can we talk about pentacles in romance?


This really is a valuable thread. If we had a library, this should be in it since it seems to be one of the 2 areas (regargless of tarot, palmistry, astrology, teacups, etc...) that people really want to know about and get specifics on. When I was out doing palms it was all questions about love and money luck/career--2 things that can bring the best tidings and the very worst feelings, hearts and self-worth hang on them. Every other issue in life seems to fan out from these two.

Bravo for starting this one! : )


This is very general...but I often think of the MATCHES acronym when I think of pentacles...


As others have said already, Pentacles, to me, are the "earthier" forms of what might be seen in "cups," for example...which I often think of more in terms of love on a higher plane....slpiritual love, platonic loves,

The numbers help as well....Aces...beginnings, seeds, potential, new projects (love) gifts..

...and so forth....

I like the ideas expressed of "pragmatic" aspects. Thirteen spoke of these facets....

So we "fall in love"....a feeling...

Even when there is no relationship romance....the factors that are going to affect a potential relationship are there within each person...since they will bring to a romance, the aspects of where they are at present.

Then we have to deal with the factors that affect relationships in a powerful way...these are the day-to-day aspects: Is there enough money? Is one a spender and one a tightwad? Who is working, who does what around the home? Is there good health, or does one person have a health issue? What about ambitions? Is the couple supporting each other emotionally toward fulfillment of dreams? Is one a neat-freak, the other one who thrives on living amidst disorder?

The fives, as you said, might be "not so promising" but, then again, a five could mean that help and harmony and balance are just around the corner (6), depending on the environment of the appearance of the card and its relationship to other cards.

Four of Pents in a relationship could be a period of consolidation or security, a development or fruition of personal beliefs or values, it could relate even to saving of money for a purchase of something mutually agreed upon, or could relate to just one person wishing to do the saving and the other not.

All of the possibilities in the Pents that affect the "material" or "earthy" in conjunction with the number of the card and the environment, would have all kinds of potential for impact on a relationship.

You are correct, wind...this does come up in readings...I have found that when I am asked about LOVE...when the person is currently not in a relationship, then the cards often speak to that which the sitter may be
concerned about or maybe that which the sitter might want to keep uppermost in mind.

I remember back in one of my early readings, having a psychologist come to me for a reading about LOVE..potential. It came up that she was a great worrier....and (yes, pents were there) that, money was extremely important to her and that she might want to think twice if she met someone who had little or no earning potential, or desire to earn. Also, what the person did for a living, career, was an important area to the, no relationship yet, but the pents seemed to draw out that which was important to the sitter in life...and therefore, in a relationship.



On a broader level...I remembered reading in Au Fil D'Arcane by Klea, much broader interpretations for the cards....e.g. with Pentacles (discussed as Coins since Klea uses imagery from the TdM...

Yes....tangibles, earthly attachments, finance, money, fortune, ...

but also,

Remember, says, Klea, that the round form of the Coin (Pentacle within a circle), evokes all that can be culled from meditation on the "circle."

The Great Work
The Ouroboros...the serpent that comsumes itself
The Wheel of Fortune
Rose Window of a Cathedral
The rays that gush from Life itself
Pentacle of protection
Halo of a Saint
The arcs of a curve
Ball of a juggler

These are paraphrases of translation...

Then, in summary, she suggests that we keep in mind the duality of the symbol....formal vs. informal, the ancient symbol for that of concrete value:
money vs. the symbol toward that which has spiritual value (the circle)....and, in both instances, that which we can achieve in this earthly plane.

Klea's work, for me, helped to see that all suits are inclusive of all....For each suit and each card, she discusses meanings at symbolic, spiritual, mental, emotional, social, concrete and physical levels...

Thus, every card is the "right" card, no matter the's the reading in the moment that shines the light on the elements of that suit or pip as it relates to ...romance...or love, even if not yet in the picture.

So meditation and the opening of the imagination during a reading, gives wide berth to so many possibilities.

Also, as Fulgour says, the planets and signs....I, personally, know little or nothing about the planets and the meditation on other universal symbols has been a great help to I am sure other prior knowledge about mythology, numerology, alchemy, color, religion....can all add to an interpretation in the moment.




Thank you so much Wind, I find learning this is very helpful


Commenting on this so that it may become present to more users. Absolute gold.


