High Priestess as a lie?


I had an important conversation with someone about some serious issues. I asked the cards later if they were being honest and telling me the truth about matters and got HP. I take it to mean they were hiding their true feelings about things and did not express things openly, so that it could be interpreted as a half-truth. I dont see it so much as a blatant lie as more of hiding the truth or giving half of the truth and half of the reasons and answers but not all of them but I am not sure because I have trouble with this card.

I used the deviant moon deck and in that deck the HP looks like she is in a protective stance, crossing her arms infront of her and hiding her chest, heart etc.

what do you think?


I wouldn't see the High Priestss as someone who lies, so much as someone who withholds the truth (yeah, semantics, but there is a difference!). She seems more like someone who's likely to keep the truth from you in the sense that she won't even give you a lie to accomadate for it's absence. She's willing to tell you the information you're hoping to hear, you just have to work a bit harder to get it out of her.


obeygravity said:
you just have to work a bit harder to get it out of her.

well yes if i think of the HP and having a conversation with her than I agree that since she is so wise she expects me to discover the truth on my own, kind of like those martial arts movies where the student discovers things on their own after many years of learning. But the person i spoke to is definitely NOT an HP, no offense to them of course and while talking there was a lot of silence on their part so I wondered if they were hiding something that they were not verbalizing. I kept asking but didnt get much just some answers which seemed honest enough and made a good point and made perfect sense. But was that the WHOLE truth or only part of it? it has to be part of it if the HP hides what she knows is the truth IMO.


The High Priestess has knowledge in her scroll or book (depending on the version of the card) that is not revealed and will not be revealed. So she doesn't lie to you. But she also doesn't reveal everything. What comes to mind is Jack Nicholson's line from that movie with Tom Cruise - "The truth? You can't handle the truth!"

That's not to say that the HP won't ever reveal the entire truth to you. But you have to show her that you've earned the right to hear it and that you can handle it.

Lots of people say they want to hear the truth when they really don't. Unlike me, the HP tells you as much of the truth as she thinks you can handle.



rwcarter said:
Lots of people say they want to hear the truth when they really don't. Unlike me, the HP tells you as much of the truth as she thinks you can handle.


that makes sense, yes. so I guess its just as I thought, what I was told was the truth but not all of it. they only revealed what they think I can handle. thats so dumb.


Isn't HP also about intuition? Maybe she's telling you to trust what you know in your heart to be the truth, truth that really doesn't need to be verbalized, cause you already "know". Just a thought.


Jaqueline said:
Isn't HP also about intuition? Maybe she's telling you to trust what you know in your heart to be the truth, truth that really doesn't need to be verbalized, cause you already "know". Just a thought.

that could be possible. though i am actually not sure i know the truth. they are only my conjetures. agh who knows.


I usually see the HP in a case like this as...
Not all aspects of the question are known, and unrevealed secrets.
It is true the person may be keeping something from you...maybe because they were asked to keep it secret..or and this happens often because they themselves don't know the whole answer.
Sometimes people just can't admit they don't know it all, and so they tell you a little, and imply there maybe more, to save face...when they themselves are still looking for the answers.


I agree, HP in this situation, for me, would mean that this person is telling you only what they think you should know. Some things are still hidden or yet to be revealed.


hm....ok so then is this something that WILL indeed be revealed eventually or i will never know what is being hidden?