ace of pentacles


Nan said:
I was thinking of taking her as your guest for a outing, museum, art gallery, some cities have huge gardens, quiet lunch. Places where it is safe, quiet, inspiring, where she can step back for a minute and just be.
That would be lovely. But it's impossible.


Without knowing either of you it's difficult to say, I can only specualte that she either needs you to be her 'rock' as she is on shaky ground herself and needs a solid constant in her life, or otherwise the obvious one is that she may need financial help of some kind. As the Ace of Pents is about beginnings, is there some way you could help her start a new financial venture or something like that?



No, she doesn't need financial help. But this idea of being a rock to hold onto might be it, although I'm not very good at being such a rock. That reminds me: a friend of mine (a different one) once came back from a weekend by the sea and gave me a small rock she had found on the beach. 'Everyone needs a rock to hold on to', she said. And how right she was.


Being there for someone or being there "rock" is a gift in itself. Maybe you need to express that to her that you will be there for her. Tell her you WILL NOT lie to her whether it will hurt her feelings or not you will be HONEST and honesty is a great gift! People need someone in there lives that will tell them the truth when everyone else wants to sugar coat things.


Be solid in yourself. Does her house need vacuuming, or is there a bill that needs paying?

Sometimes the most solid, Pentaclesy friends are not the ones who take you out for an afternoon of fun, but the ones who can help you deal with the routine stuff that you're not dealing with too well at the moment.


Any Ace is a consciousness and a potential which needs to be worked on ,otherwhise it loses it's energy

You have to work that energy