High Priestess as a lie?


High Priestess about having secrets, or half truths, but Moon is a straight out lie. However, both are the Major Arcana versions of 7 Swords, which is about evasion of the truth in general.


Id agree with Jaqueline,you dont always need something to be spoken aloud,to know its the truth,listen to your intuition,carefully,and it will tell you everything you need to "know."


I think HP says to trust your own intuition, much the same as what jaqueline has said for eg. whatever your gut instinct is, go with it. If you think the truth hasn't been fully told, you are probably right.


lark said:
Not all aspects of the question are known, and unrevealed secrets.
It is true the person may be keeping something from you...maybe because they were asked to keep it secret..or and this happens often because they themselves don't know the whole answer.
And in the same vein...the HP tells the truth, but in order to hear it, one must find the esoteric meaning of the words she used, and discard the exoteric. It takes a quantum leap, imagination, knowledge, honesty and intuition - usually all of those - to understand the words in that way: so she can be interpreted as either secretive or a liar. She does that because truth can be complex, variable, sometimes unsayable, and sometimes, can only be understood by someone on the same wavelength at the time those words are spoken. Those who insist that there is only one truth and one reality generally spend their lives frustratingly gazing at her, unable to pierce her mystery. So they say she is a liar, or that she doesn't exist.


Pao said:
I had an important conversation with someone about some serious issues. I asked the cards later if they were being honest and telling me the truth about matters and got HP.
You obviously didn't think they were telling the truth, else why ask the deck if they were? I'm curious to know why you thought they were lying to you, as it would help in interpreting this card. Was it in the way they said it? Was it because it made them look good and made someone else look bad? Is it because they habitually lie? Or was it because you didn't want to believe it?

If the last one is the case, then I'd say that the HPS indicates they told you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In fact, I'd say that card indicates that they told you some secrets/truths they haven't told anyone else. They've been the HPS and they've given you a glimpse behind the veil, a read of the scroll.

Are there still some secrets they haven't told? Of course. We never confess everything to anyone. BUT, if you doubted them because you didn't want to believe it, then likely what they told you was all true. The HPS doesn't tell us comfortable lies or half-truths, nor does she let us off easy. If we ask for information, and she's willing to give it to us, we get it. The truths as harsh and painful and honest and factual as you can get, no sugar-coating them. And you may not like them, but they're irrefutable. This is the truth.


HP is also about reading between the lines, there is acres of information there if we but listen. people tell us all kinds of truths, but soften them so we won't get our feelings hurt. We mostly don't pay any attention anyway so we miss the whole message.


Thirteen said:
Or was it because you didn't want to believe it?

i think its this one. I was not fully satisfied with the answer or reason or explanations. To me it made some sense yes to a point but then i felt it was illogical or a "stupid" answer and so I felt they were only telling me what could possibly sound good instead of the truth maybe. I dont think it was a lie but i thought it was not the entire truth and there was more to it since i wasnt satisfied with the original explanation of events. I guess they were honest and I have to accept it and stop questioning it.


Pao said:
I guess they were honest and I have to accept it and stop questioning it.
You don't have to stop questioning it, because, after all, this is the truth as they know it. But you may have to stop questioning their honesty. Like a witness on a witness stand, they told you what they saw and were honest about that. But this doesn't mean that they saw everything or saw it well and clearly.


AJ is onto something there i'm sure.

HP to me always indicates that an important truth or even message will be revealed very soon. This more often than not i've found to be within one lunar cycle.


The title of this thread really got my attention as the HP is my soul card. I was like "What? I'm a lie?" LOL

Yes, I can see that it could say the person is withholding information, that he knows things he is not willing to say...
