Differences between Priestess and Empress cards


Thanks to all for your answers, now the subject seems more clear for me.

The high priestess is related to wisdom, knowledge and intuition... oriented to oneself... she protects the true wisdom of the common of the people... she is the guardian of the secrets of knowledge and wisdom... The Hierophant, instead, is who teach the tradition to the common of the people, he is a spiritual guide, but oriented to the terrenal world.

The Empress, is like the emperor but in the female form... she use the diplomacy and elegance, instead of autority and power, she is like a mother who guide her kingdom...

got I the point?


The High Priestess is a woman of the sky.

The Empress is a woman of the earth.


linabeet said:
The High Priestess is a woman of the sky.

The Empress is a woman of the earth.

The Priestess is linked to the Moon. Water, I would say. She is linked to the sea, the mother waters.


elviefae said:
Hi Daimayo, For me the High Priestess is all about the inner life..she knows the Mysteries..knowledge & wisdom..divination. The High Priestess is virginal. She is neutral. She's associated with the moon.

The Empress is motherly--usually depicted on cards as being pregnant, she knows how to make a good home.. she's creative... she gives unconditional love.

Agree with all of the above, elviefae, except the bit about the Empress representing unconditional love; to me, the difference between the Empress and the Sun (both 'love' cards) seems that the Sun = unconditional love, because it shines on all, just and unjust, alike, whereas the Empress, mother, lover or artist as she may equate to, represents a way more conditional love, i.e. you will receive her favours only IF you behave yourself! To say the Mother = unconditional love seems to me to have a totally naive view of mothers in general, imho; mothers like to think they love "unconditionally", but from a counselling point of view, that seems so much bull! lol


The Empress is not a human mother or a psychoanalytical figure. She is an archetypical figure of Mother, Creative Feminine. She loves because she is. She can as easily devour her children as nurture them - but she makes them, in any case.

The Priestess gestates them - she is womb & waiting, the mystery of conception and pregnancy. Linked to the Moon, like Artemis, who was virgin and mother of the world, in a more universal & detached way than the Empress.


Helvetica said:
The Empress is not a human mother or a psychoanalytical figure. She is an archetypical figure of Mother, Creative Feminine.
In a tarot reading the Empress can represent the querent's mother - or the mothering qualities in oneself. Or, she could be something else entirely. And, of course, she can be a psychoanalytical figure - why not? Isn't this why so many tarot commentators have devised three or four levels of meaning for each card - precisely because the tarot works on so many different planes? The Empress can be both a particular mother and a universal one - representative of an archetype that can never be wholly depicted.



The High Priestess is more related to the inner world, whereas the Empress is of the outer world. If you are familiar with the "Mists of Avalon" you can see the High Priestess as Morgaine LeFay, whereas the Empress is Queen Morgause.