Do any cards scare you?


Deana - yes it was very creepy. I have been on and off AT all day today and the ONLY time I had problems was looking at those cards. And I might add that I was able to look at them, but only after having to go through the process of logging into the forum each that "Thank you for logging in, valeria" was shown right before the card - like "they" were saying it. :bugeyed:

Never had that happen before looking at scans, and not since. Just those 3 images. I would try it again, but it is close to bedtime and I don't want to have those cards fresh in my mind before I try to go to sleep!

valeria :)


Right now I am waiting for another copy of the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot as I want to start working with it as a reading deck.

I also have the Tarot of the Orishas which I highly appreciate although it came to me in the worst time of my life and the Lucumi.

I am pretty careful when working with Loas (voudou spirits), they are very different from the Celic or Hindu gods and goddesses I usually work with.

Little Baron


Can you explain a little bit more about the Voodoo deck?

For someone that has little to know knowledge but is kind of attracted and fearful of the images at the same time.

Would it be a bad idea to pick this deck up?

Any ideas or suggestions?




On being a great fan of the Thoth deck the 10 of of Swords is the most unsettling card in the deck, although the same can be said with other decks like the RWS 10 of Swords, i can't imagine having all those 10 Swords stuck in my back.

Little Baron

I held the Voodoo this evening.

The lady in Mysteries let me take it from the box and sift through the cards.

My heart was beating as I did so. Silly, I know.

The cards made me feel 'something' but I am not entirely sure what.

In the flesh, they actually felt quite warm .. but those eyes were still a'looking.

The one card I really like is the Dr one .. not sure of his full name.

I didn't buy them.

I just felt that I had enough on the go at the moment, and didn't want to hinder what I am already learning by looking into another system. And also, after the annoyance of the change of titling in the Feng Shui Tarot, I thought that the constant looking up of what the cards are would become irritating.



Hi LB!

I must say, when I was looking through all the cards in the Myers Art Nouveau deck that I recieved from you today, the Devil card gave me quite a scare. With the printed cards I have, the details didn't show up...all I saw was a figure with horns, wings, and goat legs. The detailed image was qutie shocking.

By the way, took a look at the Voodoo're right, just something unsettling about it...



I am reading all the posts in both of these threads with utter fascination.

There's only been one deck that has made me feel uncomfortable, and it wasn't the energy of the deck itself or the imagery of the cards, but the energy of the previous owner. It was gifted to me in a collection of decks that were no longer being used. I passed the deck on to another person, telling her how it had made me feel and what I knew about the deck. She is more of a collector than a reader, and I think her intent was to cleanse the deck and then put it with the remainder of her collection.


Thats one deck I DEFINITELY won't be buying LB !! I have been meaning to check out some scans of it but have never got round to it, so I happily clicked on the links you posted.

And then I clicked right back off them again. I looked at all 3 cards but the first one was enough. This sounds stupid but I wouldn't even have it in my house !

And I know you will all jump on me for saying this, but......I don't like to even look at Thoth. I would never read with it / buy it / have a reading done for me with it. I feel it would not benefit me to use this deck. Sounds daft but I'm going with my gut instinct on this one.

The entire Vertigo deck is terrifying, shame I only just discovered that AFTER I have paid an arm & a leg for a 1st edition. GRRRRRRRRR !!!

As for a particular card scaring me, hhhhmmmmm... must be 10 of Swords in just about every deck I have seen ! It was my outcome card in a spread I did last year that tried to warn me of the mini-breakdown I was about to have. I just hate it now.


I've seen a ton of decks, and a ton of different versions of each card, and I have to say I've never been creeped out by a deck.

Then my mother got me The Vision Tarot. To this day, it's the only deck that makes me supremely uncomfortable. She bought it somewhere in New Orleans, and I don't know, it just bothers me. It's a dark deck, it strikes me that it's been in a dark, negative place for awhile. I've tried using it, I had no real luck in it. It has no desire to form any sort of attachment to me, and it has less interest in doing readings. Even now, I pulled it from my shelf and flipped through it, my left side immediately cramped up and started to hurt.

I don't know, that deck has no interest in doing anything but being left alone. I don't use it, I don't even see it that much. That's fine with me.