Cat Decks?


Oh well, Morrwennna it sounds absolutely lovely. You were lucky indeed. I had the book at one time but I remember it confused me for reading with the deck, something about the different kingdoms not matching my idea of the suits. It wouldn't be a problem now so I will look for it.


Hi GreatDane!
I can't post attachments. In the gallery you posted a link to, there are 3 pictures taken from the same deck obviously, all featuring half the face of a black cat: The Star, The High Priestess and the Magician. The titles are written by hand on the cards, or so it looks.
Do you know which deck these cards are from? Is it the deck you were referring to (the one that comes as a sheet)?
Curious Kissa ;)


Hello Kissa

Yes the pic with the black cat and sunflower is DEFINITELY the deck I mean. It is the ONE black cat deck I really liked. I don't remember if the artist did do all 78 or just the majors, but I thought it was just grand and keep wondering if perhaps it was ever done like on one of the sites like Game Crafter. It's been awhile since I even thought of it but seeing the recently done Black Cats Tarot made me think of it again.


I see: Black Cat Tarot vs. Black Cats Tarot. I'm with you on this one. I think what I remember liking was the same one you like; I didn't realize there were more than one.


Morwenna, I think you may have commented on it

This was awhile ago, but I think you or I know some regular, long time ATer posted about this deck. This was about maybe three years ago. But I remember thinking oh THAT'S the kind of black cat deck I want! I think it may have been released in sheets or something.

If this were on Game Crafter, or some other site like that, I would SO get it. I see so few tarot decks I want coming out and it figures this one isn't readily available (at least that I know of).