How do you work out Personality, Soul and Year Cards?


Personality and Soul card is Emperor

Shadow card is Death

Year card is Lovers

... and this year I found a true love but also lost a true love ...


Personality and Soul Card = Hermit (how boring!)

Hidden Factor Card = Moon (argh)

Yearly Card - Lovers (that one makes alot of sense for this year)

THanks for the website link, it's fantastic :)


Still I didn't get the shadow card thing. "The number by which the soul card gets reduced." That doesn't tell me a thing. I am quite blocked with maths and don't get the principle. Would somebody please care to tell a dummy how it works? It would be highly appreciated if somebody would help!!!

- scrap that, I found a website:

Okay, the explanation is not easier than here, but there is at least a table. So I am 21 The World for personality card, 3 The Empress for soul card and 12 The Hanged Man for the hidden factor or shadow card. Makes totally sense since I am pisces asc. pisces and my cards sum up nicely with the pisces characteristics.



Persephone37 said:
...So I am 21 The World for personality card, 3 The Empress for soul card and 12 The Hanged Man for the hidden factor or shadow card. Makes totally sense since I am pisces asc. pisces and my cards sum up nicely with the pisces characteristics.


Hey, same here! The world for personality, the empress for soul, hanged man for HF and Im a pisces (Mar. 2, 1987) Having trouble figuring out how it all could possibly relate to me. Ah well, back to pondering.


LilySleeper said:
Hey, same here! The world for personality, the empress for soul, hanged man for HF and Im a pisces (Mar. 2, 1987) Having trouble figuring out how it all could possibly relate to me. Ah well, back to pondering.

Hey LilySleeper, I am born Mar. 2nd, too, just 18 years older than you. This is frikken interesting, since in Astrology 18 years difference indicate that we are both on a turning point of life right now (it started for me 2 years ago and will settle probably down during the next year). :)

About the meanings - well, I related the world to the pisces attitude to merge completely with his/her partner in a relationship, the longing for wholeness, beeing a Unit. The Empress in me is more the psychological aspect of Demeter, the not beeing able to let go of a person I love (in the Delphic Tarot the Empress is Demeter and besides a lot more she is the grieving Godess of Nature who installed the Winter as a sign for her loss of her daughter to Hades. In the greek mythology Persephone lived during the year with her mom Demeter but had to return to Hades for 9 month every year again). Well, this attitude is true for me, I am very much clinging to friends and partners and not able to let them go easily. These two aspects allone would suffocate everybody around me, so I interpret the Hanged Man in the suffering attitude of Pisces. We are supposed to feel with everybody and that literally. ggg Also, if I see my other aspects, I think the Hanged Man is necessary for me since if I am so clinging to somebody, I would suffocate him. The ability to give freely what the other needs, even I know it hurts me, is probably the only way for anybody to endure me. ;)

But thats my interpretation and of course just a limitation of my character to the very basics. Still cool, though! ggg


Well... everything you said DEFINATELY makes sense for my life too. And the bit about being in a turning point of life is terrifyingly acurate. Some days its good and other days I feel like my world has crashed down around me within the last year. Ill definately have to look into the guidance from the Hanged man. Thanks so much for the great response!


Good luck for you and don't worry, this transformation times are around 2 1/2 years, after that everything will get to a stable thing for the next 7 years at least. Just hold on, we are almost through it. ;)



I am The Tower as personality (which makes sense in many ways) and Chariot as soul card

Hidden factor (though I still dont understand how that is figured out) is Tower

Year card is strength which kind of makes sense I guess for 2006 for me

This is interesting because you can look back to all your years and see if the year card described the major issues of that year


I dont get the hidden factor card either. Im personality 3 soul 3 so why is my card a 21 not a twelve? if the hidden factor is like a missing link between the personality and soul cards, should i even have one, given mine are the same? Argh, How does it make sense?!

Astraea Aurora

Hi rebecca-smiles,

if you are a 3 with both personality and soul then your hidden factor cards are actually both 12 AND 21.

Mary Greer states in her book "Tarot for your self": "Your hidden factor card indicates aspects of yourself that you fear, reject or don't see and thus it can also be called the shadow card. The shadow refers to unknown or little-recognized parts of the personality."

So I don't see it as a missing link between personality and soul card but as a further description of yourself. Say, if you have personality 11 and soul 2 it just describes that there is a gap between your inner self and your outer self and you might have to work on that. If your personality and soul are the same (as it is with you) you don't have to work on that gap since it doesn't exist. But instead you should focus on your soul's purpose, in your case indicated by 3, Empress.

I'm both a four with personality and soul - so I see that my outward appearance and interacting with my surrounding (personality card) matches my inner self and thoughts (soul card) - and it's all about rule, discipline etc. And with my hidden factor cards 13 and 22 (aka Fool) I know that a lot in my life turns around being more foolish and impulsive and around letting go very many things.

Hope this is of help for you, blessings, Astraea Aurora