Art Nouveau Tarot by Castelli, Antonella

Le Fanu

I have heard this before about this deck. Sure it has its fans, but there has been a general complaint that the deck is a bit samey. I saw a copy once and thought the same. Plus it has been up in the trading section a little bit too often...

Interestingly, I have her Art Nouveau Lenormand Oracle which is wonderful. A rich variety of images, beautiful cards and it reads fantastically. It´s one of the Lenormands I most often use. I love it...


Ah, Le Fanu, I have been looking hard at the Lenormand decks for a while now. Thanks for the tip. The Lenormand I really want is out of print:(

Le Fanu

balenciaga said:
Ah, Le Fanu, I have been looking hard at the Lenormand decks for a while now. Thanks for the tip. The Lenormand I really want is out of print:(

Which one is it? Here at AT we can usually locate just about anything!


It is the French one - the one with the French prose bubbles - let me look up the proper name - I'll be right back...


I can't find it - but I will post over in the Lenormand thread - I do not want to veer too far afield of the Art Nouveau:), since this is the subject of this thread.


Many of the cards, especially the male figures, are adapted from well known ancient or baroque statues.

The Chariot is from the Augustus Primaporta, an ancient Roman statue, & portrait of the emperor Augustus.

The Sun is from Bacchus & Dionysus, an ancient Greek statue by Praxitiles.

The Knave of Wands is from the Doryphoros, another ancient Greek statue, by Polyclitus.

The Knave of Swords is from David, by the Baroque sculptor Bernini.

The King of Pentacles is from Hades and Persephone, again by Bernini.

With a bit of research, you could track down the source material for some of the other cards.

Castelli no doubt used these as a tribute to her culture, as the originals are prominently displayed in museums in Italy.

I personally like the deck quite a bit.


Hi All,

I just happen to notice this thread and hope it is ok to mention here that I would like to sell my limited edition of this beautiful deck. If you are interested, please get in touch with me. I want it to go to a good home :).
