Animal Oracle Advice...


May i have one for romance also. You know my back story lol you choose the deck if you're having repeat sitters

Sure! So you know I love you, right? This reading just made me laugh so hardcore...but I swear I love ya!

Power Animals.

Rabbits (fertility) - Your creativity is at a peak.

Kangaroo (gratitude) - Be grateful for all that you are blessed with.

Salmon (determination) - you know where you are going and you will get there.

I wish I had the technology to post this reading because the visual is what made me laugh. So first the rabbit...FERTILITY! The second card has a picture of a Kangaroo with a baby in the pouch...then the last card is of an enormous Salmon (very phallic looking) getting ready to swim And I heard "careful careful".

So I don't know about love but you got pregnancy vibes all over you, girl. Whatever you careful because I know you don't want a baby right now. Wrap it up!!! Twice!!

I think someone is coming that is going to "rock your world" a bit...which can be a good thing, just take the precautions so that it's not something you are going to be dealing with for the next 18 years. k? :)



Thank you everyone! :)


Dang...too bad. Maybe he would be able to purchase things that could light that fire? hahaha. Sometimes those guys that don't have that initial spark have some hidden slow burn that can really warm you on those cold nights. ;)

haha...either way. I have no doubt that you will find your way to someone amazing.

Thanks ! :) you are so sweet


Sure! So you know I love you, right? This reading just made me laugh so hardcore...but I swear I love ya!

Power Animals.

Rabbits (fertility) - Your creativity is at a peak.

Kangaroo (gratitude) - Be grateful for all that you are blessed with.

Salmon (determination) - you know where you are going and you will get there.

I wish I had the technology to post this reading because the visual is what made me laugh. So first the rabbit...FERTILITY! The second card has a picture of a Kangaroo with a baby in the pouch...then the last card is of an enormous Salmon (very phallic looking) getting ready to swim And I heard "careful careful".

So I don't know about love but you got pregnancy vibes all over you, girl. Whatever you careful because I know you don't want a baby right now. Wrap it up!!! Twice!!

I think someone is coming that is going to "rock your world" a bit...which can be a good thing, just take the precautions so that it's not something you are going to be dealing with for the next 18 years. k? :)

OMG ! Lol you have to be kidding me. You're right i dont need any babies right now. That would throw my life for a loop. I was hoping you were going to say I'm headed in the right direction as far as romance goes. Like I'm manifesting the type of guy who i could be happy in a relationship with... not a BABY lol. But I'm definitely going to listen to the advice. Its so funny because my bc expired a month ago. I hadnt got it replaced yet because I'm not intimate with anyone and i hadnt plan to be for a while. Its actually been 6 months since i was intimate with anyone lol. Im calling my dr. tomorrow to be on the safe side though.


Power Animals

Card 1. Turtle (retreat) - stop trying to make something happen.

Card 2. Seal (Imagination) - Immerse yourself in artistic and creative expression.

Card 3. Coyote (wise fool) - Accept your follies and find the teaching in them.

haha! well, ok. These are strange cards. So I guess overall the first two cards are saying "stop focusing on finding someone and have fun!" The last card was a mystery... I kind of had to go intuitively here to actually get a picture of what is being said.

Here is what I got: Love is coming but you can't force it to fit in your time frame. Go explore the world. Go on dates with people you wouldn't normally go out with. It's like you have an "ideal" of what you want but the one you end up with will NOT be that at all. I'm seeing a artsy type person with kind eyes. Go have fun.

Do you paint? Might try taking a painting just might run into an artsy type person with kind eyes there. ;)

These are strange - but the first two made perfect sense to me when I saw the card description you'd put. What you said about love coming and having it's own time frame makes perfect sense. I do have a feeling I need to have more random fun with different guys on the path to this person. The last card however hit me completely differently. When I saw the card description I thought of it more as a reassurance about the journey I'd been on and the lessons I'd learned. I've been scared of making the same mistakes again and part of me has been reluctant to give love another chance in case I have my heart broke like that again or invest again in someone who is not worthy (and he really wasn't) of the repeated chances and effort I put in. I've had a number of readings about the type of male and it's been constant...even intuitively there's a lot of energy surrounding the one I end up with...I am artistic, however I no longer paint. I've been to a few painting classes but it's mostly older females and some young females in the classes. No males. Where I live there is too much machismo for guys to really take up painting classes, especially in my age group. That being said I do also think that he is artistic, although I feel he's more musically inclined than I am.

Thanks for the reading!!