Hold On - You asked the cards WHAT?!


Hi all,
All questions are fair game and, in certain circumstances, can be extremely important; even if it seems to be mundane on the surface. But, as far as being too dependent on Tarot, yes, it is possible. If I ask the cards; “Should I leave the house by the front door or the back door?”, “Should I open the door with my right hand or my left?”, “Should I step off the porch with my right foot or left?”, and on, and on, then I would say that I was too dependent on Tarot. (Now, any one of these questions might be important in a certain set of circumstances so it isn’t the question itself, but the inability to make a move without consulting the Tarot that it the focus of dependency.) There was a “Twilight Zone” story about a woman who becomes so dependent on a psychic that she becomes totally helpless when the psychic is killed. I don’t think that type of dependency is very healthy. However, this brings up another angle...if you feel that the power of Tarot is in yourself and not in the cards, are you being dependent only on yourself? Being dependent only on yourself is being independent! He, he, he. This is a fun topic!


Re: Hold On - etc.

I am still having a giggle at what you wrote. The reason I find it funny is that I know alot of people ie, born-again, Bible believing Christians, who do exactly the same thing except with prayer. I used to think that was a bit much, but you know what? Whatever works in the grand scheme of things.

We are all at our various levels of whatever we believe in and what we use in order to get further understanding. I do agree however, asking the Tarot whether to buy Scotts or Charmin for toilet paper might be a bit much. But then again I have a girlfriend who prayed about the loss of an expensive wrist watch and she was guided to the right spot, looked down and there it was on the ground. The clasp was defective. And I have asked the cards countless Yes/No questions, used a one card answer spread, even asked why someone behaves the way they do (I am always asking that, lol). I think what it boils down to is your level of belief and and faith in what the cards can do for you. I have also found out through experience in my youth that if the cards feel they are being misused, they will give a false answer. Hmmm.


~well, being dependant on tarot is not a good thing, imo, buuut, there are far worse things in life on which we may come to depend. Picking at old wounds is one of those things many of us may be familiar with, especially through tarot. And it never helps.

As for the idea of trivializing the tarot by asking not so serious questions, I have many times come across the notion of Sacred Play...Like Kiama said, about laughter and mirth, these are sacred acts, there is nothing so powerful as losing oneself in play...whether it is with kids, or on a sports team, there is a groove one can find oneself in, and nothing outside exists anymore, just you and that groove, and the perfect flow of energy that comes with it. It is much like being inside one's magical circle, it is like everything is just right. That is how I see the tarot, as a tool for sacred play.


raeanne said:
Hi all - There was a “Twilight Zone” story about a woman who becomes so dependent on a psychic that she becomes totally helpless when the psychic is killed. I don’t think that type of dependency is very healthy.

Did the psychic know they were going to die? LOL!!!!!!


I can see the point Rogan was trying to make. Having said that, I am one of the people who does a daily draw - usually with whatever deck I am currently breaking in. I use a three card "challenge-advice-outcome" spread.

One reason is to familiarize myself with the deck, and the other is because I simply love those little moments when I see the reading play out into my day. It may be in a very simple way - it may totally surprise me. I might have thought the reading was speaking of my work day, and then my "challenge" comes in trying to avoid being backed over with a car driven by a myopic wannabe gang banger with bass thumping all the way across the grocery parking lot where I stopped off to get cat food on the way home from work.

I love the messages I find in the tarot and I find a way to connect with it everyday. Do I obsess over inane details of life and take them to the cards? No. I've never obsessed over inanity in any form - I'm too old and life's too short for that.

But I still love the cards.


Does anyone else think using the cards so frivilously might just as well mean your practice and opinion on the cards is just that - Frivilous?

LOL I had to look up Frivolous in the dictionary. Yep I’m a limited vocab teen :D.

1. Unworthy of serious attention; trivial

Hmmmm sorry people for lack of using a better example but let’s compare it to people's opinions on sex and compare the extremes.

1. Those that do it to often and think nothing of it and all the problems that come with that like unwanted births, STD's plus it no longer becomes making love.
2. Those that make it holy, social sexual repression leading to problems such as rape like in the churches.

Now tarot and divination is also a taboo subject in most societies just as sex is but obviously there different so the consequence of taking extreme views on the subject of how you "practice" tarot are different. But they are alike as in there are extreme consequence for taking the extreme view.

Yes people can get addicted and I do tell people "you don't need a reading on that so don't ask." but I will sit down with a group of friends and play and do silly readings for them as well. For people who I suspect have crossed the line of advice from the cards, don't need a reading and are only addicted, I will draw 3 cards for. If there all minors I will say sorry the cards have no message for you.

But I do believe tarot can very easily be a daily thing as an advice tool. The problem of making it sacred and use it for all important matters only your taking tarot too seriously. It then becomes an all important message from god and you must live your life by that reading. If you can't balance and be able to do the small daily readings without making your life/normal design making/soul frivolous, you certainly can't do the harder more important readings without making your life/decision making/soul frivolous because you’re taking life to seriously.



Let the records show that I have absolutely no idea how you can link/compare sexual practices to that of Tarot practices...

Nor do I agree with the 2 extremes (those that are frivolous with sex, and those that treat it as a "holy" act) and their possible results.

Im afraid we're getting a little off the topic.
Either that, or Im completely lost.

Im the last person in the world to take life seriously - Ask any of my friends... Just because I don't ask my cards about the "little things in life" doesn't mean that Im not light-hearted or normal - Nor does it mean Im deeply intense or emotional...

I understand how people can enjoy asking about the little things in life - About which Pizza to order, or about what dress to buy...

In essence, I guess I really don't know where Im going with this thread - It was just an interesting thought that cropped up in my head - Different horses for different courses, huh? We're a very mixed and opinionated bunch, that's for sure... :)


i don't agree that you can trivialize tarot for everyday things like should i order pizza or not... yes, if you ask, will my bad habit of eating too much junk food daily affect my health, then, yes, it would not be considered trivialising tarot.


talking about trivial questions, i once had a client who, in the middle of her tarot reading, asked me if i could do a tarot spread to answer her question... she had forgotten to put out the cat food for the cat and wanted the tarot to answer her, if her cat would be alright till the night, when she went back to her house...
come on!