Being misrepresented as a reader by the message of the cards.


If you go to that link, you'll see that I interpreted it kind of like that. I didn't really know what else to say, because my mind was so rejecting the "sorry, can't help ya" aspect of this card.

O.K. - but by the interpretation saying 'think carefully about what you wish for - you may want to walk away. The choice is yours' is a very definate statement, that 'be careful what you wish for- you may get it!' kind of thing. Remember in some Indiana Jones movie where he had to choose which cup (out of the dozens there) would have been used by Jesus in the Last Supper? He bypassed all sorts of beautiful ornate cups and chose a plain wooden one, since Jesus was the son of a carpenter, after all. He didn't go for the largest or most beautiful one.

This card isn't saying "Ask Again Later" - like the 'Magic 8 Ball;' it is saying slow down, stop and smell the coffee, and think twice about what you asked. Rather than saying "NO. Not THAT WAY, you big dummy!" it is saying you need to rethink WHY you are wishing this (or feeling this way.) Rather than the deck making the decision for you, it is saying (in a subtle way) that the choice may not be the best (if you feel that way), but that decision to move forward or move away has to come from YOU (the Querent), not from the cards, or from the Reader.


This message is one of the reasons that I avoid oracles. Most of them seem to have pat "answers" that are often not really answers. This "message" seems something like a Magic 8 Ball type answer frankly.

However, does this card reflect the sitter's belief about readings, either consciously or subconsciously? My SO maintains that card readings are best at reflecting the sitter or querent's current state of mind. If the sitter thinks that the cards are evil or dangerous in some way, then it actually is accurate in this regard. Even if she claims not believe this herself, you might want to ask if her family or close friends hold this belief or tried to drill this into her. If so and she grew up hearing this sort of thing, she may hold that belief subconsciously. Just a thought since this is not your mindset on the matter.

It's possible. The first two cards were great, they fit very well with the questions being asked. Then she wanted to know the 'type of work' she would be doing and I pull this card with a non-answer. And nothing else to really go on intuitively... because usually for difficult questions like that about the future, there is *something* that "catches" me to interpret a card in a whole new way. Not this one. This one was like a book being slammed shut in my face.

I don't see what the problem is or why this is blind siding you. That interpretation given to you in the book is the author's interpretation and there are times when that whole thing might be true. If a sitter wants to know for sure what the future holds with the idea that the future is something that is just dropped in their lap, maybe they need to hear that they need to take action and trust themselves to make a decision, as opposed to relying on the cards. The way you read the card in the spread seemed fine (though I didn't read whether or not the sitter left any feedback)

I can agree with that - it just never seems to happen that way for me. I honestly believe there is something somewhere in a card to help guide. There always has been up to this point.

Or is it that you are considering this quote to be an indication of you as the reader? "Remember that her gifts are not what they appear to be. Knowledge of the future and clear sight proffered by someone as tricky as this lady may be no more than a glittering illusion."

Then: "If you come upon this lady, think carefully about what you wish for. You may be wiser to thank her and walk away empty-handed. The choice is yours."

This part actually lead me to believe (along with the card that follows it) that some other reading has led her down a road of assumptions, because she did ask me an assumed question. But typically those don't bother me either. I do yes/nos, whens, timing and prediction- none of that bothers me, and I usually don't have much trouble with it. And the first two cards I pulled for her were fine with the questions she asked. She asked about a new job (which is assuming that a new job is coming). First question, "The job situation as it exists" - card for that one was fine. Second question, "How the new job situation will come about" - card for that one was fine also. Third question, "The kind of work it will be" - Lady of Leprechauns. Nope sorry, not telling you and you're probably better off. LOL

As with any reading, I say go with your own instincts when reading the cards. The description of the card doesn't ALWAYS mean what's written in the book for every single card in every single position in every reading- and I'm quite sure you know this.

Yes, I do.

So again. I guess I'm just not seeing what you're seeing.

Just, basically I see myself as an open-minded reader in terms of the questions people ask, believing there is a helpful answer somewhere, and this card made me feel like none of that was available to me when I pulled it, and made me feel like a reader who does not support reading on the future, when I clearly am a supporter of that. So I just wondered if anyone else was ever made to feel, by the apparent message of the cards, as someone they are not.


Just, basically I see myself as an open-minded reader in terms of the questions people ask, believing there is a helpful answer somewhere, and this card made me feel like none of that was available to me when I pulled it, and made me feel like a reader who does not support reading on the future, when I clearly am a supporter of that. So I just wondered if anyone else was ever made to feel, by the apparent message of the cards, as someone they are not.

