Best Bargains


I got a LE Tarocco Favoloso a couple of months ago for US$18 :D
'Tis my treasure, so far that's the rarest deck I own.


emmsma said:
Gregory, you are an evil woman!
Thank you darling. I DID just get the Vandenborre Animal repro for £8. I thought that was pretty good.


Today I found in the same used bookstore another a Medieval Enchantment deck on its own in a brown envelope all complete for £2.50 !!! Yayyy :)

(& Gregory, your PM box is full :) ) :D

Le Fanu

MysticalMoose said:
Today I found in the same used bookstore another a Medieval Enchantment deck on its own in a brown envelope all complete for £2.50 !!! Yayyy
Another? Did I hear you say another? Does that mean you'll be selling this one for an obscene profit? (notice the pleading intonation...)

Hardly an exciting bargain, but I got an early 1970s Rider & Co deck off ebay for 3 pounds. Then I got a still shrink-wrapped AG Muller RWS WITH the Calligraphy titles (i.e before they changed it to compuer font) for 5 pounds. Not exciting I know, but nice decks to have...


Le Fanu said:
Hardly an exciting bargain, but I got an early 1970s Rider & Co deck off ebay for 3 pounds.

I got one for £2.70 this week :) And a 1979 Morgan & Morgan edition Morgan Greer for $11 (although that was a few weeks back now)

And today I got a shrinkwrapped MRP Fairytale d/b set for £9.50 :)

ETA Now I am saving up .....

Le Fanu

Wendywu said:
And a 1979 Morgan & Morgan edition Morgan Greer for $11 (although that was a few weeks back now)
mmm... ebay methinks (I debated buying an older M&M Morgan Greer a few weeks back on ebay, but let it go, wonder if t'was that one?). Ive been gabbing here about how the Rider & Co blue box is the best out there and I saw that yestderay one went for over 30 pounds :bugeyed:

better to keep gob shut ;)


Oooh I'm glad you let it go. My copy of the Morgan Greer is younger than that but so used that it's all puffy up now. The ebay 1979 was actually shrink wrapped and the cards feel amazing.

I now have two of the Rider & Co. blue box 1970 odd RWS - I just wanted to be sure that I was never ever ever tempted to take poor old Pam out of the house.... so I thought I'd leave one of the blue boxes in my desk at work, along with a couple of others that I like to have around.

I just wish I could afford a second Ironwing - I carry this one round everywhere but it's my Only and I worry ...... mind you I have made a high-res scanned copy but it's not the same.


A bargain is a bargain..if it's a deck you want and its a great price..I don't think it has to be rare to be a bargain.
Most of my oracle decks are from bargin tables and off half price book sites. And were often between 2-5 dollars...later they became OOP because they were being stripped from the shelves to make room for the new stuff.
So some maybe rare now, but at the time they had stacks of them.


Le Fanu said:
Another? Did I hear you say another? Does that mean you'll be selling this one for an obscene profit? (notice the pleading intonation...)

Not a chance :D , my "other" copy has been trimmed & I'm soo happy to have found one that I can keep pristine :D

2 bargains in a week! M. Enchantment for £2.50.. I am happy.... :) the 1979 Morgan Greer was only 50p Yayy!...mind you, thats probably my bargain quota for the next 5yrs! I don't usually have such luck lol


I received my Tarot of Prague today... I bought it from an Amazon seller for.... $20. I was sure it was the book, but it was worth the gamble for $20, and it just got here! The box is pretty battered, but the deck is intact and beautiful!