Egyptian Tarot: accuracy?As valid as common decks?


Thanks, very nice replies that clarify a lot.

It didn't ocurred to me the option that two different cabbalistic association systems could be both right... but i guess it could (i still have to learn more about the Cabbala to figure this)...
So, according to what Umbrae clearly stated, the Egipcios uses the jewish continental cabbalistic system (i have Tau for the Fool here).

However, the astrological attributions are clearly different too... Examples:

Thoth XV: Capricorn (A'ain) *
Egipcios XV: Neptune's house, Leo (Samekh)

* Depicts something like a tree and a circle around it, which could correspond to Leo as referenced by the Egipcios (?)

May be this is due to a inherent astrological system on the Egipcios deck... and not a different take on astrology, which would be all confusing.

I would like to know what is for you (Cerulean, and everyone) the best egyptian tarot...


zer said:
I would like to know what is for you (Cerulean, and everyone) the best egyptian tarot...
I'd have to say Clive Barrett's Ancient Egyptian Tarot, but I'm a little biased cause I've been studying it (and now using it to give readings to others) since March of this year. I have lots of other Egyptian-themed decks in my collection, but this was the first one I've actually used. I do plan on pulling out other Egyptian decks and doing some compare and contrast with the AET at some point in the near future though.

The AET is Thoth-based, which I only realized a month or so ago! Barrett has put enough imagery into the cards that when I do a reading I'm just as likely to ignore the prescribed meanings of the cards and pinpoint on the images to tell me what the card is trying to say. And so far I've had pretty good luck with that. Many of the other Egyptian decks in my collection don't have much extra/background imagery in them. And after using the AET, which is image rich, I fear I will find those decks unable to hold my attention....

Unfortunately, the AET is out of print, but there are three different editions of it as a kit floating around out there. Two copies of the deck went through the Trading Forum in the last month or so. And I've probably seen 3 or 4 copies pop up on eBay in the last 6 months. So if you're interested in it, keep an eye out for it.



For 'art deck' with Continental minors-Neferteri and Laura Tuan

1.The Laura Tuan Egyptian on beautiful matte paper and a watercolor-tinted look has a look and feel that I favor for it's originality...and it was readily available at and I think

But that is a one card draw with lots of study and just creative self-reading.

2. For a deck that raises the bar on design and causes people to sigh with joy, the sparkling and beautifully frayed-on-purpose design of the Neferteri by Lo Scarabeo..

3. But if you are looking for Egyptian style with Golden Dawn minors that work with a style of reading that many favor--what Rodney says. He's the only one that I know who really has devoted quite a bit of time to the Clive Barrett deck.

4. My older pseudo-Egyptian decks just might just be too eccentric to really try to fit into a standard reading style. I use them like oracles or study decks. I have oldish Etteilla style reproductions that include the Papus and a translated Divinatory Tarot by Papus...but to me they are like my pre-Grimaud Lismon that pretends to be Egyptian in inspiration. Their charm might be as curious as watching an old movie for the period vision and a change.

5. If you are going for 'authenticity' in terms of Egyptian art, I would recommend the Book of Doors. It's only aligned with the 22 trumps of tarot, but it's the one deck I've seen that seems to have high recommendations. It works as an oracle and one that includes tarot trumps.. I seem to be thinking that perhaps the question in this thread is which Egyptian deck could be treated as a more 'serious' reading deck that fits into a thoughtfully constructed modern framework.

I'm eager to hear other opinions too.



I've been looking at the Ancient Egyptian Tarot, the Laura Tuan Egyptian, the Nefertari and the Book of Doors as you guys suggested and they are clearly the prettiest egyptian decks i've seen so far. Thanks again.
I remember there was some black & white egyptian deck that someone claimed it was the most authentic, on some tv show 'round this part of the world... i wonder which one could that be. I'll do a little research when time alouds, regarding this and also some more on the cabbalistic and the astrologic accuracy on the Egipcios (and the Thoth for that matter) system...
I'd like to hear more opinions too..


I have just picked myself up off the floor with this comment for its clarity and hilarity.
Umbrae said:
Some readers will tell you that the Qabalistic attributions are based as Hermetic (America/English Schools), or Jewish (Continental and Spanish Schools). Both are correct, but using one may take getting used to if you prefer the other. There is a third type that will tell you that your or my method is wrong and that you must absolutely follow their method which is historically correct. Usually this person has an ego problem.

I think you are asking something different- rather than opinions on a themed deck.
I love the Ancient Egyptian by Clive Barrett- but it is a themed deck, and that theme is Egyptian. It is much the same way as the Llewellyn is Celtic in it's theme. The Egyptian theme has been appropriated for Tarot and has been (some would say always)for a long time. Or even that tarot is Egyptian anyway.
If you are looking for a tarot that explores the way we think the Egyptians looked at Astronomy, Legend, Myth and History (their astrological outlook was Greek for the main part) here is a site
and is in someways authentically explored in this deck..
but visually I love the Nefertaris that Cerulean linked. Much better than the scans.
That all said- see Umbrae's post quoted above. You decide what is the most authentic yourself, as it has to mean something to you as you are reading the cards. For myself I think the most authentic is the Visconti cards- no Egyptian image in sight lol.
Happy Hunting


Rosanne said:
You decide what is the most authentic yourself, as it has to mean something to you as you are reading the cards.

True enough, considering intuition for making connections is a big talent factor. The reason i ask is because i am exploring the intrincate traditional aspect of ancient reading system.
The Thoth cards are inmersing me into Astrology, as well as the Egipcios deck and the methods it purposes. Both implement the Cabbala and other symbolism too. I believe this factors improve reading results, in terms of accuracy for dates and such details, as the Egipcios author claims.
Before starting to use the cards this way, i found differences on the symbols correlation, which bring confusion about where to start from.
That leads me again, to learn some more about Cabbala and Astrology, in the need to determine what is going on. Why the difference? I apreciate this, is exciting and brings knowledge.

Rosanne, the Ancient Egyptian Senet cards you mention looks like a quality and very interesting deck, though some cards look richer on symbols than others.
I think Egyptian Tarots are primarilly all about a lot of ancient symbolism, which makes them a significant time investment, and a very interesting path to gain knowledge about many areas directly related to the practice of tarot reading.