Animal Oracle Advice...


***closed...must go accomplish something today lol**

Hey all! I have two animal oracle decks that I would like to try out today. Both of these decks have one sentence of advice printed at the bottom of the card. I will not elaborate on the advice much, if at all. I think these cards offer very straight-forward information and need no least that is how they have worked for me thus far. It will be interesting to see if that holds true for others.

These readings will be very short and to the point. Brief feedback (just whether it resonates or not) is required.


Deck 1: Messages from your animal spirit guides

Deck 2: Power Animal Oracle

Let me know if you have a preference between these decks or I will just pick one intuitively.


Hi EmpressArwen,

I would love for you to pull a card for me!

With you i would trust your intuition so i will let you choose the deck.
My area of focus would be love relationships.



I would love to sit! Please choose for me:)
I would like to know about future with D! Thank you


I would like to participate. Use your intuition to choose the deck. Thanks!


Hi EmpressArwen,

I would love for you to pull a card for me!

With you i would trust your intuition so i will let you choose the deck.
My area of focus would be love relationships.


I chose Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides

Card 1 - Gorilla - Take time to listen compassionately to those you love especially family members.

Card 2 - Camel - Trust that you have the resources to get you through the challenges before you.

Card 3 - Falcon - Act on opportunity that is before you and commit to it without equivocation.

Interesting. So I think this is some sound advice overall about relationships. Learn to listen with compassion. Trust that, in relationships, you can get through challenges (for there will always be challenges to overcome) and when "HE" shows up...go FOR IT.

So do you struggle with commitment due to past hurts? The last card feels like, don't let the past stop what could be right now. Treat every new relationship as it's own experience. Is there a guy who is in the picture? Kind of feels like he's getting an animal spirit thumbs up. lol

Good luck in love, dear! :


Hello, I would love to sit.

Tell me about this weekends effect on BL and I.

the animal guides please.

Thank you!


I would love to sit! Please choose for me:)
I would like to know about future with D! Thank you

Power Animal Oracle

Hmmm...this was an interesting answer. Let's see what we can make of it.

Card 1. Hawk (focus) - Choose your priorities and eliminate distractions.

Card 2. Bear (boundaries) - Stand your ground.

Card 3. Buffalo (abundance) - You are provided for in all ways.

Oooookay. So I think that the first card is pretty clear. If you want a future with D, focus on that. Make sure you have room in your life for D. Often we want something but in truth our lives are so full of other "stuff" that there really isn't room for it. Cut out unnecessary aspects of your life.

Now here is where it gets interesting....with the Bear, I think this is saying, don't forget to be YOU. I wonder if D doesn't have a big personality. Someone who can kind of take over a room. Not controlling but just someone who is a bit larger than life and you would have the tendency to just go along with it. I think this is a card of saying don't do that...just be you. Stand up for what you want and be yourself. Don't get steamrolled by anyone.

The last card...hmmm...It's interesting because I always get this card when asking about something I want but that I don't have yet. Are you currently in a relationship with D? Because this card to me feels like "hey, whether you get a future with D or not, remember you have everything you need...right there inside of you". Does that make sense?

I'm wondering if the last two cards together (well, maybe even the first one too) isn't saying that "Focus on you...being who you are...growing within yourself...D will either join that or D won't. Either way, you will be fine. lol

Not very clear answer there but interesting.


I would like to participate. Use your intuition to choose the deck. Thanks!

I just went with general reading since no question. I hope that is ok.

Power Animal Oracle

Card 1. Owl (Omens) - Pay attention to signs!

Card 2. Kangaroo (Gratitude) - Be grateful for all that you are blessed with.

Card 3. Butterfly (Transformation) - Get ready for a BIG BREAKTHROUGH.

Whoa. Looks like something is coming your way. I think you are being given signs of what this transformation is going to be but you haven't noticed them. Take some time to quiet your mind and look around. I think you will be surprised by what you see. The Kangaroo is just a gentle reminder to practice gratitude on a daily basis in order to bring more of the good stuff into your life...and then boom...something big. Transformation. ;)

I wanted to know if I could get any info as to what this transformation would involve...because I'm nosey. lol

Earth Magic Oracle

Dragonfly - Emergence

A stunning card. Here is what is said in the LWB: "You are in an intense process of emergence into the next cycle of your life. Unlike more gradual shifts in awareness you have experienced, this one is happening quite rapidly and came on somewhat unexpectedly, without any pauses for contemplation or indecision. You may even think that you are unprepared for such dramatic changes in your life, yet you are prepared and can put to use the experiences and wisdom you have accumulated up to now."

Wow!! What does that make you think? Pretty cool sounding if you ask me! haha!


Hiya Empress!

Me too, use your intuition to choose the right deck :D

I would like to know about my future with Roberta.

Thanks a lot! :)


Hello, I would love to sit.

Tell me about this weekends effect on BL and I.

the animal guides please.

Thank you!

Card 1. Chameleon - stay in the background and adapt to situation rather than being conspicuous and attempting to direct the course of events.

Card 2. Wolverine - you are a lot tougher than you think.

Card 3. Walrus - remain vigilant about the current situation: pay attention to signs and omens and let them dictate your choices. I'm hoping this makes sense to you as I'm really not getting anything intuitively. It seems a little...harsh? Like maybe something has happened or is going to happen that isn't going to go well. It's like a warning for you to hang back and observe because something is going to be revealed to you. The Wolverine card makes me feel like it's not great news? Why else would you need the reminder that you are tough?

This was a bit cryptic to me. I hope it makes some sense for you. Let me know if there is another angle you would like me to look at this for you.