Choose Five Decks Only for Your Collection?

Le Fanu

RSW- 1910 (if I owned one)...
oh my goodness - I forgot - I have one of those! How did I not remember that? So scratch the blue box RWS...


I would go with these I think

RWS 1910- There is just so much history and weight to the images that I think I could not think of a world without these images in it.

Bohemian Noblet- the hand painted version of the Noblet tarot that is my heart and soul deck to use. I agree with those that say to TRULY read intuitively you need to get into the TdM.

Tabula Mundi- for my Thoth pick and I say this because I feel it is the one version of that deck that I truly can begin to understand the minors on.

Tarot of the Crone- Still a deep deck of mysteries that I love to take out and work with. An amazingly well thought out deck that really should be back in print

Tyldwick tarot- a deck for when I want to shut my intuition off and my brain on this is my go to deck. It's a deck that fires up my inner symbolist

Le Fanu

What's the Bohemian Noblet? Don't know this one.


RWS- 1971, Rider Tarot, Pocket Edition

Thoth- 1986, White Box, Thoth, Small Size

TdM- 1992, Tarot Balbi

Lenormand - Burning Serpent Oracle

Oracle - TBD


This one


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Grrrrr.....this is a tough decision.

My RWS deck would be my RK Astrology of Love. Weird choice, I know, but it is a weird deck that has haunted me from the moment I owned it. My Thoth choice would be my greenie Thoth, and the TdM would be my Soprafino (Meneghello). Lenormand? It would have to be Mysteries of the Old Castle to satisfy my need for a darker deck. And an Oracle....either Oracle of Shadows or Graven Images....more dark decks.

For purposes of this thread, I followed the "rules", but in reality, I would ditch all of the oracles, Lenormands, TdMs, and Thoths, and grab as many RWS decks as I could carry!

I simply HAVE to change my post, because I am so unhappy with my choices!

My RWS deck would be Samhain Deck of the Bastard, technically a mix of deck traditions, but I intend to have my way here. :D My TdM would be my eagerly anticipated Pagan Otherworlds tarot; again, not technically a TdM, but..... :) And now some substitutions: I've never read Lenormand, so I'll use my Bohemian Gothic tarot for that, and I've never read Thoth, so I'll use my Tyldwick for that. And now that I've already chosen a few "dark" decks, I will change my oracle choice to a mega-deck combination of the Well Worn Path and Hidden Path oracles.

Okay.....**happy sigh** I am satisfied!


Why do we have to limit our decks?? Who's crazy idea was this...I might have nightmares...I think I'm starting to get a facial tick...


Why do we have to limit our decks?? Who's crazy idea was this...I might have nightmares...I think I'm starting to get a facial tick...

Sadistic, aren't I? (And Barleywine, too, who gave me the idea...)