De-Enabling Thread


Ugh - Shadowscapes, it's all pale, washed out and dreary. The pics are little bitty figures, you'll need a magnifying glass to see. Which can lead to eye surgery.
And the people at Amazon the greedy people they are will not ban you (I've tried) as long as your credit card is still functioning.


Glitterbird you're so right! Wishy - washy that's not me at all oh no <lesser twitch> :D Damn Amazon!


Shadowscapes - For me its not so much the colours cus theyre lovely as is the art - I just get eye strain trying to read with it. It needs BIGGER CARDS! cards of the Templar size because you really do miss half the tiny intricate details which is such a shame, Stephanie's art is jaw-droppingly beautiful & not for a moment am I criticising her work or talent. I just wish publishers would see that to read with all that detail we need BIGGER CARDS!!! arggh!

(are you listening Llewellyn?) :mad:



I talked myself out of this deck when I saw all the Majors on my computer screen at the same time, and I realized that I could not tell one card from another. Normally, I would be able to pick out a Tower, say, or a Hanged Man out of a group of one inch jpegs.

Nada with this one. It was all just tiny pretty swirls of color. Plus - where are the upsetting cards? How can I get excited about a reading if all the images are lovely and delicate?

Go back over your collection and force yourself to look through all the decks you thought you would love. Remember the feeling of boredom and indifference that stole over you as you held your new prize, only to realize that, no, this is not The One.

And, if you do get it - do you really want your first impressions of it to be clouded by the pain and discomfort of your oral surgery recovery? Wouldn't you rather wait until all that's over with? This deck will be around for a few years yet, and it will undoubtedly go through a phase where it can be had for cheap on ebay and Wait a while. Don't jump on the bandwagon.


Mystical thank you although your post did almost make me twitch a bit more! But saved by the whole image size thing :D I know the image size will be an issue. Yes to BIGGER cards!

evelone thank you - I think you may have saved me. I was drawn just by the beauty - no upsetting cards is a real negative and something that stopped me connecting with the Fey - joy and happiness everywhere, it's unrealistic. Plus I just got out the Mystic Dreamer and felt that wave of disappointment I did when I first got it. And yup it's true I will be feeling down in the mouth (literally) :D Waiting is feels much more attractive now :D

irisa :)


Need De-enabling!!!

Normally, I don't need this help, but lately I have been wanting ONE cat deck sans the costumes (hence my post re Cat's Eye Tarot, which is done and just needs publishing). The only deck out there that I have seen similar is, of course, Tarot for Cats. Nice as this is, it's Majors only (not really what I want) and I like the cats on Cat's Eye better just because they suit what I'm looking for now. BUT since it's not available yet and Tarot for Cats is.....noooo, I don't want to click and order it! I neeeed to wait for Cat's Eye as that is a full deck (I really don't want Majors only)....yet...I hear the soft mewing of the very cute cats from Tarot for Cats.....


Tarot for Cats

I have a zero tolerance policy for Majors Only decks. It simplifies things vastly, and it has saved me money over the years.

Sure, I miss out on some cool art, but I know I will never read with a deck that only has 22 cards. How boring would that be?

Don't let yourself even consider a deck that's not complete. You don't want people saying you're not playing with a full deck, do you (any more than they already are)?

Besides, those are some big yellow title bars at the bottom of the cards. I think that's like neon pastel yellow. It's seared into my eyeballs.

Later. I need to get some Visine and handful of Exedrin.


Thanks, Evelone!

D*mn, you're GOOD at this! LOL I'm CURED!!! As cute as those cards may be for notecards or something, they are NOT a tarot deck I want. So glad you pointed those bars out too! I don't want or need a majors only.

It was just a weak moment, like when you want a croissant, but there's none around, so you just MOMENTARILY eye something like a Twinkie, even though it isn't what you want. It's an availability thing!

You saved me. Your job is done. :)))


Exactly. If you get the deck you don't really want because it's sort of like the deck you do really want, you'll be listing it in the Trade Forum a few months to a year later. (I speak from past experience.)


gregory said:
Yes indeed. It's tragic, isn't it ? With hindsight, mine almost managed to ruin my life; had I known what he did what I was 20... He had his good bits, but - well, interfering does not begin..... Was yours a genuine conman (as in JAIL etc) ???? (BTW where do you consider the "center of cultural and intellectual oppression" to be ???? }) US, I assume by the spelling ?)

US indeed. I'm in Alabama, where the mention of the word "tarot" is pretty much the same thing as saying "I routinely sacrifice children to the devil". And of course that's just silly. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get children to sit still long enough for that?? ;)

My father actually has avoided prison so far, but I'm betting that he won't last too much longer. He's got a few warrents out for his arrest, mostly for stealing from many different churches he's worked for and evading child support.. you know, lovely things like that. Mine almost ruined my life, but I established my independence fairly early in my life and it's done me nothing but favors since.

And now for an on-topic post: I just ordered three decks. Please convince me to stop buying things.. I really want crowstones.