Pentacles in Romance & Relationship spreads

Timely thread ... I am often plagued by pents in relationship spreads!

Here is my take:
Pents can often mean a PHSYICAL / SEXUAL relationship. Like sometimes the client is a woman ... she is all CUPS and woowoo. But the guy is about SEX. This might show-up as pentacles to indicate it is a physical relationship more than emotional from HIS point of view.

Or maybe the guy is all about hearts and flowers but the woman basically wants MONEY. Again ... this makes me think I will see pents instead of cups. Ace pents or 6 pents maybe.

In established relationships it may make more sense. Ace Pents? A married couple buying a new house or starting a business together. This will affect their relationship no doubt!
3 Pents - ppl met at work or they work together.
8 pents they met at school or both in school together or both students. Maybe also I would read Page Pents this way, too.

Many times FINANCES do affect relationships. Here in Cali, cost of living is so high I think many couples live together who probably should not ... they do it for economics and it puts strains on the relationship.

Or lets face it ... both ppl working weekends for crappy wages at crappy retail jobs? That can and does affect relationships. (4,5,7 pents)

Working 2 jobs or going to school and working? 2 pents (or maybe 2 lovers) ... Hope not!
Or what about juggling 2 families ... divorce kids ... new lover & THEIR kids ... who gets which kids every which weekend? 2 pents again.

Other posts on this thread touched also this idea. The love doesn't exist in some fairy land of pure emotions ... economics affects our romantic relationships.
And some relationships aren't that romantic ... sometimes they are mostly physical or financial ... even if ppl lie to themselves and pretend it is "love".


This has been my experience;

Page of Pents: He's at the beginning stages of what he's trying to accomplish financially and he's waiting on more financial progress before he starts focusing on a relationship.

Knight of Pents: Wants you to know he's able to offer you financial security.

2 of Pents: Juggling finances and other important things in his life and needs to get that sorted out before he can focus on a relationship.

3 of Pents: Now things have balanced and he's ready to collaborate with the desire to be something with you and see how you fit in his life.

4 of Pents: He's still interested in a relationship however he's staying in control and not letting you get too close as he doesn't think it's time to open up to you yet.

5 of Pents: Someone is feeling abandon and communication is crucial for you to get back on the same page otherwise someone may walk away.

6 of Pents: He wants to be generous and share his wealth and you benefit from his success.

7 of Pents: He's contemplating on whether or not what he's invested so far has been worth it and is it worth it to continue on.

8 of Pents: He's decided he wants the relationship and is committing himself to doing the work that is necessary to keep the relationship moving forward.

9 of Pents: The relationship has reached a peaceful state, everyone is content with how things are at the moment.

10 of Pents: Everything has fallen into place and he's 100% made up his mind about you and knows you can comfortably fit into the lifestyle he wants to have. He's financially comfortable and knows he can provide for a family and is ready to do so.

For me pents always refer back to money and outside influences, even when pertaining to emotions there's still tangible factors that need to be considered. I don't correlate pents with romance because I feel the pents are much deeper than that where as romance can be fleeting which is represented more appropriately by the cups.

Ruby Jewel

I think Pentacles are very signs make fabulous, dependable and romantic mates....especially if you are dealing with a Taurus, which is ruled by Venus. Also, they love for life as a rule.....being focused on money is a nice aspect of the earth signs because it means security.....dependability, security, and devotion all are aspects that a good love relationship is contingent upon. Cups, which as a rule represent love, also represent a "fantasy" type of love....a lover that has some kind of psychological problem from childhood that undermines a relationship (ie King) or the problem of the Page who offers his cup of Love to anyone and everyone, or the Knight who is looking for someone he can put on a pedestal to fulfill his fantasies....In other words, Cups represent the kind of love you are better off bypassing. When it comes to a healthy, loving relationship I look at Wands and Pentacles: good sexual energy (Wands) that is dependable and enduring (Pentacles).

Ruby Jewel

In some older (much older) books, I remember reading the Five of Pentacles also as being a marriage card or as a situation in which two lovers cannot find a place to meet (place, I am assuming here perhaps meaning more than just a physical location.)

Not exactly the same as many of us read this card these days (i.e. left out in the cold, poverty, hard times, etc.)

Wow! Great discovery....thank you. This explains a lot. I wish I could come across the book you found this in. Any clues?