I Found A Breast Lump. What Is It and What Does This Mean??

Pique Dame

A couple weeks ago, I found a small lump in the upper right corner of my right breast, just below my armpit. I thought maybe it was a swollen lymph node or something so I waited a week or so to see if it went away on its own but it didn't, so I went to see my Dr. (I was just there for my annual exam on March 29 and she hadn't noted anything during the breast exam so I'm not sure how long this thing has been hiding in there.) She gave me an order for an ultrasound, which I had done yesterday. The radiologist also insisted on doing a mammogram, which showed calcifications near the lump. They said they weren't sure what the lump is but there are things about it that "concern" them, so they're sending me for an ultrasound-guided biopsy of the lump and stereotactic-guided biopsy of the calcifications on Monday. I wasn't terribly concerned about it at first but I kind of am now. They kept stressing to me the importance of getting the biopsies done "sooner rather than later" so it's all very unsettling. I pulled a few cards this morning and the reading was even more unsettling, but please tell me what you think. I used RWS with reversals.

WHAT is the lump? 7 of Pents - This card suggests it's something slow-growing and has probably been there a while without my noticing.
Is it benign or cancerous? 3 of Swords - Yikes. This is not what I wanted to see here. 3 of Swords suggests heartbreaking news, possibly something physically and emotionally painful. At best, it could just represent my upcoming biopsy but given the question, I'm not inclined to think it's benign.
What will the results of the biopsy be? Ace of Wands Rx - I see a thumbs down here. Probably not good news.
What further treatment will be required? Hierophant - A specialist. Maybe an oncologist?? Best case scenario, I'll just need to follow up with my regular doctor.

I pulled 3 other cards but they weren't as relevant to the spread as they were merely my SO's feelings on the matter (his reaction when I told him seemed to be fairly indifferent so it makes me wonder if he even gives a sh** that this is happening to me).

All the cards in the spread equaled a quint of 19, so the Sun seems to suggest a happy ending, but the cards themselves are not as happy. The shadow was Judgement, so this could be something huge. Possibly life-changing. Maybe all will be well in the end, but the spread in its entirety has me worried. The quint of the 4 cards listed above is Temperance, so possibly this could mean treatment with some type of drugs (i.e. chemotherapy). I hope I'm just over-thinking it, though. Anyone else have any different takes?


A couple weeks ago, I found a small lump in the upper right corner of my right breast, just below my armpit. I thought maybe it was a swollen lymph node or something so I waited a week or so to see if it went away on its own but it didn't, so I went to see my Dr. (I was just there for my annual exam on March 29 and she hadn't noted anything during the breast exam so I'm not sure how long this thing has been hiding in there.) She gave me an order for an ultrasound, which I had done yesterday. The radiologist also insisted on doing a mammogram, which showed calcifications near the lump. They said they weren't sure what the lump is but there are things about it that "concern" them, so they're sending me for an ultrasound-guided biopsy of the lump and stereotactic-guided biopsy of the calcifications on Monday. I wasn't terribly concerned about it at first but I kind of am now. They kept stressing to me the importance of getting the biopsies done "sooner rather than later" so it's all very unsettling. I pulled a few cards this morning and the reading was even more unsettling, but please tell me what you think. I used RWS with reversals.

WHAT is the lump? 7 of Pents - This card suggests it's something slow-growing and has probably been there a while without my noticing.
Is it benign or cancerous? 3 of Swords - Yikes. This is not what I wanted to see here. 3 of Swords suggests heartbreaking news, possibly something physically and emotionally painful. At best, it could just represent my upcoming biopsy but given the question, I'm not inclined to think it's benign.
What will the results of the biopsy be? Ace of Wands Rx - I see a thumbs down here. Probably not good news.
What further treatment will be required? Hierophant - A specialist. Maybe an oncologist?? Best case scenario, I'll just need to follow up with my regular doctor.

I pulled 3 other cards but they weren't as relevant to the spread as they were merely my SO's feelings on the matter (his reaction when I told him seemed to be fairly indifferent so it makes me wonder if he even gives a sh** that this is happening to me).

