Cards you dont like? Why?


What a great thread Leelee, unfortunately I've caught it late. I agree with every card you posted about disliking in the RWS! I think though the cards that make me cringe the most are the Magician and the 7Sw, especially when they're combined. Anytime those cards have come up I know deception is abound - it never fails!


Sakura Murasaki said:
I don't like The Lovers from the Robin Wood deck. =/

It's not the nudity that bothers me; the guy is just not attractive at all, up or down (below). :p

OMG don't you hate that? Why is it so difficult for people to make men attractive? There are plenty of attractive men in the world -- use one!

(seriously I giggled when I saw your reason -- it brightened my day)

I haven't really developed a dislike for any cards; then again, I use a 'fluffy' faery deck, so it's difficult to. But.. There are just a lot of decks I don't necessarily like. I'm really picky when it comes to artwork -- might be part of why I haven't gotten my second deck as of yet :p (still shopping around to see what catches my eye...)


tabi said:
The Empress, she looks like a drunken Mardi Gras Drag Queen gone askew. (Will say that most Drag Queens I've seen have much better taste though)

Roflamo! Ha, oh, that's COLD! :joke::thumbsup:

Rainforest Elf

I usually LOVE The 3 of cups card, it's usually postive and very pretty, but in my all time favorite deck, the universal fantasy, it looks like a bunch of demon possessed women doing some sort of evil ritual. Not at ALL what I expect from that card. It almost ruins the entire deck for me.

But in general, I really dislike the 5 of pentacles in most any deck. And Judgement never has done anything for me, especially in the Rider-Waite deck.


With any new deck I usually make 3 piles:
cards I like,
cards I do NOT like
and ones that are in the mid-range.
If the do "not like -pile" is higher than the "like pile", chances are, I will not work with the deck.
If however the Magician, the HP and the Hierophant end up in the NO pile, I CAN not work with the deck, because the combination of these 3 archetypes reflect closely who I am and what I do.

[quote:Ancestral Path World - literal end quote]
To me that is Mother Earth as She is seen by all Her brothers and sisters - ( the stars and other planets) that live in the black blanket of Father Sky.....


Mi-Shell said:
[quote:Ancestral Path World - literal end quote]
To me that is Mother Earth as She is seen by all Her brothers and sisters - ( the stars and other planets) that live in the black blanket of Father Sky.....

She could have saved time by using a photo of earth. Most of her other AP art had more traditional tarot symbolism, like the moon wasn't just a painting of the moon, so it just doesn't seem to really fit with the other cards, to me.

Plus I like World with a nekked lady.


I've found that there are a few cards I'm almost always disappointed with:
- Wheel of Fortune- I don't mind the idea, but the RWS-types don't do anything for me, and modern versions aren't much better.
- Devil- this is one of my "birth cards," and it actually does hold a lot of lessons for me. Unfortunately, most decks seem to go for an evil, scary-looking monster. How about temptation? How about sensuality? There are so many aspects to work with.
- Sun- This is supposed to be a happy card, right? Why are most of them so damn ugly?!? I'm really lost on this one.
- Heirophant- Read the vast majority of meanings given for this card. Do they say tyrranical, dour old man who probably treats little boys inappropriately? Not so much. I can see where this is kind of a newly emerging archetype, but perhaps we still need the old one.

That said, I'll schill for my baby once more and pronounce the Fey 100% guilt-free in these tarot atrocities. The Sun is one of my favorite cards in any deck ever.


The DruidCraft has quite a few guilty culprits: The World (you can almost hear the casting guy shouting "NEXT!") The Sun (Chucky riding My Little Pony) The High Priestess (Silver Raven-freak) The Magician (Disco Vicar) to name a few....

I love the Osho Zen, but there is a card (7 of Water) which looks like Will Riker and Councillor Troy from Star Trek, The Next Generation!! lol

There are loads of others, but these sprang immediately to mind!

Zoe xx