
Briar Rose said:
Oh Lyn, all the avatars are so lovely. That takes so much time. It is so kind of you, and especially to give them away freely, and have people use them whatever and where ever they want. How kind of you dear sister. You are an angel.
:heart:Thank you for being so sweet and wonderful!:thumbsup::heart:

You know, of course, I am here, if you ever, ever need an avatar!
BUT your's looks really great and I love it!

Thanks again, dear heart :heart:
Biggest Hug!


Hmm... My nickaname is basically a short version of my full name. LOL =D

Volt Vixen

I have to say...My username...? Is because I like lightning, and my element is air...And A lot of close friends attribute my characteristics and looks to a fox. So I just kinda...Put it together one day ;]


I loove loove my avatar--it has my three favorite symbols in it! Thank you very much, tarotlyn!

I can't use it here (yet) but I've got it saved just in case. :D

Wisp Wings

My user name is Wisp Wings. It has nothing directed related to Tarot. There were several reasons I took this name. I am an Aquarian and Aquarius' element is Air. I have a love for fairies, faeries and all things fae, so yes I guess I'm "airy-fairy". My spirit animal is dragonflies. From the tender age of four or five, the first dragonfly I have memory of, I was drawn to it, loving this winged creature. I felt as this even against my Mother's words of warning. She didn't want me to have anything to do with them. She felt seeing a dragonfly was a warning of snakes being near by. Anyhow both dragonflies and hummingbirds are important and personal to me. They generally find me, but then I am on the lookout for them. :) I like butterflies too, but not as I do dragonflies.

At the same time I decided on this name the song by Norman Greenbaum, "Spirit in the Sky" was playing in my head. I took that to be it was a spiritual name, meant to be and having a connection to the life after death, those being in spirit.

I've since now use another wing name online "Enchanted_Wings". It kinda fits along with Wisp Wings, but I made it for some sites where I just didn't wanted to use Wisp Wings, plus it has it's own meaning too. We have Papillon dogs. They're know for their big ears and marking that resemble a butterfly. I added a picture of Mimi, one of our Papillons.


  • Mimi.JPG
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Lunar Siren

Lunar Siren is an anagram of my first and last names. I am very much effected by the moon, and consider myself to be especially sensitive to her phases and fluctuations. My Norwegian grandmother taught me to touch my forehead, heart, and kiss my finger 3 times before waving my hand up to the moon. I do this daily in honor. I am a lunar siren, and though my "dedications" in previous paths have been to warrior gods/goddesses and/or gods of wisdom, the moon will always rule my soul. I shorten lunar siren to Lusi (Lucy) in honor of my late mom. I'm a bit of a clown IRL, and she used to call me Lucille Ball, especially when I went through my red hair phase... Too much info? Sorry. That's me and I can't help it. LOL!


I'm just Ange...:)

Very unimaginative, but just me....:)

What avatar would you do for an Angela? An Angel perhaps?

Ang x


I'm not quite sure why I chose the name Rosyelf. I always loved pictures of elves in story books when I was a child. Gnomes were okay, fairies too (if they weren't too twee), pixies were fine, but elves were the best !

I am actually thinking of changing my Forum name, though. But to what ???


I'm surprised I haven't posted here yet o-o I love phoenixes. Most of my forum usernames involve phoenixes or similar mythical birds (feng huangs and ibong adarnas are amongst my favorites!) But I didn't want to use a name I had already done before, so I thought, "What would sound at least a little elegant but still involve phoenixes?" I arrived at "WingspreadPhoenix" not too long after xD I like it though. But I don't see what it has to do with tarot xD

Wisp Wings

rosyelf said:
I'm not quite sure why I chose the name Rosyelf. I always loved pictures of elves in story books when I was a child. Gnomes were okay, fairies too (if they weren't too twee), pixies were fine, but elves were the best !

I am actually thinking of changing my Forum name, though. But to what ???

Ohhhhhh I really hope you don't. I love your name. One can only imagine why, lol. If you really want to or feel you need to make a change then I'll understand. I just think you have a wonder name.