High Priestess as a lie?


AJ said:
HP is also about reading between the lines, there is acres of information there if we but listen. people tell us all kinds of truths, but soften them so we won't get our feelings hurt. We mostly don't pay any attention anyway so we miss the whole message.

YES and I also think the HP is telling you to trust your instincts and your intuition. I think she popped up because she is reminding you that you know and if you go deep within yourself the answer will be right there. :)

That does not mean it was a lie - it means that you know the truth - quiet your thoughts and such and the answer will be there.


I think Franniee sounds right as well,what you also need to ask yourself Pao,is do you believe this other person was either lying/keeping secrets, a:because they DONT want you to know something,or b:because whatever it is your questioning,really is,none of your business,and therefore their refusal to share it with you,leads you to view it as "secret",as theres a big difference between the two,H.P. can also stand for somebody the querent trusts,without reservation,which leads back to the answer of trusting your intuition.Its the one thing that never lies to you,whether its what you want to hear or not is a different matter,but all the answers you need,are within you,you just gotta know how to ask,and listen.


Personally I have found Highpriestess menifest itself synonymous to 'mystery,'secrecy,''potent unknown forces,'intuitions' and HP is very capable of hiding more than revealing...she holds the 'secret knowledge' and doesnt unfold easily...might even be 'conspirative.'



I certainly wouldnt see her as conspirative,i think she'll willingly give that knowledge you seek,but she wont give it freely to just anyone. how would you see her as conspirative faithnlight??


Fostha said:
I think Franniee sounds right as well,what you also need to ask yourself Pao,is do you believe this other person was either lying/keeping secrets, a:because they DONT want you to know something,or b:because whatever it is your questioning,really is,none of your business,and therefore their refusal to share it with you,leads you to view it as "secret",as theres a big difference between the two,H.P. can also stand for somebody the querent trusts,without reservation,which leads back to the answer of trusting your intuition.Its the one thing that never lies to you,whether its what you want to hear or not is a different matter,but all the answers you need,are within you,you just gotta know how to ask,and listen.

i thought it was a half truth because I thought THEY believe the whole truth would hurt my feelings or offend me. It would not, but i felt insulted they would only tell me some of the story. I am very analitical though so i dont know if there was more to it then what they said. maybe not. but seeing the HP as a pull got me thinking "wow they are hiding something, it MUST be THIS!" liar liar!" but maybe they are hiding something else entirely. something that does not affect or have anything to do with me but with them and their person or life.

sorry if i make no sense :(


The other thing to consider is whether or not this person knows what the whole truth is...... is this person speaking prematurely before they know deep in their soul's what the whole truth is....... the HP is dark and mysterious and about what you can't easily comprehend....something you need to think about and go within yourself quite deeply! YES she is about secrets but not in a deceptive way - she just isn't forthcoming. She wants you to think about things a bit....

She represents the womb of the unconscious..... this person may have to let the question gestate a bit..... the person may have given you a knee jerk response but may still be thinking.....


franniee said:
She represents the womb of the unconscious..... this person may have to let the question gestate a bit..... the person may have given you a knee jerk response but may still be thinking.....
I've always seen her that way too, as a womb.

In no way does she trick with wordplay the way the Magician might. But she is not in-your-face, take-it-or-leave it as the Emperor!

If any of the Majors might have a tendency to sweeten the pill deliberately, I'd say it's the Empress, because she can be too motherly, or the Hierophant, who might think you are not ready, in a paternalistic kind of way.


SunChariot said:
The title of this thread really got my attention as the HP is my soul card. I was like "What? I'm a lie?" LOL

Yes, I can see that it could say the person is withholding information, that he knows things he is not willing to say...


I like this interpretation.


she also understands the inner workings as well,of any matter/situation that may be inquired about,but like i said before,i think if you really want to know,you just need to know how to ask her,she holds all the information,just dont share it with just anyone.


I read this thread earlier this week and was reminded of it last night. I have just started reading Paul Foster Case's "The Tarot" and this bit on the High Priestess jumped out:

"The number 2 also suggests the ideas of duplicity, deception, untruth, illusion, error and delusion. This is correct, because subconsciousness repeats and elaborates the mistaken results of faulty, superficial self-conscious observation."

So to me, I see the HP in this instance as the possibility of a lie, but without pre-meditation. The person may not want to face the truth, or is unable to tell the truth because of faulty reasoning. Sort of like: it's okay to steal from rich people because they have so much.