
Could have left it at just one, but ah well.

1.) The Princess of Disks, Thoth Tarot.
2.) I. The Magician, Conver Tarot de Marseille
3.) X. Fortune Faery, Tarot of the Hidden Realm

And for fun I will also second Morwenna, I absolutely love XVII The Star in the Hanson-Roberts Tarot.

Blue Fury

The Star -Thoth
The Princess of Cups -Druidcraft
The Sun -Tarot of the Sidhe
The Hermit -Illuminati

If I had to pick one then probably the Princess of Cups


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The Magician from the Alice tarot. The Emperor from the Tarot of the Holy Light. The Devil from the Nigel Jackson tarot. The Fool fro the Rider Waite tarot.


And three sexy, "romance novel cover" cards --a possible subdivision of favorite cards, I guess: ;)

1) Two of Scepters, Tarot of Vampyres

2) Knight of Cups, Lo Scarabeo Tarot

3) Puhtaus (Purity), Keijuoraakkeli --not a Tarot deck, but hey, a blonde this pretty, and with a unicorn, who cares? (Also a nice gender reversal, since Purity is usually associated with a woman.)


My favorite card in general is the Hanged Man, and the World Spirit Tarot version is one of my favorites.

And speaking of the World Spirit...the Tower just takes my breath away. I adore the top-down perspective so much that I'm going to have a hard time not giving into the temptation to copy it when I finally make my own tarot...


The High Priestess from the Mucha Tarot deck.
It's actually very hard to pick my favorite from that deck specifically. I could stare at the artwork on many of the cards for days.


Mermaid Tarot

Currently I'm using the Dame Darcy Mermaid tarot and I'm liking the world card out of the whole deck. When it pops up it makes me smile lol. :surprise: