AT's ATC Tarot Deck Project and Exhibition


I see that the list has been reposted. But do we know if everyone on the list is still willing to participate?

I don't participate as often as I use to... between real life and learning 3D computer art, but I still check in often, and lurk... But I have noticed that some of the people on the list have not even logged on in months... Just a suggestion, but maybe a little roll-call, and the card(s) the people have requested to do, would be in order :) JMHO


Three Of Cups
Six Of Cups
Six Of Wands


Roll Call

9 of Cups
5 of Pentacles
10 of Wands




I still got:

3 of Pentacles

I can have them ready to go whenever.



Arania said:
My mom is in hospital in critical condition since about 8 weeks, and i hardly have time to gl online, and am not anywhere close to my card stuff. I might be back home before Xmas but I am not sure. That's why I've not finished the rest of the cards.

thanks, Arania. Many good wishes to you and your mom. I hope she is doing better soon.


Hello, I'm still here....of sorts :)

Temperance is complete, but I'm afraid I have tried and failed with the 8 of pentacles and Knight of Swords. I'll try to step it up again after Christmas. To be honest i haven't made any ATCs or done much drawing since the beginning of this project as I have been setting up my own business, but, it's no excuse, and i must get on with it! :)


OnePotato said:
How come nobody is signing up for this???
We only need seven more to finish.
Where are all the new members that have come along since the project started? There must be hundreds of you!
Where are the rest of the usual deck creators? Too busy?
Come on!

I'm very sad to see this project languishing into a slow fade...
Basically, it lasted so long that rebecca couldn't keep up the lead..... and then no-one else was able to take over. I'm glad to see it raised from the dead ! I don't know what will happen about an exhibition now, but to get the DECK done and sent out will be great ! I am sorry to hear about everyone's problems.

My cards will be printed as soon as I know how many to print :D I bought an inkjet printer specially !

But I think Draagonstorm has a point - maybe someone needs to PM everyone on the list to make sure..... :eek:


If you are still looking for people ot fill those empty slots, I'm an ATC artist and would be happy to paint a card or two :).


I'm sure everyone will be thrilled; I know I am - grab one while they're hot !

One caution - you will have to print out the card and also enough copies for every participant to have one copy each..... Which is why I have stuck at two cards :D


Sure, I'll do one for now then. I haven't had a chance to read the entire thread - should these be printed out on cardstock or something else thicker?

I'll do the Five of Swords.


Around post #225 is where I asked about this.... I think I shall use heavyish photographic paper - then again..... I may even laminate.... never done this before !