All the cards in the spread equaled a quint of 19, so the Sun seems to suggest a happy ending, but the cards themselves are not as happy. The shadow was Judgement, so this could be something huge. Possibly life-changing. Maybe all will be well in the end, but the spread in its entirety has me worried. The quint of the 4 cards listed above is Temperance, so possibly this could mean treatment with some type of drugs (i.e. chemotherapy). I hope I'm just over-thinking it, though. Anyone else have any different takes?

Well bless you, I do hope it all works out for you. It's probably not a good idea to read for yourself when you are worried or upset because your subconscious tends to see the worst aspects of the cards. How old are you? The younger you are the less likely the lump is anything malignant but do follow through with the biopsy.

So your first 4 cards:

7 of Pents-Don't give up or think the worst but do what the doctors tell you to do
3 of swords--Look at the imagery of this card in the RW tarot deck. It literally represents lancing a boil. I think you're right that this indicates the biopsy.
Ace of Wands reversed- This indicates the worry and anxiety you feel as you wait on your results.
Heirophant- I see this as a card that represents "wholeness". I don't think it necessarily indicates chemotherapy. It might indicate that you may become more health conscious or more spiritual as a result of this cancer scare. Neither of these are bad things and sometimes people respond that way to health issues if they've never had any major problems with their health in the past.

I think the other cards you drew just confuse the situation. What I gather from those other cards is to take a "wait and see" attitude.Check out the Susan G. Komen web site on statistics by age for breast cancer. I think it might make you feel better. Please keep us posted on your results, I'm sending positive thoughts your way!

Pique Dame

Thank you for responding, Jodie. To answer your question, I turned 38 last month so I'm not even at the age where most women start having annual mammograms, but I have a family history of cancer which puts me in the high risk category. I'm really not feeling all that emotional, per se. Just concerned and tired of wondering what it could be and ready to find out what it is.

7 of Pents-Don't give up or think the worst but do what the doctors tell you to do
I did wonder briefly if it was telling me to "wait and see" but the imagery of the disks inside the bush really make me think of slow-growing cysts inside breast tissue. An earlier reading I did right after I found the lump showed Empress Rx as the cause of the lump, suggesting something possibly to do with hormones, or maybe my boobs just hate me.
3 of swords--Look at the imagery of this card in the RW tarot deck. It literally represents lancing a boil. I think you're right that this indicates the biopsy.
I'm hoping that's all it's saying, although I asked specifically if it was cancer so in the context of the question I asked, that would seem to fit better as an answer. Unless you put it with the 7 of Pents and it's saying "Wait and see after the biopsy."
Ace of Wands reversed- This indicates the worry and anxiety you feel as you wait on your results.
I typically get cards like 9 of Swords for worry and anxiety. This card has usually represented good news when upright ("thumbs up!") so reversal is decidedly negative. It *might* actually be saying "Negative" as in the results will be negative for malignancy.
Heirophant- I see this as a card that represents "wholeness". I don't think it necessarily indicates chemotherapy. It might indicate that you may become more health conscious or more spiritual as a result of this cancer scare. Neither of these are bad things and sometimes people respond that way to health issues if they've never had any major problems with their health in the past.
For me, Hierophant represents a person of higher learning, like someone with an M.D. I'm already very health conscious and intend to continue to be. I pulled this same card when I did my New Year's spread as my physical health and well-being this year. At the time, I thought it meant maintaining the status quo with my current diet and workout regimen but now I think it meant consulting with a specialist.

I think the other cards you drew just confuse the situation. What I gather from those other cards is to take a "wait and see" attitude.Check out the Susan G. Komen web site on statistics by age for breast cancer. I think it might make you feel better. Please keep us posted on your results, I'm sending positive thoughts your way!
The other cards were just me asking if my SO even cares because it didn't seem like he did, but they suggested that he does care but isn't thinking too hard about it right now. I'm about 90% sure it's not cancer because I used to work for an OB/GYN and we saw women with abnormal mammos all the time and usually it turned out to be nothing. But with my family history, it's definitely cause for concern. You always think it won't happen to you, but that doesn't mean it won't. :(


Sorry to hear about what your going through Piquedame, when i've finished replying to you i'll send some healing vibes your way....just try and remain positive as hard as this maybe at present. :heart:

As this is quite a serious Q, im going to relate these cards to astrology too...