Ok, I guess I see what you mean. I can't say the cards have ever made me feel as though I'm someone that I'm not.

I suppose that in some cases, a "non-answer" is still an answer. It's leaving it to the sitter to figure it all out. I really don't think we are meant to always know everything.


O.K. - but by the interpretation saying 'think carefully about what you wish for - you may want to walk away. The choice is yours' is a very definate statement, that 'be careful what you wish for- you may get it!' kind of thing. Remember in some Indiana Jones movie where he had to choose which cup (out of the dozens there) would have been used by Jesus in the Last Supper? He bypassed all sorts of beautiful ornate cups and chose a plain wooden one, since Jesus was the son of a carpenter, after all. He didn't go for the largest or most beautiful one.

This card isn't saying "Ask Again Later" - like the 'Magic 8 Ball;' it is saying slow down, stop and smell the coffee, and think twice about what you asked. Rather than saying "NO. Not THAY WAY, you big dummy!" it is saying you need to rethink WHY you are wishing this (or feeling this way.) Rather than the deck making the decision for you, it is saying (in a subtle way) that the choice may not be the best (if you feel that way), but that decision to move forward or move away has to come from YOU (the Querent), not from the cards, or from the Reader.

Okay, I get the essence of what you're saying (I think). It's basically what Disa says:

I suppose that in some cases, a "non-answer" is still an answer. It's leaving it to the sitter to figure it all out. I really don't think we are meant to always know everything.

So essentially, this is *my* problem for believing it to be my responsibility to always find an answer. And it's not that there isn't one, just not one for me or the cards to answer.

I still feel a little violated and misrepresented (because that still *seems* so unhelpful to me). LOL It just makes me wonder how many tarot readings I've screwed up (among other things). Because I don't think many people consider the "non-answer" (I certainly didn't just now!).


Interesting. I wonder if the Lady of Leprechauns is like a trickster character? Like the Fool, playful and seemingly innocent but sometimes darkly chaotic and ultimately mysterious?

Sometimes the Fool and the Wheel just don't give me answers, they just call attention to the mystery and the whole range of potentials, without revealing anything specific. Like a movie that cuts off the ending, and forces you to speculate what really happened, how did the story really end? (Like the ending to The Sopranos.)

I appreciate that it's annoying though!

ETA: Maybe the deck's POV is that we should not break the "taboo" of seeing the future. Even if we don't personally believe that, it's somewhat interesting to have a taboo card.


I've had that done happened before, cards telling me it's best if I don't ask that.

I always just listen, I figure that there has to be a reason behind them telling me not to ask or else they would just tell me. I'm content knowing that somethings just aren't worth knowing...


I think maybe it means that your questioner will NOT be doing work that requires forecasting, trend tracking, market predictions, that sort of thing.


if I dont believe in god it'd be pretty damn hard for me to see him.

I think that if that is what you saw in the cards somewhere in your mind you alredy know. if after careful consideration you still think that is what the cards were saying , it is very likely that is what it is.

in one ocation the cards told me somthing wich was not exactly " true" based on that I acted and everything went great. had the cards told me the whole truth , I'd have acted in a very diferent way and I know that based on those actions things would have gone pretty bad.


I always just listen, I figure that there has to be a reason behind them telling me not to ask or else they would just tell me. I'm content knowing that somethings just aren't worth knowing...

I think there is a difference between 'Some things are not worth knowing,' and 'You don't want to know this thing is going to turn out, so I won't tell you.'

I've done readings where the answer has come up 'There are more things yet to happen that will determine this outcome,' but it still gave an implication of the eventual outcome.


Is it that you think that, as a reader, you should have an answer for everything? Is the fact that this seems to be a non-answer what bothers you? (Seriously wondering, not being facetious or anything.) I think it's a very definite answer. There are times, anyway, when a reader won't get the answer from the cards, whether it's Tarot or an oracle of some sort. And I do believe there are certain things, for certain people, that are more dangerous to know at a certain times. Don't you?

For instance, imagine someone who is in a fragile emotional space at the time and has a tendency to fall off the curb, so to speak. They have a mental illness, maybe, that requires medication and they aren't taking it. Without it, they can be a threat to themselves or others. You wouldn't always be able to tell that just from meeting them for a reading, so you wouldn't know ahead of time that you shouldn't give them certain information. I'd just trust the message and not take it as being something aimed personally at you, if I were you. (There are many other examples. I just chose that one.) "Don't go there, it's dangerous" is just as much an answer as any other.