Withholding. Unloved. Unwanted. Stigma. Frigidity. (Emotionally) unavailable. Menopause. Sterility. Fertility issues. Pregnancy issues. Reproductive issues. Sexual dysfunctions. Contraception. Birth control. Cramp. Open relationships. Nobody loves me. Sorrow through children. Follow love and it will flee thee; flee love and it will follow thee. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife. Sexual inadequacy. Inhibited sexual desire. Premarital sex. Love triangle. A loves B, but B doesn't love A; instead B loves C, so A is crushed. Two-timing.


Negative aspects of the Ace of Cups -Inflation. Grandiosity. Exhibitionism. Mania. Fanaticism. Selflessness. Excessive charity. Altruism. Sacrifice. Martyrdom. Excessive concern for others. Foolishness. Irrationality. Naïveté. Gullibility