Help - Commitment Anxiety

Little Hare

Good Luck!

You've gotten some wonderful advice.... i'm a bit sus tho... is the money really going to go to charity? Please let us know how the day goes

Love, Light and Blessings your way



Thank all of you again for spot-on advice.

Before the event, I went in person to discuss these issues with the shop owner.

I guess I caught her on a good day - she was completely understanding of my leariness and admitted she was not handling the situation very professionally.

I showed up @ 12:00 and read until 4:00. No problems, no worries. Met many nice folks, and made some new friends.

You all were right - boundaries, structure, professionalism - all of these I established for the event - and everything fell into the proper slots - perfection.

Thanks again for every post - each of you provided the exact remedy for the occassion.



I'm so glad it all worked out well and you had a nice time. :) :thumbsup:


Hooray Venefica!!
Im glad you had a great day and you weren't maimed by your charity queen or chased through the fair by marauding bands of feral dogs and cats trying to fleece you of your earnings LOL!!! :p
It sounds as if you had a prosperous day, both financially and professionally! Good for you!! :laugh:

Thankyou for sharing your concern by posting your thread - there are some great responses here from others to keep in mind a win win situation!!

Many Blessings Elven x



Oh I am so glad it all worked out, and that you got to discuss your concerns with your friend!

I hope you met great people while reading!


Wonderful ! Good job in remaining professional and talking to her---in person!-- to let her know your concerns and your boundaries! I'm so glad she took it well and that everything worked out well for you. :)

Little Hare


Thats great! you did a really big thing, it takes guts to go up to someone and have a heart to heart with them

Good on you


I love happy endings!


I am so happy that you listened to your intuition, stood your ground, and then went one step further and addressed the issue with the store owner. The gift to you in all of this was being able to establish sacred boundaries. The gift to her was that someone gently called her on her stuff, and she acknowledged that she was not addressing issues as she should.

I think that the next time she wants to do something like this, she will handle it differently. :)
