For experienced readers (and not only...)


Honestly, no, but that doesn't mean that it can't for you.

To me Temperance is not about sex really at all. To me it has more to do with tempering physical impulses than succumbing to them. As far as the idea of combining or union, it is more on a spiritual level than a physical one. I would say integrating more than intercourse. Just my view.


Guess it would depend on the position ;) and what kind of experience you are referencing to ;)

It has never come up with this meaning in one of my readings, but I will remember this post next time it comes up..


Sure. Ask a question like, 'what kind of sex can so-and-so and I expect to have?', and get the Magician, High Priestess, and Temperance, and you're looking at 'sexual magick', *vbs*.


It was not at all about sex!
Besides, Temperance is mostly a spiritual card-is it not?
So, what sex? M A Y B E, In somebody's mind, fantasizing (xa!), but not happening actually? that' s the new idea that crossed my mind now that i have read your posts! thank you all!