Book of doors


Has anyone used this set of cards? I just ordered but haven't gotten it yet. It's based on the egyptian gods and goddesses. The cards looked gorgeous and it just seemed to call to me. I'm really curious and can't wait to get it.
Does anyone else use this? What do you think?


i misread this topic as "book of odors" :D

love and light,




I've been curious about this deck for quite a few months. The pictures I've seen of them online have really appealed to me - they were gorgeous. But I'll wait for your thoughts/feelings about them (once you get a good chance to work with them), Faunabay, before I fork over any more money on a deck, LOL.


I want to read that book!!!
:-D :D :-D :D :-D :D :-D :D


I've had this tarot for over four years and is one of my favorite collector tarot, I only use it on the last day of the year and do a horoscope spread on it. It is very beautiful, and has much insight on past life experiences. keep it in purple velvet for best results and do not let too many handle this tarot, after reading it you will find it opens the dream world of your past lifes, good luck and enjoy..BLESSED BE GOLDIE


I'm really intrigued by this deck, from both the pictures and what everyone else has said here... I would love to know what you think of it, when you get it and start using it.
Past life envoking cards, huh, sounds neat!!



welcome to the forum ophilia! i don't think we've met..........


blessed be.
jade :)


I got it in the mail 3 or 4 days ago now. I've only been able to work with it for a small amount of time and it really needs more study.
I'm very glad I got it though. One small thing -- most decks look brighter and more colorful in person. This one is a bit more flat looking than I expected but it's still very pretty.
I can see why Goldie says she only uses her's once a year. It's more of a special occasion than everyday deck.
I'll let you know more as I get into it. I don't want anyone to think I don't like it -- I do. I just need to beable to study it more. It's very different.


One more thing -- this deck seems to be more of a comfortable "always had" sort of deck to me. Not a "oh!! I love it!!!"
I almost feel like I've had it (or something like it) in a past life. I feel that comfortable with it. (shrug) Guess I was supposed to get it huh??? :)


fools_fool said:
The kit comes with an eight-sided die and explains a system of divination you can use by casting the die and then drawing cards based on the outcome. I haven't tried it, but I've been using this system with regular dice for some time now and have been very happy with the results.

Oh, that sounds very interesting! What is your system with regular dice and how did you learn about it?

I saw this deck and am very interested in it. But have only seen maybe 6 cards...

: )