How do you work out Personality, Soul and Year Cards?

Little Hare

My Personality and Soul cards are both: Strength :D
That makes alot of sense.

My hidden factor card is the star :D :heart:

My card for this year is... 22 so the world!


Found this old thread and thought I'd kick it off for the new year :)

My Personality and Soul cards are both The Heirophant...... not sure how I feel about this? I wonder if it's why I struggle with understanding this dude??? :laugh:

My Year card for this year is The Sun, this makes me very happy. Things can only get better considering the bad start that I have experienced to this year so far......


My personality and soul cards are both The High Priestess. True and fitting for my life, too. This year is VIII, so Strength or Adjustment, depending on whether I'm going with RWS system or Thoth. I use both systems, so it's hard for me to pick one.

My hidden factor cards annoy me, because they change via system as well: XI and XX, so Justice or Lust and Judgment or Aeon.


My Personality Card is 11 -- Justice (in my deck) :TJUST

My Soul Card is 2 -- High Priestess :THP

My Shadow card is 10 -- The Wheel of Fortune :TWHEE

My Year Card is 10 -- The Wheel :TWHEE

Two Wheels...oh boy...:bugeyed: Guess I need to learn to roll with the punches! :laugh:


How Interesting!

My Personality Card is #5-Hierophant

My Soul Card is #5- Hierophant

My Shadow card is #14- Temperance

My Year card is #7- The Chariot


oh yes! something i know hehe...

My personality and soul cards are the emperor... now my past actions and personality reflect the emperor's qualities very much although in the past year i feel iam actually more of the reversed qualties of this card ahhhh

My shadow cards are the fool and death... i am defently v stupid at times but also very free spirited and i feel i do tend to drag out events which cause me a lot of pain and suffering like the death card represents!

I like the fact that our shadow cards will one day become our attributes... we will see! lol

My year card is the chariot i believe... thats off the top of my head so i may be wrong!

Please corrct me if any of the above information is incorrect as i would like to know that i added it up all correctly! x


Wow, nothing like being REALLY pulled in different directions (giggles)
My personality and soul cards are both 7, and teacher card is 16 and are ALL the Chariot. Guess I have some struggling and "reining in" to do.

Ocean Bliss

I got the High Priestess and The Chariot in my calculation. I wonder if I am right considering maths is definately not my strong point.

I wonder what it would be if you use the Major Arcana from the Merlin Tarot.


let me see if I get this right:

You can have more than One hidden card ?

and there is NO math formula that you can use yourself to find out the hidden card (you must use mary greers table) ?