7 pents i do in a way agree with your interpretation of this. Also this card is related to saturn in taurus. Saturn will be the growth and Taurus will be thats its been around for sometime, also Taurus is a fixed sign, which would mean its determination to stay buried where it WAS....yes where it WAS lol.

Going more indepth here.....

The 3 swords is ill dignified here by the 7 pents being the opposite elements of air and earth. As the 3 swords is related to saturn in libra, then here we have saturn again.
This means that the two energies of saturn and venus are in conflict with eachother....they dont like eachother.

As its related to your breast i would have thought a moon card/cups card would have come out, but it hasn't.....so this says its not necessarily an issue relating to your breast, even though the lump is in your breast, it's to do with something else, that's the underlying issue to whats caused the lump to form.

With the 1st two cards we have taurus and libra which are both ruled by venus. Venus is a planet that is connected to the thyroid so an underactive thyroid gland or blood sugar even could be the cause. And as Taurus is an overindulgent sign....could there be an overindulgence of something you are putting into your body ?

Venus is also connected to other things, but going on what you've explained none of the other ones make sense, wel apart from the sweetness from venus, so sweet things.

The last card we have the ace wands rx, im seeing this in a positive light as the growth being stopped...the wands (growth) is rx, it can't grow anymore once you get treated for it.

Hope this helps you in someway.

You'll be fine :) I'll send my healing blessings over to you :heart:

Oh no i missed hierophant on the end....but once again Venus related. A total over excess of venus in these cards, i real am thinking this is an overindulgence of some kind, most likely sugar related as there's a lot of hidden sugar in a lot of foods too.

Btw i've not read the cards Q by Q i've just read them as a whole, to enable me to flow the energy's from them together.

Also as you have a lot of venus here, this is cold and wet. Saturn is also cold (and dry), so this is an excess of cold in the cards. Are you diabetic ? As with this excess cold nature and also venus being very prominent in the cards, then im sure this is sugar related. If your not at present diabetic, maybe you are consuming too much sugar.

Theres also the water element missing in these cards, are you consuming enough water daily ?

For this to be a growth that continues growing, then there would need to be some jupiter energy here from the wheel of fortune or jupiter related cards, but there is none of that....so i am sticking with the ace wands rx being the stunted growth. Hmmm now though im thinking it could be a lack of energy on your part, like do you feel tired and lethargic at times, this could be linked.

And basically when things happen like this to our bodies, its just our bodies way of telling us that something is wrong with the energy in our bodies...somethings off and needs balancing back out again. Like too much excess or not enough etc.

So im thinking sugar related or thyroid related.

Ruby Jewel

A couple weeks ago, I found a small lump in the upper right corner of my right breast, just below my armpit. I thought maybe it was a swollen lymph node or something so I waited a week or so to see if it went away on its own but it didn't, so I went to see my Dr. (I was just there for my annual exam on March 29 and she hadn't noted anything during the breast exam so I'm not sure how long this thing has been hiding in there.) She gave me an order for an ultrasound, which I had done yesterday. The radiologist also insisted on doing a mammogram, which showed calcifications near the lump. They said they weren't sure what the lump is but there are things about it that "concern" them, so they're sending me for an ultrasound-guided biopsy of the lump and stereotactic-guided biopsy of the calcifications on Monday. I wasn't terribly concerned about it at first but I kind of am now. They kept stressing to me the importance of getting the biopsies done "sooner rather than later" so it's all very unsettling. I pulled a few cards this morning and the reading was even more unsettling, but please tell me what you think. I used RWS with reversals.

WHAT is the lump? 7 of Pents - This card suggests it's something slow-growing and has probably been there a while without my noticing.
Is it benign or cancerous? 3 of Swords - Yikes. This is not what I wanted to see here. 3 of Swords suggests heartbreaking news, possibly something physically and emotionally painful. At best, it could just represent my upcoming biopsy but given the question, I'm not inclined to think it's benign.
What will the results of the biopsy be? Ace of Wands Rx - I see a thumbs down here. Probably not good news.
What further treatment will be required? Hierophant - A specialist. Maybe an oncologist?? Best case scenario, I'll just need to follow up with my regular doctor.

I pulled 3 other cards but they weren't as relevant to the spread as they were merely my SO's feelings on the matter (his reaction when I told him seemed to be fairly indifferent so it makes me wonder if he even gives a sh** that this is happening to me).

All the cards in the spread equaled a quint of 19, so the Sun seems to suggest a happy ending, but the cards themselves are not as happy. The shadow was Judgement, so this could be something huge. Possibly life-changing. Maybe all will be well in the end, but the spread in its entirety has me worried. The quint of the 4 cards listed above is Temperance, so possibly this could mean treatment with some type of drugs (i.e. chemotherapy). I hope I'm just over-thinking it, though. Anyone else have any different takes?

7 of Pents...that is you looking down the road with trepidation, and giving free reign to your imagination.
3 of Swords....perhaps an operation, but also may have been just the biopsy. You will see.
Ace of Wands....a positive outcome (stop turning the card upsidedown).
Hierophant.....a lesson about life and how precious it is.

Pique Dame

Sorry to hear about what your going through Piquedame, when i've finished replying to you i'll send some healing vibes your way....just try and remain positive as hard as this maybe at present. :heart:

As this is quite a serious Q, im going to relate these cards to astrology too...
Thanks for the healing vibes, Sharla. The astrology adds a lot more depth to the overall reading. Very interesting stuff.

7 pents i do in a way agree with your interpretation of this. Also this card is related to saturn in taurus. Saturn will be the growth and Taurus will be thats its been around for sometime, also Taurus is a fixed sign, which would mean its determination to stay buried where it WAS....yes where it WAS lol.
The lump had to have been there a while because, while it's not huge, it's too big to be something that just popped up overnight. It's not easy to palpate unless I'm sitting up or lying on my side so it could easily be missed during a route exam at the doctor since they usually do those while you're lying on your back. I'm not even sure how I found it!

The 3 swords is ill dignified here by the 7 pents being the opposite elements of air and earth. As the 3 swords is related to saturn in libra, then here we have saturn again.
This means that the two energies of saturn and venus are in conflict with eachother....they dont like eachother.
Not sure if this indicates venus (aka the feminine, female energy) is trying to fight it off? Maybe my body is trying to heal or contain it?

As its related to your breast i would have thought a moon card/cups card would have come out, but it hasn't.....so this says its not necessarily an issue relating to your breast, even though the lump is in your breast, it's to do with something else, that's the underlying issue to whats caused the lump to form.
I drew Empress Rx in an earlier reading as the cause of the lump, which is another venus card, and also to do with feminine hormones. My hormones have always been wonky so I figured it was an imbalance or overabundance of one hormone.

With the 1st two cards we have taurus and libra which are both ruled by venus. Venus is a planet that is connected to the thyroid so an underactive thyroid gland or blood sugar even could be the cause. And as Taurus is an overindulgent sign....could there be an overindulgence of something you are putting into your body ?
I've actually had my thyroid tested a few times and it's always been normal. My blood sugar is normal, too (I had that tested at my annual exam last month) but it was high when I was growing up.

Venus is also connected to other things, but going on what you've explained none of the other ones make sense, wel apart from the sweetness from venus, so sweet things.
White wine? I put a lot of that in my body. :)

The last card we have the ace wands rx, im seeing this in a positive light as the growth being stopped...the wands (growth) is rx, it can't grow anymore once you get treated for it.
I can totally see this being stunted or stopped growth. That's a good way to look at it.

Oh no i missed hierophant on the end....but once again Venus related. A total over excess of venus in these cards, i real am thinking this is an overindulgence of some kind, most likely sugar related as there's a lot of hidden sugar in a lot of foods too.
Aside from wine, I've cut way down on my sugar intake over the past year plus change. I don't buy snacks or junk food ever and my diet is mostly chicken, veggies, and whole grains. I underwent a total lifestyle change in March 2016 and cut out a lot of sugary or starchy foods and started going to the gym 3 times a week, walking more and being more active. I've lost just under 30 lbs and feel better and more energetic than ever before.

