For experienced readers (and not only...)


Hello, again!

Has anyone of you ever found Temperance as sexual intercourse?????


Hmmm, mixing of fluids and opposites - could be..


Not the first interpretation that would've popped into my mind for Temperance, but especially after Sulis' post, it will definitely be (mentally) filed away for future reference! :laugh:


Check out Druidcraft's "Temperance" card, it is about the mixing of male and female essences... which could include intercourse.


Yes, the bringing of two different elements together, two bodies, a male and a female. Polarity or bonding.

Joining together like two magnets.

Therefore indicating sex for procreation.


umm =O.O= i guess you could. Actually it does make sense with the mixing of the fluids <.<


Sulis said:
Hmmm, mixing of fluids and opposites - could be..
:laugh: Wow! Now that is really an interpretation I didn't think of! And I :love: it! It corresponds so nicely with the next card too. })


It can also mean not putting too heavy an emphasis on sex in a relationship. Sex isn't love, after all, so believing or behaving like it is is a big mistake that will doom a relationship to failure. There has to be a healthy balance of things.


not the first thing that has ever crossed my mind.
I have thought of the procreation before with temperance. I once read something that said the angel is mixing water and fire which got me thinking about mixing opposites like male/female energy. well when you do that you get a baby...some of the times.


Could be. Blending together, being together. But it all depends on how this card came up for you.