Also as you have a lot of venus here, this is cold and wet. Saturn is also cold (and dry), so this is an excess of cold in the cards. Are you diabetic ? As with this excess cold nature and also venus being very prominent in the cards, then im sure this is sugar related. If your not at present diabetic, maybe you are consuming too much sugar.
I have poor blood circulation so I'm always cold (even more so now that I've lost so much weight) and while I was diagnosed as a juvenile diabetic when I was 10, I no longer have any sort of blood sugar issues. My last glucose tolerance test I passed with flying colors, I don't take insulin or anything. I know there's no known cure for diabetes but I prayed hard for healing and I believe I was healed because that diagnosis plays no part in my life today. And as stated above, I try to avoid as much sugar as possible with the exception of the vino.

Theres also the water element missing in these cards, are you consuming enough water daily ?
Nope, I drink 6-8 glasses a day. My friends actually make fun of me because I always carry bottled water around with me. Hydration has been extremely important to me ever since I started singing opera. My bottled water is like my security blanket. :)

For this to be a growth that continues growing, then there would need to be some jupiter energy here from the wheel of fortune or jupiter related cards, but there is none of that....so i am sticking with the ace wands rx being the stunted growth. Hmmm now though im thinking it could be a lack of energy on your part, like do you feel tired and lethargic at times, this could be linked.
Nope, my energy level is fine. About a month ago, I felt a dip in it for a week or so, then I started spotting (I'm on birth control that prevents me from having regular cycles) so I figured it was my estrogen level spiking. Everything went back to normal and I feel fine now.

And basically when things happen like this to our bodies, its just our bodies way of telling us that something is wrong with the energy in our bodies...somethings off and needs balancing back out again. Like too much excess or not enough etc.
Well my birth control is the Nexplanon implant which is progesterone only (no estrogen, my blood pressure was too high on the pill, so I had to switch to estrogen-free birth control) so there could be the hormone balance that's throwing things off. But I have no intention of going off birth control anytime soon.

So im thinking sugar related or thyroid related.
Both those have tested fine so I'm not sure if that's it but we'll see. Thank you so much for your insights!

7 of Pents...that is you looking down the road with trepidation, and giving free reign to your imagination.
I'm not sure this is it. I'm anxious to get this procedure done so I can find out what it is. Plus the question was about the makeup of the lump itself, so I don't feel like the cards would give an answer that's unrelated to the question.
3 of Swords....perhaps an operation, but also may have been just the biopsy. You will see.
Seems to be indicative of my upcoming biopsy, I guess. But it doesn't portend happy news.
Ace of Wands....a positive outcome (stop turning the card upsidedown).
I read with reversals so when this card comes up reversed, the upright energy is somehow blocked or lessened. I think Sharla was right about stunted growth.
Hierophant.....a lesson about life and how precious it is.
Believe me, I've had plenty of those already. My dad just went through 8 weeks of radiation for prostate cancer and a lot of people I know have passed away this year. Since I read the Hierophant as a person of higher learning, I'm inclined to see it as a medical professional here. But whether it's just my primary care physician or a specialist, I don't know.

Ruby Jewel

When I read the cards, I look only at the energy surrounding the issue...no question, no predictions, no reversals, no positions and no guesswork. My answers just reflect the way I see the general meanings of the tarot cards. I see the Hierophant as the healer...which seem like a positive outcome for you. I wish you the best of luck in the autopsy....

Pique Dame

Hey, everyone. Well, the 3 of S turned out to be accurate. The biopsies came back positive for cancer. I meet with a surgeon on Wed to discuss the treatment plan. The good news is it's low grade, early stage, and highly treatable. Thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

ETA: I pulled a card for whether or not I'll be ok and got 5 of Swords. This has always been a victory card for me, so I think it's telling me I'm going to beat this.


Oh Pique Dame - I am sending love and reiki if that's ok? Xxx


I'm thinking of you, Pique Dame.